
Each warning consists of the Error Code, Error Message and Description. A typical warning message might look like:
WXX## Value #1 for option §1 at keyword §2 at order #2, §1 may clash with #2 
This means strings §1 and §2 may be incorrect and numbers #1 and #2 may be incompatible. Changing §1 and #2 may alleviate this issue. The simulation may or may not succeed.
Important: This glossary is only valid for nanoFluidX 2024.1. The codes and messages may not match other versions.

Warning Code

When a warning occurs, nanoFluidX will issue a corresponding code for that warning. A warning code starts with letter W followed by a two-letter category identifier. For example, IO for input/output. The last element of the warning code is a number representing the order within the category. For example, WIO 338.

Tip: Use this code to find the description in the glossary. Avoid searching for the error message issued by the solver as these messages have runtime generated parts which are not reflected in the glossary.
Note: The severity of an issue and its error/warning code have no relationship.

Warning Message

This is the message issued by nanoFluidX in case of a warning. The runtime elements are replaced with numbered symbols.
  • §: This symbol represents a string such as a phase name or file path. These symbols are followed by a number according to their order in the message. A recurring § symbol will keep the same number.
  • #: This symbol represents a number such as a phase ID or motion ID. These symbols are followed by a number according to their order in the message. A recurring # symbol will keep the same number.

Warning Description

This is an interpretation of the solver message. It may involve further explanation on why a certain situation occurs, the reason why the message has been issued, or the steps to take to alleviate the problem. It is meant as a first point of reference when a question on a certain message arises.



Resource limit in #1, #2 (#3,#4,#5) at (#6,#7,#8) in #9
This warning suggests that considerable number of particles are concentrated in a certain region of the computational domain positioned about (#6,#7,#8). While the simulation may continue, this is an indication that something is going wrong and the simulation is likely to fail. This warning does not point to a specific cause for particle concentration and one should revisit the inputs to the solver. Among different reasons for this warning are:
  • particles clumping due to compression between moving walls
  • too large of a timestep size
  • too large of a single phase surface tension coefficient
  • incorrect motion definitions
  • unusual motion combinations
  • kernel dx in cfg doesn't match the actual dx in the discretized geometry
  • discretized geometric irregularities
  • hanging or overlapping particles



Reference velocity was not explicitly defined. Computed reference velocity based on defined motion, inlet and/or imposed region velocities: S1, #1 [m/s]
The solver issues this warning when the fallback method for calculating the reference velocity "ref_vel" is used. The simulation may proceed normally.


Reference density was not explicitly defined. Maximum fluid density in the domain is: #1 [kg/m\^3]
The solver issues this warning when the fallback method for calculating the reference density "ref_rho" is used. The simulation may proceed normally.


Reference length was not explicitly defined. Largest dimension of the fluid bulk in the dominant acceleration field direction is approximately: #1 [m]
The solver issues this warning when the fallback method for calculating the reference length "ref_length" is used. The simulation may proceed normally.


Reference curvature was not explicitly defined. Set to 1/(5*dx): #1 [1/m]
The solver issues this warning when the fallback method for calculating the reference curvature "ref_curv" is used. The simulation may proceed normally.


Reference viscosity was not explicitly defined. Set to maximum perceived per-phase viscosity.
The solver issues this warning when the fallback method for calculating the reference viscosity "ref_visc" is used. This means the maximum viscosity based on the information provided for each phase is calculated and used in computing speed of sound and timestep size. The simulation may proceed normally.


All body frame (moving reference frame) terms are set to be ignored. Deactivating body frame.
All body frame (moving reference frame) terms are deactivated. In this case the solver falls back to simulation in inertial frame.


Bodyforce file cannot be used when body frame is active. Ignoring bodyforce file.
Bodyforce files are supported in inertial frame only. Please use \"bodyframe_statesfile\" for time dependent body frame states.


The time interval defined in the bodyforce file does not encompass the full duration of the simulation.
The time interval defined in the bodyforce file does not encompass the full duration of the simulation. This may lead to unintended behaviour throughout the simulation. It is recommended to ensure about the duration of the applied external body force.


The time interval defined in the bodyframe states file does not encompass the full duration of the simulation.
The time interval defined in the bodyframe states file does not encompass the full duration of the simulation. This may lead to unintended behaviour throughout the simulation. It is recommended to ensure about the duration of the applied external body force.


Particle bounding box was not explicitly defined. Calculating based on inputfile.
The solver issues this warning when the fallback method for calculating the bounding box of the discretized input geometry ("min_boundingbox" and "max_boundingbox") is used. The simulation may proceed normally.



The road profile extends beyond the domain boundaries in y direction.
The road profile extends beyond the domain boundaries in y direction. The parts outside of the domain will be ignored.



The time-velocity series defined in S1 for PARALLELEPIPEDVEL impose region #1 does not encompass the full duration of the simulation. Please make sure that "t_start", "t_end", "parallelepipedvel_tvs_offset" and "parallelepipedvel_tvs_latch" options are set according to your requirements.
The simulation will continue normally outside of the interval defined in time-velocity series file. The velocity value outside of the defined interval will depend on the "parallelepipedvel_tvs_latch" option. This warning may be safely ignored if this is desired behavior.


The time-velocity series defined in S1 for CYLINDERVEL impose region #1 does not encompass the full duration of the simulation. Please make sure that "t_start", "t_end", "cylindervel_tvs_offset" and "cylindervel_tvs_latch" options are set according to your requirements.
The simulation will continue normally outside of the interval defined in time-velocity series file. The velocity value outside of the defined interval will depend on the "cylindervel_tvs_latch" option. This warning may be safely ignored if this is desired behavior.


