
Each error consists of the Error Code, Error Message and Description. A typical error message might look like:
EXX## Keyword §1 and number #1, option §2 and id #2, §1 clashes with #2
This means strings §1 and §2 are incorrect and numbers #1 and #2 are incompatible. Changing §1 and #2 may resolve this issue.
Important: This glossary is only valid for nanoFluidX 2024.1. The codes and messages may not match other versions.

Error Code

When an error occurs, nanoFluidX will issue a corresponding code for that error. An error code starts with the letter E followed by a two-letter category identifier. For example, IO for input/output. The last element of the error code is a number representing the order within the category. For example, EIO 338.

Tip: Use this code to find the description in the glossary. Avoid searching for the error message issued by the solver as these messages have runtime generated parts which are not reflected in the glossary.
Note: The severity of an issue and its error/warning code have no relationship.

Error Message

This is the message issued by nanoFluidX in case of an error. The runtime elements are replaced with numbered symbols.
  • §: This symbol represents a string such as a phase name or file path. These symbols are followed by a number according to their order in the message. A recurring § symbol will keep the same number.
  • #: This symbol represents a number such as a phase ID or motion ID. These symbols are followed by a number according to their order in the message. A recurring # symbol will keep the same number.

Error Description

This is an interpretation of the solver message. It may involve further explanation on why a certain situation occurs, the reason why the message has been issued, or the steps to take to alleviate the problem. It is meant as a first point of reference when a question on a certain message arises.



Tile number exceeds value range representable by ID type.
There are more tiles in the computational domain than supported by the solver. Among others, this may be due to incorrect or incompatible input file export, min/max_domain, min/max_boundingbox, inputfile_factor, dx, r_c_dx or cutoff. In rare situations this error means the case is larger than what the solver supports.


Cell number exceeds value range representable by ID type.
There are more cells in the computational domain than supported by the solver. Among others, this may be due to incorrect or incompatible input file export, min/max_domain, min/max_boundingbox, inputfile_factor, dx, r_c_dx or cutoff. In rare situations this error means the case is larger than what the solver supports.


LB cell number exceeds value range representable by ID type.
There are more cells in the computational domain than supported by the solver. Among others, this may be due to incorrect or incompatible input file export, min/max_domain, min/max_boundingbox, inputfile_factor, dx, r_c_dx or cutoff. In rare situations this error means the case is larger than what the solver supports.


Cell number exceeds value range representable by ID type.
There are more tiles in the computational domain than supported by the solver. Among others, this may be due to incorrect or incompatible input file export, min/max_domain, min/max_boundingbox, inputfile_factor, dx, r_c_dx or cutoff. In rare situations this error means the case is larger than what the solver supports.


Local cell number exceeds value range representable by ID type.
There are more cells in the computational domain than supported by the solver. Among others, this may be due to incorrect or incompatible input file export, min/max_domain, min/max_boundingbox, inputfile_factor, dx, r_c_dx or cutoff. In rare situations this error means the case is larger than what the solver supports.


Local LB cell number exceeds value range representable by ID type.
There are more cells in the computational domain than supported by the solver. Among others, this may be due to incorrect or incompatible input file export, min/max_domain, min/max_boundingbox, inputfile_factor, dx, r_c_dx or cutoff. In rare situations this error means the case is larger than what the solver supports.


Local active cell number exceeds value range representable by ID type.
There are more active cells in the computational domain than supported by the solver. Among others, this may be due to incorrect or incompatible input file export, min/max_domain, min/max_boundingbox, inputfile_factor, dx, r_c_dx or cutoff. In rare situations this error means the case is larger than what the solver supports.


Resource limit in #1, #2 (#3,#4,#5) at (#6,#7,#8) in #9
This error suggests that considerable number of particles are concentrated in a certain region of the computational domain positioned about (#6,#7,#8). This error does not point to a specific cause for particle concentration and one should revisit the inputs to the solver. Among different reasons for this error are:
  • particles clumping due to compression between moving walls
  • too large of a timestep size
  • too large of a single phase surface tension coefficient
  • incorrect motion definitions
  • unusual motion combinations
  • kernel dx in cfg doesn't match the actual dx in the discretized geometry
  • discretized geometric irregularities
  • hanging or overlapping particles


Resource limit in #1, #2 (#3,#4,#5) at (#6,#7,#8) in #9
Refer to previous description.


Cell number exceeds value range representable by ID type.
There are more tiles in the computational domain than supported by the solver. Among others, this may be due to incorrect or incompatible input file export, min/max_domain, min/max_boundingbox, inputfile_factor, dx, r_c_dx or cutoff. In rare situations this error means the case is larger than what the solver supports.


Local cell number exceeds value range representable by ID type.
There are more cells in the computational domain than supported by the solver. Among others, this may be due to incorrect or incompatible input file export, min/max_domain, min/max_boundingbox, inputfile_factor, dx, r_c_dx or cutoff. In rare situations this error means the case is larger than what the solver supports.



