Altair HyperMesh

New Features

Control Parameters for Both Nonlinear Static and Nonlinear Transient Analysis
NLCTRL bulk and subcase selection cards to define control parameters for Nonlinear static and Nonlinear transient analysis.


  • Mohr-Coulomb and Linear Drucker Prager option as continuation line in MATS1 material.
  • Enhanced PSOLID bulk card with continuation line for Explicit analysis.
  • CNTNLSUB option support in OptiStruct Explicit subcase.
  • PSURF enhanced to define EDGECRIT.
  • You can now remove comments of entities in the input deck which are not present in the model during export.
  • Include file export option now allows OptiStruct solver export options similar to main export.
  • PARAM,MATFREQ,OFF now ignores frequency from Frequency-dependent material.
  • Alternate method to improve performance for Modal FRF with frequency-dependent materials (AMSFRMAT) has been added.
  • Free Shape Optimization options for method=VERTEXM are now consistent with OptiStruct documentation.

Resolved Issues

  • Performance improvements have been made with Contour Load tool.
  • Long format entities are cut instead of inserting id's when exported in standard format.
  • Model Checker performances issue with "Unused sets" check have been resolved.
  • CAABSF elements lost property upon import through include.
  • Segmentation error while importing .fem file with special characters in component names has been resolved.
  • DRESP1_FREQ (FRF based) missing loadcases selection has been resolved.
  • Incorrect export of output cards has been resolved.
  • FLOWPRES response type in DRESP1 card no longer is missing loadstep selection.
  • Pseudo flag is not written while applying Pseudo damage option in FATPARM card.