Design Space


New Exclude Selection Within Exoskeleton
New exclude selection has been added within Exoskeleton. When selected, it will prevent any exoskeleton 1D elements from passing through the selected parts or subsystems.
Delete Unused Elements
Delete unused elements has been added to Autobox.

Figure 1.
Create New Include Added as an Option for Global, Local, Adhesive, and Exoskeleton
Create new include has been added as an option for global, local, adhesive, and exoskeleton. If active, this will organize all entities created via design space to be organized into the include (DTPL, PSOLID, Design Space Part/Component, Contact, and so on).

Figure 2.
New Selectable Inputs Added for Workflows
Added parts, morph volumes, and polycages as selectable inputs for design space workflows.

Figure 3.