The time-acceleration series defined in S1 for PARALLELEPIPEDACC impose region #1 does not encompass the full duration of the simulation. Please make sure that "t_start", "t_end", "parallelepipedacc_tas_offset" and "parallelepipedacc_tas_latch" options are set according to your requirements.
The simulation will continue normally outside of the interval defined in time-acceleration series file. The acceleration value outside of the defined interval will depend on the "parallelepipedacc_tas_latch" option. This warning may be safely ignored if this is desired behavior.


The time-acceleration series defined in S1 for CYLINDERACC impose region #1 does not encompass the full duration of the simulation. Please make sure that "t_start", "t_end", "cylinderacc_tas_offset" and "cylinderacc_tas_latch" options are set according to your requirements.
The simulation will continue normally outside of the interval defined in time-acceleration series file. The acceleration value outside of the defined interval will depend on the "cylinderacc_tas_latch" option. This warning may be safely ignored if this is desired behavior.


The time-temperature series defined in S1 for PARALLELEPIPEDTEMP impose region #1 does not encompass the full duration of the simulation. Please make sure that "t_start", "t_end", "parallelepipedtemp_tts_offset" and "parallelepipedtemp_tts_latch" options are set according to your requirements.
The simulation will continue normally outside of the interval defined in time-temperature series file. The temperature value outside of the defined interval will depend on the "parallelepipedtemp_tts_latch" option. This warning may be safely ignored if this is desired behavior.


The time-temperature series defined in S1 for CYLINDERTEMP impose region #1 does not encompass the full duration of the simulation. Please make sure that "t_start", "t_end", "cylindertemp_tts_offset" and "cylindertemp_tts_latch" options are set according to your requirements.
The simulation will continue normally outside of the interval defined in time-temperature series file. The temperature value outside of the defined interval will depend on the "cylindertemp_tts_latch" option. This warning may be safely ignored if this is desired behavior.


The value of some porous viscous loss matrix elements of PARALLELEPIPEDPOROUS impose region #1 are negative. The simulation may behave unexpectedly.
Some viscous loss matrix elements specific in "porous_visc" are negative. The simulation may continue, however, the region will not behave as a porous medium. This warning may be safely ignored if this is the desired behavior.


The value of some porous inertial loss matrix elemnts of PARALLELEPIPEDPOROUS impose region #1 are negative. The simulation may behave unexpectedly.
Some viscous loss matrix elements specific in "porous_inert" are negative. The simulation may continue, however, the region will not behave as a porous medium. This warning may be safely ignored if this is the desired behavior.


The value of some porous viscous loss matrix elemnts of CYLINDERPOROUS impose region #1 are negative. The simulation may behave unexpectedly.
Some viscous loss matrix elements specific in "porous_visc" are negative. The simulation may continue, however, the region will not behave as a porous medium. This warning may be safely ignored if this is the desired behavior.


The value of some porous inertial loss matrix elemnts of CYLINDERPOROUS impose region #1 are negative. The simulation may behave unexpectedly.
Some viscous loss matrix elements specific in "porous_inert" are negative. The simulation may continue, however, the region will not behave as a porous medium. This warning may be safely ignored if this is the desired behavior.


Variable viscosity is requested and at least one porous region is defined. Only the inertial contribution of porous region will be effective.
A porous region was defined while temperature dependent or non-Newtonian viscosity is also requested. Currently, the viscous dissipation portion of the porous media effects are ignored when using variable viscosity and only the inertial dissipation contributions are accounted for. This warning may be safely ignored if this is the desired behavior.



Inlet region #1 does not support motion. The requested motion will be ignored.
This warning is displayed when a motion is assigned to one "INREG_CIRCULAR", "INREG_RECTANGULAR" or "INREG_CUSTOM" type inlet regions. These inlet region types do not support motion and will ignore the request to attach to a moving phase.


Particle indexing is not supported with restart/continue (recon) runs. The indices of particles generated by inlet regions may not be consistent with the clean run.
When setting the "inletregion_indexsim" option to true in a recon run, the particle indices generated will not be the same as a clean run. This means particle IDs are inconsistent, however, the simulation will run normally.


Inlet region #1 does not have an active extension (extend = false), but an extension outside of active interval is requested (extpre = true or extpst = true). Ignoring the inactive interval extensions.
When the inlet region's extension is disabled, all other extension related options are ignored. Disregard this warning if the extension is deliberately disabled. If an extension is required, please set "inletregion_extend" to true.


Inlet region #1 has an inactive extension, but an extension length is specified. Ignoring the extension.
When the inlet region's extension is disabled, all other extension related options are disregarded. Disregard this warning if the extension is deliberately disabled. If an extension is required, please set "inletregion_extend" to true.


Inlet region #1 has an active extension, but no extension length is specified. Ignoring the extension.
The solver issues this warning when the extension length for an inlet region with active extension is missing. This may be due to typographical errors in the cfg or simply missing keywords "inletregion_extlen" or "inletregion_extlenodx". Since a zero length extension is effectively inactive and to save computational resources, the solver turns off the extension. Please provide an extension length if the inlet region requires an extension.


Disregarding tangent vector for inlet region #1 without arbitrary orientation.
The tangent vector is not used if the inlet region is not of the arbitrary orientation type. The simulation will continue normally, disregarding the tangent vector.