There are no motions, inlet regions or imposed regions to deduce a reference velocity. Please provide an explicit ref_vel in domain parameters section of the configuration file.
At least one motion, inlet region or imposed region definition is required to calculate the reference velocity "ref_vel" through fallback method. Providing an explicit reference velocity "ref_vel" would circumvent this error.


The reference velocity "ref_vel" must be explicitly defined when a POSITION_FILE motion is present.
The solver has no fallback method for calculating the reference velocity of a "POSITION_FILE" type motion. Please provide a value for "ref_vel" keyword in "domain" section explicitly to recover from this error.


The reference velocity "ref_vel" must be explicitly defined when a PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY motion is present.
The solver has no fallback method for calculating the reference velocity of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" type motion. Please provide a value for "ref_vel" keyword in "domain" section explicitly to recover from this error.


It is not possible to enable temperature dependent viscosity ("varvisc_temperature") without providing maximum expected dynamic viscosity.
Reference viscosity "ref_visc" is not defined in a simulation with temperature-dependent viscosity. Temperature dependent viscosity models do not offer a way to calculate maximum viscosity without user input. Please either disable temperature-dependent viscosity or provide the maximum expected dynamic viscosity to proceed.


The simulation cannot start without a valid "domain" section.
The cfg file must contain a "domain" section. Please define one and assign appropriate values. Please ensure that there are no typographical mistakes and the cfg file has Linux line endings.


The simulations should be either two- or three-dimensional.
The solver does not support one-dimensional simulations. Please set "ndim" to either 2 or 3.


Input for"min_domain" and "max_domain" is inconsistent.
If specified manually, the domain size input for "min_domain" and "max_domain" must span a box, with max > min for all coordinate directions in the simulated dimensions. This error may point to possible typographical errors in the cfg file.


No Inputfile provided.
The field "inputfile" is missing or is not filled.



Dye color for dyeRegion #1 should be a positive integer.
Dye color "dyeregion_clr" must be a positive integer.



The "frame_obj_phase" is assigned to phase #1 which is larger than the total number of defined phases.
The requested phase number exceeds the number of phases defined in the "phases" section.


The "frame_obj_phase" is not assigned to a phase.
There are no assigned phases or phase number is less than 1.


The "frame_obj_phase" of a SLIDING frame is assigned to phase S1 which is not a MOVINGWALL.
The "frame_obj_phase" must be a MOVINGWALL phase for a SLIDING frame.


The "frame_obj_phase" keyword of a SLIDING frame has not been defined.
The "frame_obj_phase" keyword is a mandatory input for a SLIDING frame.


The "frame_road_phase" is assigned to phase #1 which is larger than the total number of defined phases.
The requested phase number exceeds the number of phases defined in the "phases" section.


The "frame_road_phase" is not assigned to a phase.
There are no assigned phases or phase number is less than 1.


The "frame_road_phase" of a SLIDING frame is assigned to phase S1 which is not a MOVINGWALL.
The "frame_road_phase" must be a MOVINGWALL phase for a SLIDING frame.


The "frame_road_phase" of a TEMPORAL frame is assigned to phase S1 which is not a WALL.
The "frame_road_phase" must be a WALL phase for a TEMPORAL frame.


The "frame_road_phase" keyword has not been defined.
The "frame_road_phase" keyword is a mandatory input.


The "frame_fluid_phase" is assigned to phase #1 which is larger than the total number of defined phases.
The requested phase number exceeds the number of phases defined in the "phases" section.


The "frame_fluid_phase" is not assigned to a phase.
There are no assigned phases or phase number is less than 1.


The "frame_fluid_phase" is assigned to phase S1 which is not a FLUID.
The "frame_fluid_phase" must be a FLUID phase.


The "frame_fluid_phase" keyword has not been defined.
The "frame_fluid_phase" keyword is a mandatory input.


Invalid value for parameter "frame_lock_mode": #1.
The parameter "frame_lock_mode" can be set to values 0 (lock to line) or 1 (lock to point).


Invalid value for parameter "frame_min_bc_overlay": "#1 #2 #3".
The parameter "frame_min_bc_overlay" is a three element predefined integer where each element represents the minimum boundary condition for each of the coordinate directions and can be set to values 0 (apply no additional layers), 1 (apply only freeze layers), 2 (apply only sponge layers) or 3 (apply freeze and sponge layers).


Invalid value for parameter "frame_max_bc_overlay": "#1 #2 #3".
The parameter "frame_max_bc_overlay" is a three element predefined integer where each element represents the maximum boundary condition for each of the coordinate directions and can be set to values 0 (apply no additional layers), 1 (apply only freeze layers), 2 (apply only sponge layers) or 3 (apply freeze and sponge layers).


Freeze layers have non-positive extension length.
If any freeze layer is applied by setting any component of "frame_min_bc_overlay" or "frame_max_bc_overlay" to 1 (only freeze) or 3 (freeze and sponge), the extension layer length obtained from either "frame_freeze_layer_length" or "frame_freeze_layer_lengthodx" must be positive.