Inlet region #1 has no specified start time. Assuming zero.
When no start time has been specified, inlet region uses a default value of simulation start.


Inlet region #1 has an "inletregion_stf_phaselist" but no "inletregion_stf_file". The option "inletregion_stf_phaselist" has no effect.
Inlet regions with solver-generated stencils do not required an "inletregion_stf_phaselist". The simulation will proceed normally.


The stencil file S1 for inlet region #1 has 3 columns. The option "inletregion_stf_phaselist" has no effect.
For inlet regions with single-phase stencils, "inletregion_stf_phaselist" is not required and will be ignored. The simulation will proceed normally.


At least one coordinate of the center location provided for inlet region #1 is further than 0.05dx away from the geometric center of the stencil.
The inlet region stencil must be planar. The warning may point to potential non-planar stencil or incorrect specification of "inletregion_cnt".


The points in the stencil file provided for inlet region #1 may not be planar.
The inlet region stencil must be planar. This solver raises this warning when the average distance between inlet region's center and stencil points in the direction of inlet region normal is larger than 0.05dx. This warning may point to an issue in exporting the stencil file.


Inlet region #1 radius is smaller than dx. No particles may appear.
In general, an "inletregion_circle_rad" smaller than "dx" is not recommended. The behavior may be unpredictable.


At least one coordinate of the center location provided for inlet region #1 is further than 0.05dx away from the geometric center of the stencil.
The inlet region stencil must be planar. The warning may point to potential non-planar stencil or incorrect specification of "inletregion_cnt".


The points in the stencil file provided for inlet region #1 may not be planar.
The inlet region stencil must be planar. This solver raises this warning when the average distance between inlet region's center and stencil points in the direction of inlet region normal is larger than 0.05dx. This warning may point to an issue in exporting the stencil file.


Inlet region #1 radius is smaller than dx. No particles may appear.
In general, an "inletregion_circle_rad" smaller than "dx" is not recommended. The behavior may be unpredictable.


The computed tangent for inlet region #1 is not parallel to provided tangent.
When an inlet region with arbitrary orientation is provided with a stencil as well as a tangent vector, it checks if the solver-computed tangent is parallel to the user-provided tangent. This warning is shown when the dot product of the two vectors is smaller than 0.999. This warning may be safely ignored when the user-provided tangent is reliable.


At least one coordinate of the center location provided for inlet region #1 is further than 0.05dx away from the geometric center of the stencil.
The inlet region stencil must be planar. The warning may point to potential non-planar stencil or incorrect specification of "inletregion_cnt".


The points in the stencil file provided for inlet region #1 may not be planar.
The inlet region stencil must be planar. This solver raises this warning when the average distance between inlet region's center and stencil points in the direction of inlet region normal is larger than 0.05dx. This warning may point to an issue in exporting the stencil file.


All rectangle side lengths specified for inlet region #1 are smaller than dx. No particles may appear.
In general, an "inletregion_rectangle_len" with elements smaller than "dx" is not recommended. The behavior may be unpredictable.


The computed tangent for inlet region #1 is not parallel to provided tangent.
When an inlet region with arbitrary orientation is provided with a stencil as well as a tangent vector, it checks if the solver-computed tangent is parallel to the user-provided tangent. This warning is shown when the dot product of the two vectors is smaller than 0.999. This warning may be safely ignored when the user-provided tangent is reliable.


At least one coordinate of the center location provided for inlet region #1 is further than 0.05dx away from the geometric center of the stencil.
The inlet region stencil must be planar. The warning may point to potential non-planar stencil or incorrect specification of "inletregion_cnt".


The points in the stencil file provided for inlet region #1 may not be planar.
The inlet region stencil must be planar. This solver raises this warning when the average distance between inlet region's center and stencil points in the direction of inlet region normal is larger than 0.05dx. This warning may point to an issue in exporting the stencil file.


All rectangle side lengths specified for inlet region #1 are smaller than dx. No particles may appear.
In general, an "inletregion_rectangle_len" with elements smaller than "dx" is not recommended. The behavior may be unpredictable.


Inlet region #1 has an unrecognized state type of S1. The recognized state types are "vel" for velocity, "vfl" for volume flowrate and "mfl" for mass flowrate. Switching to type "vel".
The supported state types are velocity (vel), volume flowrate (vfl) and mass flowrate (mfl). When keyword "inletregion_stttyp" is not specified, has blank or unrecognized value, a default state of velocity is assumed.


The time-state series defined in S1 for inlet region #1 does not encompass the full duration of the simulation. Please make sure that time_start, time_end, tss_offset and tss_latch options are set according to your requirements.
The simulation will continue normally outside of the interval defined in time-state series file. The state value outside of the defined interval will depend on the "inletregion_tss_latch" option. This warning may be safely ignored if this is the desired behavior.


Ramp up and ramp down times for inlet region #1 are ignored because a time-state series file is specified.
When using a time-state series file, an inlet region will ignore ramp up and ramp down times, if they were specified. The simulation will otherwise continue normally.


Parameter "inletregion_temp" of inlet region #1 must be positive.
Temperature unit of "inletregion_temp" is Kelvin and has to be always positive. This warning may point to possible typographical errors in the cfg file.



The current free disk storage space is less than the estimated amount for all output data. The simulation will stop once the disk is full.
The solver estimates the required storage based on the file size of the initial output. This value may or may not represent the final storage requirements as the number of particles may change during the simulation.