Sponge layers have non-positive extension length.
If any sponge layer is applied by setting any component of "frame_min_bc_overlay" or "frame_max_bc_overlay" to 2 (only sponge) or 3 (freeze and sponge), the extension layer length obtained from either "frame_sponge_layer_length" or "frame_sponge_layer_lengthodx" must be positive.


Invalid value for parameter "frame_freezesponge_min_bc_clip": "#1 #2".
The parameter "frame_freezesponge_min_bc_clip" is a two element integer where the elements represent the minimum boundary condition in x- and y-direction, respectively. Each element can be set to values 0 (cover full domain height in z-direction), 1 (limit freeze and sponge layer based on "frame_fluid_clip_zcoord") or 2 (limit freeze and sponge layer based on "frame_freezesponge_min_bc_clip_zcoord").


Invalid value for parameter "frame_freezesponge_max_bc_clip": "#1 #2".
The parameter "frame_freezesponge_max_bc_clip" is a two element integer where the elements represent the maximum boundary condition in x- and y-direction, respectively. Each element can be set to values 0 (cover full domain height in z-direction), 1 (limit freeze and sponge layer based on "frame_fluid_clip_zcoord") or 2 (limit freeze and sponge layer based on "frame_freezesponge_max_bc_clip_zcoord").


Bounding box not defined in "domain" section of the cfg.
FrameSuite requires the bounding box to be defined in the "domain" section of the cfg via the parameters "min_boundingbox" and "max_boundingbox". When creating the case with SimLab, these parameters should be set automatically.


Domain size not defined in "domain" section of the cfg.
FrameSuite requires the domain size to be defined in the "domain" section of the cfg via the parameters "min_domain" and "max_domain".


Less than two points in the road path.
The road path must consist of at least two points.


The road path must be strictly increasing in x coordinates.
The road path must be strictly increasing in x coordinates.


Less than two points in the road profile.
The road profile must consist of at least two points.


The road profile must be strictly increasing in y coordinates.
The road profile must be strictly increasing in y coordinates.



Magnitude of direction vector A for PARALLELEPIPEDVEL impose region #1 is too small.
The magnitude of direction vector defined in "parallelepipedvel_A_vec" is smaller than 1.0e-6. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


Length in A direction for PARALLELEPIPEDVEL impose region #1 must be non-negative.
The side length defined in "parallelepipedvel_A_len" is a negative number. The length must be zero or positive.


Magnitude of direction vector B for PARALLELEPIPEDVEL impose region #1 is too small.
The magnitude of direction vector defined in "parallelepipedvel_B_vec" is smaller than 1.0e-6. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


Length in B direction for PARALLELEPIPEDVEL impose region #1 must be non-negative.
The side length defined in "parallelepipedvel_B_len" is a negative number. The length must be zero or positive.


Magnitude of direction vector C for PARALLELEPIPEDVEL impose region #1 is too small.
The magnitude of direction vector defined in "parallelepipedvel_C_vec" is smaller than 1.0e-6. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


Length in C direction for PARALLELEPIPEDVEL impose region #1 must be non-negative.
The side length defined in "parallelepipedvel_C_len" is a negative number. The length must be zero or positive.


Vectors A, B, and C defined for PARALLELEPIPEDVEL impose region #1 generate no volume, and will not have effect.
The vectors defining the parallelepiped are coplanar, so no volume is generated and the region will not have effect.


The phase number requested for impose region #1 to move with is either non-positive or larger than the total number of phases.
The impose region motion phase "imposeregion_motphs" must be positive and no larger than the total number of phases defined in "phases" section.


The phase requested for impose region #1 to move with is not a moving wall.
The impose region motion phase "imposeregion_motphs" must point to a MOVINGWALL phase from the "phases" section.


Direction vector magnitude for a PARALLELEPIPEDVEL impose region is too small.
The magnitude of vector defined in "parallelepipedvel_unv" is smaller than 1.0e-6. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


Axis vector magnitude for CYLINDERVEL impose region #1 is too small.
The magnitude of normal vector defined in "cylindervel_axis" is smaller than 1.0e-6. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


The height of CYLINDERVEL impose region #1 must be non-negative.
The height of cylinder defined in "cylindervel_hght" is a negative number. The height must be zero or positive.


The radius of CYLINDERVEL impose region #1 is negative.
The radius of a CYLINDERVEL impose region specified in "cylindervel_rad" must be non-negative.


The phase number requested for impose region #1 to move with is either non-positive or larger than the total number of phases.
The impose region motion phase "imposeregion_motphs" must be positive and no larger than the total number of phases defined in "phases" section.


The phase requested for impose region #1 to move with is not a moving wall.
The impose region motion phase "imposeregion_motphs" must point to a MOVINGWALL phase from the "phases" section.


Velocity direction vector for CYLINDERDVEL impose region #1 is too small.
The magnitude of velocity direction vector defined in "cylindervel_unv" is smaller than 1.0e-6. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


Magnitude of direction vector A for PARALLELEPIPEDACC impose region #1 is too small.
The magnitude of direction vector defined in "parallelepipedacc_A_vec" is smaller than 1.0e-6. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


Length in A direction for PARALLELEPIPEDACC impose region #1 must be non-negative.
The side length defined in "parallelepipedacc_A_len" is a negative number. The length must be zero or positive.


Magnitude of direction vector B for PARALLELEPIPEDACC impose region #1 is too small.
The magnitude of direction vector defined in "parallelepipedacc_B_vec" is smaller than 1.0e-6. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


Length in B direction for PARALLELEPIPEDACC impose region #1 must be non-negative.
The side length defined in "parallelepipedacc_B_len" is a negative number. The length must be zero or positive.


Magnitude of direction vector C for PARALLELEPIPEDACC impose region #1 is too small.
The magnitude of direction vector defined in "parallelepipedacc_C_vec" is smaller than 1.0e-6. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


Length in C direction for PARALLELEPIPEDACC impose region #1 must be non-negative.
The side length defined in "parallelepipedacc_C_len" is a negative number. The length must be zero or positive.


Vectors A, B, and C defined for PARALLELEPIPEDACC impose region #1 generate no volume, and will not have effect.
The vectors defining the parallelepiped are coplanar, so no volume is generated and the region will not have effect.


The phase number requested for impose region #1 to move with is either non-positive or larger than the total number of phases.
The impose region motion phase "imposeregion_motphs" must be positive and no larger than the total number of phases defined in "phases" section.


The phase requested for impose region #1 to move with is not a moving wall.
The impose region motion phase "imposeregion_motphs" must point to a MOVINGWALL phase from the "phases" section.


Direction vector magnitude for a PARALLELEPIPEDACC impose region is too small.
The magnitude of unit vector defined in "parallelepipedacc_unv" is smaller than 1.0e-6. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


Normal vector magnitude for CYLINDERACC impose region #1 is too small.
The magnitude of vector defined in "cylinderacc_axis" is smaller than 1.0e-6. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


The height of CYLINDERACC impose region #1 must be non-negative.
The height of cylinder defined in "cylinderacc_hght" is a negative number. The height must be zero or positive.


The radius of CYLINDERACC impose region #1 must be non-negative.
The radius of a CYLINDERACC impose region specified in "cylinderacc_rad" is a negative number. The radius must be zero or positive.


The phase number requested for impose region #1 to move with is either non-positive or larger than the total number of phases.
The impose region motion phase "imposeregion_motphs" must be positive and no larger than the total number of phases defined in "phases" section.


The phase requested for impose region #1 to move with is not a moving wall.
The impose region motion phase "imposeregion_motphs" must point to a MOVINGWALL phase from the "phases" section.


Direction vector magnitude for a CYLINDERACC impose region is too small.
The magnitude of vector defined in "cylinderacc_unv" is smaller than 1.0e-6. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


Magnitude of direction vector A for PARALLELEPIPEDTEMP impose region #1 is too small.
The magnitude of direction vector defined in "parallelepipedtemp_A_vec" is smaller than 1.0e-6. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


Length in A direction for PARALLELEPIPEDTEMP impose region #1 must be non-negative.
The side length defined in "parallelepipedtemp_A_len" is a negative number. The length must be zero or positive.


Magnitude of direction vector B for PARALLELEPIPEDTEMP impose region #1 is too small.
The magnitude of direction vector defined in "parallelepipedtemp_B_vec" is smaller than 1.0e-6. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


Length in B direction for PARALLELEPIPEDTEMP impose region #1 must be non-negative.
The side length defined in "parallelepipedtemp_B_len" is a negative number. The length must be zero or positive.


Magnitude of direction vector C for PARALLELEPIPEDTEMP impose region #1 is too small.
The magnitude of direction vector defined in "parallelepipedtemp_C_vec" is smaller than 1.0e-6. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


Length in C direction for PARALLELEPIPEDTEMP impose region #1 must be non-negative.
The side length defined in "parallelepipedtemp_C_len" is a negative number. The length must be zero or positive.


Vectors A, B, and C defined for PARALLELEPIPEDTEMP impose region #1 generate no volume, and will not have effect.
The vectors defining the parallelepiped are coplanar, so no volume is generated and the region will not have effect.


The phase number requested for impose region #1 to move with is either non-positive or larger than the total number of phases.
The impose region motion phase "imposeregion_motphs" must be positive and no larger than the total number of phases defined in "phases" section.


The phase requested for impose region #1 to move with is not a moving wall.
The impose region motion phase "imposeregion_motphs" must point to a MOVINGWALL phase from the "phases" section.


Normal vector magnitude for CYLINDERTEMP impose region #1 is too small.
The magnitude of normal vector defined in "cylindertemp_axis" is smaller than 1.0e-6. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


The height of CYLINDERTEMP impose region #1 must be non-negative.
The height of cylinder defined in "cylindertemp_hght" is a negative number. The height must be zero or positive.