Case directory exists but content does not match the current target, assuming distributed file system topology.
This warning indicates that the solver has encountered a similarly named case directory on a multinode run during file system topology identification, however, the information within the directory does not belong to the current run. This may be an artifact of a previously failed run and the simulation may continue normally, assuming a distributed file system topology. Please specify the file system topology explicitly through the cfg file if the automatically detected one is incorrect.


No STL file specified for phase #1 (S1).
No STL file has been specified under "stl" keyword of "phase" subsection under "phases" section.


Cannot find STL file S1 for phase #1 (S2).
The solver is not able to find the STL file specified under "stl" keyword of "phase" subsection under "phases" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


At least one output time from the particle output times file has been ignored
The output times in the particle output times file from "t_output_file" in "simulationParameters" have to be monotonically increasing. If one time value is bigger than the previous one, it will be ignored. Also, time values smaller than the start (simulation) time of the run will be ignored, which can be the desired behavior when reusing a file across a restart. Please make sure the particle output times provided in the file are correct. This warning is only displayed once, regardless of the number of ignored times.


At least one output time from the restart output times file has been ignored
The output times in the restart output times file from "t_output_restart_file" in "simulationParameters" have to be monotonically increasing. If one time value is bigger than the previous one, it will be ignored. Also, time values smaller than the start (simulation) time of the run will be ignored, which can be the desired behavior when reusing a file across a restart. Please make sure the restart output times provided in the file are correct. This warning is only displayed once, regardless of the number of ignored times.


No STL file specified for visualization surface #1 (S1).
No STL file has been specified under "vizsurf_file" keyword of "vizsurf" subsection under "vizsurfs" section.


Cannot find STL file S1 for visualization surface #1 (S2).
The solver is not able to find the STL file specified under "vizsurf_file" keyword of "vizsurf" subsection under "vizsurfs" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


failed purging restart/continue (recon) file S1
The solver was not able to remove a restart/continue (recon) file. The file does not exist or is in use by another process. The simulation will continue normally.


There are seven columns in the provided input file. Ignoring velocity data as inputfileReadMode is set to INPTFL_PXYZ.
The solver issues this warning when it detects a seven-column (phase, x, y, z, u, v, w) input file and the read option is set to "INPTFL_PXYZ". In this case the velocity data are ignored and the simulation continues normally. Please specify the read option of "INPTFL_PXYZUVW" if reading of input velocity data are required.


There are four columns in the provided input file. Switching the inputfileReadMode to INPTFL_PXYZ.
When the solver detects a four-column (phase, x, y, z) input file when a read option of "INPTFL_PXYZUVW" is requested, it switches the input file mode to four-column "INPTFL_PXYZ" and issues this warning. This warning may point to an issue with the input file (incorrect path or export), otherwise the simulation will proceed normally.


There are eight columns in the provided input file. Ignoring velocity data as inputfileReadMode is set to INPTFL_PXYZS.
The solver issues this warning when it detects a eight-column (phase, x, y, z, s, u, v, w) input file and the read option is set to "INPTFL_PXYZS". In this case the velocity data are ignored and the simulation continues normally. Please specify the read option of "INPTFL_PXYZSUVW" if reading of input velocity data are required.


There are five columns in the provided input file. Switching the inputfileReadMode to INPTFL_PXYZS.
When the solver detects a five-column (phase, x, y, z, s) input file when a read option of "INPTFL_PXYZSUVW" is requested, it switches the input file mode to five-column "INPTFL_PXYZS" and issues this warning. This warning may point to an issue with the input file (incorrect path or export), otherwise the simulation will proceed normally.


Wrong particle count in binary inputfile.
The total number of particles read from the binary inputfile is not equal to the number expected.


At least one particle has a phase ID smaller than one.
Smallest acceptable phase number is 1. Any particle with a phase number smaller than 1 is ignored.


At least one particle has a phase ID greater than the total number of phases.
Largest acceptable phase number is equal to the maximum number of phases defined in the cfg. Any particle with a larger phase number is ignored.


The input discretized geometry file contains #1 out-of-domain particles. Please refer to "outofdomain.txt" file for further information.
Any particle residing outside of the cuboid defined by "min_domain" and "max_domain" is ignored. If "min_domain" and "max_domain" were not defined, "min_boundingbox" and "max_boundingbox" values are used to define the cuboid. Phase and coordinates of the ignored particles are written to "outofdomain.txt".


The maximum magnitude of WALL/MOVINGWALL normals is #1. A simulation with maximum normal magnitude larger than 1.1 may behave unexpectedly.
A large normal magnitude may result in fluid particle loss and/or unexpected errors. A large normal magnitude points to flaws in descretized geometry such as separated WALL/MOVINGWALL particles or unresolved features.


All particles of MOVINGWALL phase #1 have left the domain. The simulation may behave unexpectedly.
This warning is shown when no MOVINGWALL particles of a certain phase are present at the start of a simulation. This may or may not lead to an issue during the simulation.


All particles of phase #1 have left the domain. The simulation may behave unexpectedly.
This warning is shown when particles of a certain WALL/MOVINGWALL phase are no longer present in the computational domain. This may or may not lead to an issue during the simulation.


There are #1 particles in the domain that have neighbors closer than 0.9dx in distance. Please refer to "overlapping.txt" file for further information.
While having overlapping particles does not necessarily lead to a failing simulation, it may point to certain flaws in solver input. One common flaw is the presence of duplicate particles in the discretized geometry. Another reason may be wrong "dx" or "inputfile_factor" in the cfg file.