The radius of CYLINDERTEMP impose region #1 must be non-negative.
The radius of a CYLINDERTEMP impose region specified in "cylindertemp_rad" is a negative number. The radius must be zero or positive.


The phase number requested for impose region #1 to move with is either non-positive or larger than the total number of phases.
The impose region motion phase "imposeregion_motphs" must be positive and no larger than the total number of phases defined in "phases" section.


The phase requested for impose region #1 to move with is not a moving wall.
The impose region motion phase "imposeregion_motphs" must point to a MOVINGWALL phase from the "phases" section.


Magnitude of direction vector A for PARALLELEPIPEDPOROUS impose region #1 is too small.
The magnitude of direction vector defined in "parallelepipedporous_A_vec" is smaller than 1.0e-6. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


Length in U direction for PARALLELEPIPEDPOROUS impose region #1 must be non-negative.
The side length defined in "parallelepipedporous_A_len" is a negative number. The length must be zero or positive.


Magnitude of direction vector B for PARALLELEPIPEDPOROUS impose region #1 is too small.
The magnitude of direction vector defined in "parallelepipedporous_B_vec" is smaller than 1.0e-6. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


Length in B direction for PARALLELEPIPEDPOROUS impose region #1 must be non-negative.
The side length defined in "parallelepipedporous_B_len" is a negative number. The length must be zero or positive.


Magnitude of direction vector C for PARALLELEPIPEDPOROUS impose region #1 is too small.
The magnitude of direction vector defined in "parallelepipedporous_C_vec" is smaller than 1.0e-6. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


Length in C direction for PARALLELEPIPEDPOROUS impose region #1 must be non-negative.
The side length defined in "parallelepipedporous_C_len" is a negative number. The length must be zero or positive.


Vectors A, B, and C defined for PARALLELEPIPEDPOROUS impose region #1 generate no volume, and will not have effect.
The vectors defining the parallelepiped are coplanar, so no volume is generated and the region will not have effect.


The phase number requested for impose region #1 to move with is either non-positive or larger than the total number of phases.
The impose region motion phase "imposeregion_motphs" must be positive and no larger than the total number of phases defined in "phases" section.


The phase requested for impose region #1 to move with is not a moving wall.
The impose region motion phase "imposeregion_motphs" must point to a MOVINGWALL phase from the "phases" section.


At least two of the "porous_principal_ax_x_i", "porous_principal_ax_y_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" for phase #1 should be defined.
If new axes of for the porous region were to be defined, at least two of the keywords "porous_principal_ax_x_i", "porous_principal_ax_y_i" or "porous_principal_ax_z_i" must appear in a PARALLELEPIPEDPOROUS Region definition. There is no need to define the principal axes if they are parallel to the global xyz axes. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


"porous_principal_ax_x_i" defined for region #1 has zero length.
The keyword "porous_principal_ax_x_i" of a PARALLELEPIPEDPOROUS motion is either not defined or has zero magnitude. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


"porous_principal_ax_y_i" defined for region #1 has zero length.
The keyword "porous_principal_ax_y_i" of a PARALLELEPIPEDPOROUS motion is either not defined or has zero magnitude. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


"porous_principal_ax_z_i" defined for region #1 has zero length.
The keyword "porous_principal_ax_z_i" of a PARALLELEPIPEDPOROUS motion is either not defined or has zero magnitude. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


"porous_principal_ax_x_i" and "porous_principal_ax_y_i" defined for phase #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "porous_principal_ax_x_i" and "porous_principal_ax_y_i" of a PARALLELEPIPEDPOROUS motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


"porous_principal_ax_x_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" defined for region #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "porous_principal_ax_x_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" of a PARALLELEPIPEDPOROUS motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


"porous_principal_ax_y_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" defined for region #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "porous_principal_ax_y_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" of a PARALLELEPIPEDPOROUS motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


"porous_principal_ax_x_i" and "porous_principal_ax_y_i" defined for region #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "porous_principal_ax_x_i" and "porous_principal_ax_y_i" of a PARALLELEPIPEDPOROUS motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


"porous_principal_ax_x_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" defined for region #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "porous_principal_ax_x_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" of a PARALLELEPIPEDPOROUS motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


"porous_principal_ax_y_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" defined for region #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "porous_principal_ax_y_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" of a PARALLELEPIPEDPOROUS motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


"porous_principal_ax_x_i", "porous_principal_ax_y_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" defined for region #1 do not follow the right hand rule.
The difference of the cross product of vectors "porous_principal_ax_x_i", "porous_principal_ax_y_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" of a PARALLELEPIPEDPOROUS motion and 1 is larger than 1.0e-6.


Normal vector magnitude for CYLINDERPOROUS impose region #1 is too small.
The magnitude of normal vector defined in "cylinderporous_axis" is smaller than 1.0e-6. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


The height of CYLINDERPOROUS impose region #1 must be non-negative.
The height of cylinder defined in "cylinderporous_hght" is a negative number. The height must be zero or positive.