The time range defined in POSITION_FILE of motion #1 on phase #2 does not cover the interval specified by tstart_prescribe and tend_prescribe. Phase #2 will remain stationary outside of the time range defined in POSITION_FILE.
The minimum and maximum time values in the position file do not cover the simulation duration. This motion's phase will remain stationary outside of the interval defined in the position file. Please modify the position file and/or other solver inputs if this is not the desired behavior.


At least one body phase of motion #1 is not a MOVINGWALL phase. Ignoring the requested equilibrium adjustment.
Only MOVINGWALL phases are affected by equilibrium adjustment in a double roller 1DoF motion. If at least one of the phases requested in "dr1dof_bod_phs" points to a WALL phase, equilibrium adjustment requested through "dr1dof_bod_eqlb" will be set to zero for all body phases.


Time-velocity series file and at least one of initial velocity, velocity, ramp up time or ramp down time are defined for motion #1. Ramp times and constant velocities are ignored.
The solver displays this warning when a double roller motion has definitions for both time-velocity series file "dr1dof_tvs_file" and at least one of initial velocity "dr1dof_vel_init", velocity "dr1dof_vel", ramp up time "dr1dof_time_rampup" or ramp down time "dr1dof_time_rampdn". In this case the values provided in time-velocity series file take precedence and constant velocity and ramp times are ignored.


The effective spring constant of front or rear wheels of motion #1 is either not defined or not positive. The simulation may behave unexpectedly.
In a double roller 3DoF motion, a positive effective spring constant is expected. This message means one or both of "dr3dof_frw_ks" and "dr3dof_bck_ks" are either not defined or have non-positive values.


The effective damping coefficient of front or rear wheels of motion #1 is either not defined or not positive. The simulation may behave unexpectedly.
In a double roller 3DoF motion, a positive effective damping coefficient is expected. This message means one or both of "dr3dof_frw_cs" and "dr3dof_bck_cs" are either not defined or have non-positive values.


Time-velocity series file and at least one of initial velocity, velocity, ramp up time or ramp down time are defined for motion #1. Ramp times and constant velocities are ignored.
The solver displays this warning when a double roller 3DoF motion has definitions for both time-velocity series file "dr3dof_tvs_file" and at least one of initial velocity "dr3dof_vel_init", velocity "dr3dof_vel", ramp up time "dr3dof_time_rampup" or ramp down time "dr3dof_time_rampdn". In this case the values provided in time-velocity series file take precedence and constant velocity and ramp times are ignored.


Some passive rigid body states are not available in the restart/continue (recon) file. The simulation may behave unexpectedly.
If a passive rigid body motion was introduced during a restart/continue, the restart/continue files will not include the required information to produce the expected trajectory. While it is possible to observe the correct motion, e.g. when passive rigid body motion is added to a previously static MOVINGWALL type phase, this is not guaranteed.



An extension type other than noext is requested for spherical outlet region #1. The extension is ignored.
Spherical outlet regions do not support extensions. In case an extension was required, other outlet region types must be used.


Outlet region #1 does not have an active extension, but an extension outside of active interval is requested. Ignoring the inactive interval extensions.
When the outlet region's extension is set to "noext", all other extension related options are ignored. Disregard this warning if the extension is deliberately disabled. If an extension is required, please set "outletregion_exttyp" to "setacc" or "setvel".


Outlet region #1 has an inactive extension, but an extension length is specified. Ignoring the extension.
When the outlet region's extension is set to "noext", all other extension related options are ignored. Disregard this warning if the extension is deliberately disabled. If an extension is required, please set "outletregion_exttyp" to "setacc" or "setvel".


Oulet region #1 has an active extension, but no extension length is specified. Ignoring the extension.
The solver issues this warning when the extension length for an outlet region with an extension type "setacc" or "setvel" is missing. This may be due to typographical errors in the cfg or simply missing keywords "outletregion_extlen" or "outletregion_extlenodx". Since a zero length extension is effectively inactive and to save computational resources, the solver turns off the extension. Please provide an extension length if the outlet region requires an extension.


Outlet region #1 has no specified start time. Assuming zero.
When no start time has been specified, outlet region uses a default value of simulation start.


Sphere outlet region #1 has a radius smaller than dx.
An outlet region radius smaller than "dx" is not recommended. The behavior may be unpredictable.


Cuboid outlet region #1 has at least one length value smaller than dx.
An outlet region side length smaller than "dx" is not recommended. The behavior may be unpredictable.


Cylinder outlet region #1 has a radius smaller than dx.
An outlet region radius smaller than "dx" is not recommended. The behavior may be unpredictable.


Cylinder outlet region #1 has a height smaller than dx.
An outlet region height smaller than "dx" is not recommended. The behavior may be unpredictable.


The time-state series defined in S1 for outlet region #1 does not encompass the full duration of the simulation. Please make sure that time_start, time_end, tss_offset and tss_latch options are set according to your requirements.
The simulation will continue normally outside of the interval defined in time-state series file. The state value outside of the defined interval will depend on the "outletregion_tss_latch" option. This warning may be safely ignored if this is desired behavior.


Ramp up and ramp down times for outlet region #1 are ignored.
An outlet region will ignore ramp up and ramp down times, if specified, when using a time-state series file. The simulation will otherwise continue normally.



All WALL type subphases should have the same fluidContactPhase. Setting fluidContactPhase for Phase #1 to #2. Please set makesubphase option to false to choose a different fluidContactPhase for phase #1.
This warning is issued when a phase has a different fluid contact phase request than the first phase in the subphase group. The solver automatically changes the fluid contact phase to match that of the first phase of the subphase group. If this is not the desired behavior, setting "makesubphase" option to false will exclude the specific phase from the subphase group, allowing independent fluid contact phase request.