The radius of CYLINDERPOROUS impose region #1 must be non-negative.
The radius of a CYLINDERPOROUS impose region specified in "cylinderporous_rad" is a negative number. The radius must be zero or positive.


The phase number requested for impose region #1 to move with is either non-positive or larger than the total number of phases.
The impose region motion phase "imposeregion_motphs" must be positive and no larger than the total number of phases defined in "phases" section.


The phase requested for impose region #1 to move with is not a moving wall.
The impose region motion phase "imposeregion_motphs" must point to a MOVINGWALL phase from the "phases" section.


At least two of the "porous_principal_ax_x_i", "porous_principal_ax_y_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" for phase #1 should be defined.
If new axes of for the porous region were to be defined, at least two of the keywords "porous_principal_ax_x_i", "porous_principal_ax_y_i" or "porous_principal_ax_z_i" must appear in a CYLINDERPOROUS Region definition. There is no need to define the principal axes if they are parallel to the global xyz axes. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


"porous_principal_ax_x_i" defined for region #1 has zero length.
The keyword "porous_principal_ax_x_i" of a CYLINDERPOROUS motion is either not defined or has zero magnitude. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


"porous_principal_ax_y_i" defined for region #1 has zero length.
The keyword "porous_principal_ax_y_i" of a CYLINDERPOROUS motion is either not defined or has zero magnitude. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


"porous_principal_ax_z_i" defined for region #1 has zero length.
The keyword "porous_principal_ax_z_i" of a CYLINDERPOROUS motion is either not defined or has zero magnitude. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


"porous_principal_ax_x_i" and "porous_principal_ax_y_i" defined for phase #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "porous_principal_ax_x_i" and "porous_principal_ax_y_i" of a CYLINDERPOROUS motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


"porous_principal_ax_x_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" defined for region #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "porous_principal_ax_x_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" of a CYLINDERPOROUS motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


"porous_principal_ax_y_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" defined for region #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "porous_principal_ax_y_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" of a CYLINDERPOROUS motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


"porous_principal_ax_x_i" and "porous_principal_ax_y_i" defined for region #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "porous_principal_ax_x_i" and "porous_principal_ax_y_i" of a CYLINDERPOROUS motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


"porous_principal_ax_x_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" defined for region #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "porous_principal_ax_x_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" of a CYLINDERPOROUS motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


"porous_principal_ax_y_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" defined for region #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "porous_principal_ax_y_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" of a CYLINDERPOROUS motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


"porous_principal_ax_x_i", "porous_principal_ax_y_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" defined for region #1 do not follow the right hand rule.
The difference of the cross product of vectors "porous_principal_ax_x_i", "porous_principal_ax_y_i" and "porous_principal_ax_z_i" of a CYLINDERPOROUS motion and 1 is larger than 1.0e-6.



Inlet region #1 has no phases associated with it.
An inlet region definition must include "inletregion_phase" keyword. This error may point to a typographical mistake.


The phase number associated with inlet region #1 is either non-positive or larger than the total number of phases.
The inlet region phase "inletregion_phase" must be positive and no larger than the total number of phases defined in "phases" section.


Inlet region #1 has to be associated with a fluid phase.
The inlet region phase "inletregion_phase" must point to a FLUID phases from the "phases" section.


The phase number requested for inlet region #1 to move with is either non-positive or larger than the total number of phases.
The inlet region motion phase "inletregion_motphs" must be positive and no larger than the total number of phases defined in "phases" section.


The phase requested for inlet region #1 to move with is not a moving wall.
The inlet region motion phase "inletregion_motphs" must point to a MOVINGWALL phase from the "phases" section.


Inlet region #1 has non-positive extension length.
The extension length obtained from either "inletregion_extlen" or "inletregion_extlenodx" must be positive.


Inlet region #1 has no normal vector specified.
An inlet region definition must include the keyword "inletregion_nrm". This error may point to a typographical mistake.


Inlet region #1 has a zero length normal vector.
An inlet region must have a normal vector "inletregion_nrm" of non-zero magnitude.


Inlet region #1 has a normal vector with more than one non-zero element. The normal vector may only point in positive or negative direction of the global coordinate system.
The normal vector of inlet regions of type "INREG_RECTANGULAR", "INREG_CIRCULAR" and "INREG_CUSTOM" must be aligned with global xyz axes. Please use "ARBOR" inlets for arbitrarily oriented inlet regions or change the normal "inletregion_nrm" to match the global xyz axes.


Inlet region #1 has a zero length tangent vector.
An "INREG_RECTANGULAR_ARBOR" or "INREG_CIRCULAR_ARBOR" tangent vector "inletregion_tan" either is not defined or has zero magnitude.


Inlet region #1 has a tangent that is not perpendicular to its normal vector.
The dot product of normal "inletregion_nrm" and tangent "inletregion_tan" vectors of an inlet region with arbitrary orientation is larger than 1.0e-3.