All WALL type subphases should have the same contact angle. Setting contact angle for Phase #1 to #2. Please set makesubphase option to false to choose a different contact angle for phase #1.
This warning is issued when a phase has a different contact angle value than the first phase in the subphase group. The solver automatically changes the contact angle value to match that of the first phase of the subphase group. If this is not the desired behavior, consider setting "tartakovsky_subphaseaware" option to true. Alternatively, setting "makesubphase" option to false will exclude the specific phase from the subphase group, allowing independent contact angle value.


All WALL type subphases should have the same adhesionCoeff. Setting adhesionCoeff for Phase #1 to #2. Please set makesubphase option to false to choose a different adhesionCoeff for phase #1.
This warning is issued when a phase has a different adhesion coefficient value than the first phase in the subphase group. The solver automatically changes the adhesion coefficient value to match that of the first phase of the subphase group. If this is not the desired behavior, setting "makesubphase" option to false will exclude the specific phase from the subphase group, allowing independent adhesion coefficient value.


All WALL type subphases should be either slip or no-slip. Setting noSlip for Phase #1 to #2.
This warning is issued when a phase has a different velocity boundary condition than the first phase in the subphase group. The solver automatically changes the velocity boundary condition to match that of the first phase of the subphase group. If this is not the desired behavior, setting "makesubphase" option to false will exclude the specific phase from the subphase group, allowing independent velocity boundary condition.


All MOVINGWALL type subphases should have the same fluidContactPhase. Setting fluidContactPhase for Phase #1 to #2. Please set makesubphase option to false to choose a different fluidContactPhase for phase #1.
This warning is issued when a phase has a different fluid contact phase request than the first phase in the subphase group. The solver automatically changes the fluid contact phase to match that of the first phase of the subphase group. If this is not the desired behavior, setting "makesubphase" option to false will exclude the specific phase from the subphase group, allowing independent fluid contact phase request.


All WALL type subphases should have the same contact angle. Setting contact angle for Phase #1 to #2. Please set makesubphase option to false to choose a different contact angle for phase #1.
This warning is issued when a phase has a different contact angle value than the first phase in the subphase group. The solver automatically changes the contact angle value to match that of the first phase of the subphase group. If this is not the desired behavior, consider setting "tartakovsky_subphaseaware" option to true. Alternatively, setting "makesubphase" option to false will exclude the specific phase from the subphase group, allowing independent contact angle value.


All MOVINGWALL type subphases should have the same adhesionCoeff. Setting adhesionCoeff for Phase #1 to #2. Please set makesubphase option to false to choose a different fluidContactPhase for phase #1.
This warning is issued when a phase has a different fluid contact phase request than the first phase in the subphase group. The solver automatically changes the fluid contact phase to match that of the first phase of the subphase group. If this is not the desired behavior, setting "makesubphase" option to false will exclude the specific phase from the subphase group, allowing independent fluid contact phase request.


All MOVINGWALL type subphases should be either slip or no-slip. Setting noSlip for Phase #1 to #2.
This warning is issued when a phase has a different velocity boundary condition than the first phase in the subphase group. The solver automatically changes the velocity boundary condition to match that of the first phase of the subphase group. If this is not the desired behavior, setting "makesubphase" option to false will exclude the specific phase from the subphase group, allowing independent velocity boundary condition.


The requested fluid contact time will be ignored for the following phase(s) due to no field output request: #1 \ldots #2
The solver warns that requesting fluid contact time while disabling the field output of a phase does not lead to a tangible outcome. The solver disables fluid contact time request for such phases. The simulation may continue normally.


The compressibility induced by the virial pressure of the "TARTAKOVSKY2016_F1" model in phase #1 exceeds the amount chosen via "rho_compr". The speed of sound (cs) of this phase should at least be about #2.
This warning is issued when the virial pressure introduced by a particle force surface tension model induces a high compressibility. While this is not an absolute criteria, too high compressibility levels can impair the accuracy of the simulation. The recommended speed of sound (cs) value can e.g. be set manually by setting "cs" in the phase parameters of the corresponding phase according to the recommendation.


Parameter "rho_0" of phase #1 (S1) was not set in the cfg file. The simulation may behave unexpectedly.
The density "rho_0" was not set for a FLUID phase. If the required material properties are omitted the solver will use default values and the simulation may behave unexpectedly. This warning may point to possible typographical errors in the cfg file.


Parameter "rho_0" of phase #1 (S1) was not set in the cfg file and the energy transport equation is active. The simulation may behave unexpectedly.
The density "rho_0" was not set for a WALL/MOVINGWALL phase and energy transport equation is active. If the required material properties are omitted the solver will use default values and the simulation may behave unexpectedly. This warning may point to possible typographical error in the cfg file


Parameter "rho_0" of phase #1 is outside of the physical range. Recommended values are between 0 and 25000.
While the simulation may proceed with no problems, such values have not been tested. Additionally, this may point to possible typographical errors in the cfg file.


Parameter "dyn_visc" of phase #1 must be positive.
The dynamic viscosity "dyn_visc" has to be always positive. This warning may point to possible typographical errors in the cfg file.


Parameter "surf_ten" of phase #1 must be positive.
The surface tension coefficient "surf_ten" has to be always positive. This warning may point to possible typographical errors in the cfg file.