Inlet region #1 has a non-fluid phase number in its "inletregion_stf_phaselist".
All phase numbers in the "inletregion_stf_phaselist" must point to a FLUID phase in the "phases" section.


Inlet region #1 does not include its own phase in the given "inletregion_stf_phaselist".
The phase number in "inletregion_phase" must be included in the "inletregion_stf_phaselist".


The stencil file S1 for inlet region #1 should have 3 or 4 columns.
An inlet region stencil file must have 3 columns for single-phase stencils and 4 columns for multi-phase stencils.


The stencil file S1 for inlet region #1 has 4 columns. The option "inletregion_stf_phaselist" must be provided.
When using 4-column (multi-phase) stencils, it is mandatory to provide "inletregion_stf_phaselist".


Please make sure to have #1 inlet regions using the stencil file S1, one for each phase.
When using 4-column (multi-phase) stencils, there must be a separate inlet region definition for each phase in the "inletregion_stf_phaselist". This error suggests that the number of inlet region definitions sharing the same stencil file is not equal to the number of phases in the "inletregion_stf_phaselist". It is assumed that "inletregion_stf_phaselist" does not contain repeating indices.


Please make sure inlet regions using stencil file S1 have correct definition of their respective phases.
When using 4-column (multi-phase) stencils, there must be a separate inlet region definition for each phase in the "inletregion_stf_phaselist". This error suggests that there are repeating "inletregion_phase" values. It is assumed that "inletregion_stf_phaselist" does not contain repeating indices.


Inlet region #1 has negative radius.
The inlet region radius "inletregion_circle_rad" must be a non-negative number.


Inlet region #1 has negative radius.
The inlet region radius "inletregion_circle_rad" must be a non-negative number.


The stencil file of inlet region #1 has less than two points. Please specify the tangent vector manually using "inletregion_tan" field.
It is not possible to compute a unique tangent vector from a single stencil point. At least two points are required to compute the tangent vector.


Failed to compute tangent vector for inlet region #1. Please specify the tangent vector manually using "inletregion_tan" field.
The solver was not able to compute the tangent vector of the inlet region using the provided stencil points. This error may point to an issue within the stencil file. Specifying "inletregion_tan" in the cfg will circumvent this error message.


The computed tangent vector for inlet region #1 is not perpendicular to the specified normal vector. Please specify the tangent vector manually using "inletregion_tan" field.
The dot product of the solver computed tangent vector of the inlet region with the cfg provided inlet region normal "inletregion_nrm" is greater than 1.0e-3. This may point to an issue with the stencil file or the provided normal vector. Specifying the "inletregion_tan" directly in the cfg will circumvent this error.


Inlet region #1 has at least one negative length.
All inlet region side lengths must be non-negative.


The stencil file of inlet region #1 has less than two points. Please specify the tangent vector manually using "inletregion_tan" field.
It is not possible to compute a unique tangent vector from a single stencil point. At least two points are required to compute the tangent vector.


Failed to compute tangent vector for inlet region #1. Please specify the tangent vector manually using "inletregion_tan" field.
The solver was not able to compute the tangent vector of the inlet region using the provided stencil points. This error may point to an issue within the stencil file. Specifying "inletregion_tan" in the cfg will circumvent this error message.


The computed tangent vector for inlet region #1 is not perpendicular to the specified normal vector. Please specify the tangent vector manually using "inletregion_tan" field.
The dot product of the solver computed tangent vector of the inlet region with the cfg provided inlet region normal "inletregion_nrm" is greater than 1.0e-3. This may point to an issue with the stencil file or the provided normal vector. Specifying the "inletregion_tan" directly in the cfg will circumvent this error.


Inlet region #1 has at least one negative length.
All inlet region side lengths must be non-negative.


Inlet region #1 has a negative state. Please modify the normal to change the state direction.
Inlet region state value "inletregion_sttval" must be a non-negative number. Please modify inlet region normal "inletregion_nrm" direction to change state direction.


Inlet region #1 has a state of type "vfl" or "mfl" with no valid stencil particles. Please specify a valid stencil file for "inletregion_stf_file" or use state type "vel".
Stencil particles must be provided through "inletregion_stf_file" to use volume flowrate (vfl) and mass flowrate (mfl) state options in "inletregion_stttyp" as the solver requires the number of particles in advance. The internally generated stencils are not acceptable in this mode.


Inlet region #1 crosses the domain boundaries in at least one direction.
The inlet region's circular spawn surface is too close to a domain boundary (min/max_domain). Either increase the domain size or move the spawn surface away from the domain boundary.


Inlet region #1 crosses the domain boundaries in at least one direction.
The inlet region's rectangular spawn surface is too close to a domain boundary (min/max_domain). Either increase the domain size or move the spawn surface away from the domain boundary.


Inlet region #1 was not able to walk to a close mesh particle. Please modify the "inletregion_cnt" or disable "inletregion_meshmatch".
The solver has failed to find a point matching the initial Cartesian particle distribution to move the center of the inlet region to. To circumvent this error, disable the "inletregion_meshmatch" option and/or move the "inletregion_cnt" to a point that matches the initial Cartesian mesh more closely. Alternatively, you may use a stencil file.