Parameter "gamma" of phase #1 is recommended to be within 0 and 10 interval.
The usual range for "gamma" is between 0 and 10. This warning may point to possible typographical errors in the cfg file.


Parameter "rho_compr" of phase #1 must be positive.
The compressibility limit "rho_compr" is a positive number. This warning may point to possible typographical errors in the cfg file.


Parameter "init_vel" of phase #1 ignored.
The uniform initial velocity "init_vel" is only accepted for phases of type "FLUID" and will be ignored for boundaries (i.e. phases of type "WALL" and "MOVINGWALL"). Please define a motion instead.


Parameter "temp_0" of phase #1 must be positive.
Temperature unit of "temp_0" is Kelvin and has to be always positive. This warning may point to possible typographical errors in the cfg file.


Parameter "heat_cap" of phase #1 (S1) was not set in the cfg file. The simulation may behave unexpectedly. .
The specific heat capacity should be specified in the cfg file in a simulation with energy transport equation active. If the required material properties are omitted the solver will use default values and the simulation may behave unexpectedly. This warning may point to possible typographical errors in the cfg file.


Parameter "heat_cap" of phase #1 is outside of the physical range. Recommended values are between 0 and 10000.
A simulation with specific heat capacity values outside of 0 and 10000 [J/kgK] interval may or may not run successfully. This warning may point to possible typographical errors in the cfg file.


Parameter "heat_cond" of phase #1 (S1) was not set in the cfg file. The simulation may behave unexpectedly.
The heat conductivity should be specified in the cfg file in a simulation with energy transport equation active. If the required material properties are omitted the solver will use default values and the simulation may behave unexpectedly. This warning may point to possible typographical errors in the cfg file.


Parameter "heat_cond" of phase #1 is outside of the physical range. Recommended values are between 0 and 1000.
A simulation with specific thermal conductivity values outside of 0 and 1000 [W/mK] interval may or may not run successfully. This warning may point to possible typographical errors in the cfg file.


The subphase request for phase #1 is ignored. Only WALL/MOVINGWALL phases can be added to a subphase.
Fluid phases do not have subphases. In case a subphase was requested for a fluid phase, this warning provides the information that the request was safely ignored and the simulataion will proceed normally.


Contact angle for "TARTAKOVSKY2016_F1" surface tension model was selected with more than one FLUID phase present and will be ignored.
Contact angle is only selectable for cases with a single FLUID phase.



The normal vector specified for probe S1 has zero magnitude. Reverting to spherical shape.
A probe with optional normal vector "probe_nrmvec" has a zero magnitude vector in its definition. The shape is switched to spherical to avoid using the normal.


The computed particle spacing for S1 does not match the simulation dx (more than 0.05dx difference). This may affect the probe output data.
The distance between the particles of a flowrate probe must be equal to the particle spacing "dx" of simulation. Having a spacing other than dx between flowrate probe particles leads to probe output errors.



Unrecognized keyword chain: S1.S2 or S1.S2(#1).S3
An unrecognized keyword chain might have been used in the cfg file. Receiving this warning may not necessarily point to a problem. The keyword chain is formatted as key1.key2 for two level and key1.key2(#).key3 for three level keyword chains. key1 is the highest level keyword, e.g. "phases". key2 is the second level keyword, e.g. "phase". key3 is the third level keyword, e.g. "type". In three level keyword chains, the second level key is accompanied by a number in parentheses pointing to the order in second level keyword list. Example: kernel.dxp is printed as a warning since "dxp" is not a recognized second level keyword. Example: phases.phase(2).rho_compr is printed as a warning for a non-FLUID phase 2.


The number of timesteps required to complete the simulation is larger than the maximum number of iterations allowed.
The number of timesteps calculated by the solver to reach the end of the simulation "t_end", starting from "t_start", is larger than the maximum number of iterations allowed. For a restart/continue (recon) run, the time of the recon file is taken as the starting time. The simulation will stop once the maximum number of iterations allowed is reached. The maximum number of allowed iterations is equal to "maxitsteps" if specified, or 1000000000 by default.


The requested time step size is larger than the calculated time step size. The simulation "may" behave unexpectedly.
The solver issues this warning when the time step size requested "dt_simulation" is larger than the time step size calculated by the solver. If this is intentional, the warning may be ignored. In some cases, the simulation may fail with a separate error.


The requested time step size is larger than the calculated time step size. The simulation "may" behave unexpectedly.
The solver issues this warning when the time step size requested "dt_simulation" is larger than the time step size calculated by the solver. If this is intentional, the warning may be ignored. In some cases, the simulation may fail with a separate error.


"AP_VCORR" velcorr scheme is not available for "WEIGHTED" interaction scheme. "T_VCORR" will be used instead.
The solver issues this warning when "velcorrScheme" is set to "AP_VCORR" for "WEIGHTED" interaction scheme. "velcorrScheme" is set to "T_VCORR" and the simulation will continue normally. Note that the coefficient "pc_factor" in simulation parameters is used for "T_VCORR" instead of "APD_coeff" from phase parameters


"T_VCORR" velcorr scheme is not available for "RIEMANN" interaction scheme. "AP_VCORR" will be used instead.
The solver issues this warning when "velcorrScheme" is set to "T_VCORR" for "RIEMANN" interaction scheme. "velcorrScheme" is set to "AP_VCORR" and the simulation will continue normally. Note that the coefficient "APD_coeff" in simulation parameters is used for "AP_VCORR" instead of "pc_factor" from phase parameters


The starting value of APD attenuation interval "APD_attenuation_interval" is larger than its end value. The attenuation will act as a sharp cut at the starting value.
Using a starting value larger than the end value for APD attenuation interval leads to a sharp cut instead of gradual attenuation. This means there will be no APD effects when kernel volume integral exceeds the specified starting value.


APD attenuation interval "APD_attenuation_interval" has a start value and/or end value that is smaller than zero. APD effects may be negligible.
Using a negative start value and/or end value for APD attenuation interval leads to extreme attenuation or complete suppression of APD effects. The simulation may behave unexpectedly.


APD attenuation interval "APD_attenuation_interval" has a large start value and/or large end value. APD effects may not be attenuated.
Using a large start value and/or end value for APD attenuation interval may lead to negligible change in APD effects. This may have adverse effects on particles close to walls and moving walls when large APD coefficients are used.


Adhesion model is used together with "TARTAKOVSKY2016_F1" surface tension model.
It is recommended to deactivate "adhesionmodel" when using "TARTAKOVSKY2016_F1" surface tension model as both models are supposed to be used mutually exclusive.


It is not possible to enable TEMP field output without enabling "energy_transport".
The solver issues this warning when "output_temp" is set to true but "energy_transport" is set to false. The TEMP output is automatically turned off and the simulation will continue normally.


It is not possible to enable viscosity field output without activating "varvisc_temperature" or "varvisc_non_Newtonian".
The solver issues this warning when "output_viscosity" is set to true without "varvisc_temperature" or "varvisc_non_Newtonian" activated. The viscosity output is automatically turned off and the simulation will continue normally.


It is not possible to enable VCORR field output without activating "transportvelocity". Deactivating VCORR field output.
The solver issues this warning when "output_vcorr" is set to true but "transportvelocity" is set to false. The VCORR output is automatically turned off and the simulation will continue normally.


It is not possible to enable strain rate field output without activating "varvisc_non_Newtonian".
The solver issues this warning when "output_StrainRate" is set to true without "varvisc_non_Newtonian" activated. The strain rate output is automatically turned off and the simulation will continue normally.


More ranks requested than GPUs available on host S1
This warning means that there are less GPUs available than number of ranks requested during launch. Note that this only accounts for devices visible to the solver. It is strongly recommended to launch with a number of ranks at most equal to the number of GPUs available. While the simulation may proceed, this may lead to decreased performance.


Failed to set CPU affinity on host S1.
This warning means that the solver has failed to automatically set CPU affinity. This is typically due to restricted access to CPU cores e.g. through cgroups. While the simulation may proceed, this may lead to decreased performance.



The non-synchronized output time interval specified in "extractor_dtoutput" for extractor S1 is less than simulation time step size.
This warning is displayed when a non-synchronized output time interval "extractor_dtoutput" shorter than simulation time step size is requested for an "extractor". It is recommended to set extractor "extractor_dtoutput" to a value between "dt_output" and "dt_phaseinfo".


The number of samples requested for S1 in "extractor_nsample" must be a non-negative integer.
This warning is displayed when the number of samples specified in "extractor_nsample" is less than 1 or a non-integer value.


The density based pressure filter reference phase of solid phases for extractor S1 does not point to a fluid phase. Heaviest fluid is now being used.
This warning is displayed when the reference phase specified for calculating the permissible value for density based pressure filtering of solids (WALL/MOVINGWALL) specified through "extractor_prtlsieve_rhorefphase" points to a non-FLUID phase. The solver will ignore the specified value and use the heaviest fluid phase defined in the cfg to continue the simulation. If this is not the desired behavior, please change the specified value to point to the desired FLUID phase and run the simulation again.


At least one torque output request was active for extractor S1 without assigning a moving wall to follow. The request is now deactivated.
This warning is displayed when a torque output via at least one of "extractor_output_ptorque_i", "extractor_output_ptorque_pta", "extractor_output_storque_i", "extractor_output_storque_pta" or "extractor_output_torque_pta" keywords is requested without assigning a moving wall phase to the extractor through "extractor_motphs" to follow. The requested torque output is deactivated and the simulation is continued normally. Please assign a moving wall phase to the extractor to follow if a torque output from the extractor is required and repeat the simulation.


Please note that variable viscosity is not supported with force, torque or HTC outputs.
Calculation of force, torque and heat transfer coefficient (empirical, reset or non-reset) on extractor faces use constant dynamic viscosity. When variable viscosity (temperature dependent or non-Newtonian) models are activated, extractors assume zero viscosity on their facets as variable viscosity is currently not supported.



Parameter "viscosityModel_visc_visc" of phase #1 must be positive.
Dynamic viscosity "viscosityModel_visc_visc" must be always positive.


Parameter "viscosityModel_k" of viscosity model #1 must be positive.
The k coefficient "viscosityModel_k" has to be always positive.


Parameter(s) "viscosityModel_visc_min" and/or "viscosityModel_visc_max" of viscosity model #1 must be positive.
The minimum "viscosityModel_visc_min" and maximum "viscosityModel_visc_max" values have to be always positive.


Parameter "viscosityModel_visc_min" of viscosity model #1 is greater than "viscosityModel_visc_max". Swapping values.
The minimum "viscosityModel_visc_min" value is greater than maximum "viscosityModel_visc_max" value. The values are swapped and the simulation may continue normally.


Parameter(s) "viscosityModel_visc_0" and/or "viscosityModel_visc_inf" of viscosity model #1 must be positive.
The minimum "viscosityModel_visc_0" and maximum "viscosityModel_visc_inf" values have to be always positive.