Cannot find Casefile S1
The solver is not able to find the cfg file. Please check the path in your launch command.


Found non-empty output data directory at S1 when "cleandir_opt" is set to BREAK.
The solver encountered a non-empty output data directory when "cleandir_opt" has been set to BREAK. Either remove the output data directory and run again or change "cleandir_opt" to MODIFY or PURGE. When set to MODIFY, the solver creates a new output data directory by appending simulation start time to the original output data directory name. When set to PURGE, the contents of the output data directory are removed.


Failed to create case directory.
The solver encountered an issue while creating the case directory. The path may not be accessible. Retrying the simulation or changing the case path may resolve this issue.


Failed to create case directory.
The solver encountered an issue while creating the case directory. The path may not be accessible. Retrying the simulation or changing the case path may resolve this issue.


Cannot find Casefile S1
The solver is not able to find the cfg file. Please check the path in your launch command.


Failed to empty OUTPUT directory.
The solver failed to remove the contents of OUTPUT directory. The files may be in use by another process.


Failed to empty PREVIEW directory.
The solver failed to remove the contents of PREVIEW directory. The files may be in use by another process.


Failed to empty RECON directory.
The solver failed to remove the contents of RECON directory. The files may be in use by another process.


Failed to empty LOG directory.
The solver failed to remove the contents of LOG directory. The files may be in use by another process.


Failed to empty PHASEINFO directory.
The solver failed to remove the contents of PHASEINFO directory. The files may be in use by another process.


Failed to empty PROBE directory.
The solver failed to remove the contents of PROBE directory. The files may be in use by another process.


Failed to empty MOTION directory.
The solver failed to remove the contents of MOTION directory. The files may be in use by another process.


Failed to empty STL directory.
The solver failed to remove the contents of UTM directory. The files may be in use by another process.


Failed to empty STL directory.
The solver failed to remove the contents of STL directory. The files may be in use by another process.


Failed to empty PVSTATE directory.
The solver failed to remove the contents of PVSTATE directory. The files may be in use by another process.


Failed to empty EXTRACT directory.
The solver failed to remove the contents of EXTRACT directory. The files may be in use by another process.


Failed to create OUTPUT directory.
The solver encountered an issue while creating the OUTPUT directory. The path may not be accessible. Retrying the simulation or changing the case path may resolve this issue. If this happens in a multi-node run, the filesystem topology might not have been determined correctly. In this case, the filesystem topology can be set manually by setting the parameter "filesys_topo" in "simulationParameters" to SHARED if all nodes share the same output filesystem or DISTRIBUTED if every node writes to a separate filesystem.


Failed to create PREVIEW directory.
The solver encountered an issue while creating the PREVIEW directory. The path may not be accessible. Retrying the simulation or changing the case path may resolve this issue. If this happens in a multi-node run, the filesystem topology might not have been determined correctly. In this case, the filesystem topology can be set manually by setting the parameter "filesys_topo" in "simulationParameters" to SHARED if all nodes share the same output filesystem or DISTRIBUTED if every node writes to a separate filesystem.


Failed to create RECON directory.
The solver encountered an issue while creating the RECON directory. The path may not be accessible. Retrying the simulation or changing the case path may resolve this issue. If this happens in a multi-node run, the filesystem topology might not have been determined correctly. In this case, the filesystem topology can be set manually by setting the parameter "filesys_topo" in "simulationParameters" to SHARED if all nodes share the same output filesystem or DISTRIBUTED if every node writes to a separate filesystem.


Failed to create LOG directory.
The solver encountered an issue while creating the LOG directory. The path may not be accessible. Retrying the simulation or changing the case path may resolve this issue. If this happens in a multi-node run, the filesystem topology might not have been determined correctly. In this case, the filesystem topology can be set manually by setting the parameter "filesys_topo" in "simulationParameters" to SHARED if all nodes share the same output filesystem or DISTRIBUTED if every node writes to a separate filesystem.


Failed to create PHASEINFO directory.
The solver encountered an issue while creating the PHASEINFO directory. The path may not be accessible. Retrying the simulation or changing the case path may resolve this issue. If this happens in a multi-node run, the filesystem topology might not have been determined correctly. In this case, the filesystem topology can be set manually by setting the parameter "filesys_topo" in "simulationParameters" to SHARED if all nodes share the same output filesystem or DISTRIBUTED if every node writes to a separate filesystem.


Failed to create PROBE directory.
The solver encountered an issue while creating the PROBE directory. The path may not be accessible. Retrying the simulation or changing the case path may resolve this issue. If this happens in a multi-node run, the filesystem topology might not have been determined correctly. In this case, the filesystem topology can be set manually by setting the parameter "filesys_topo" in "simulationParameters" to SHARED if all nodes share the same output filesystem or DISTRIBUTED if every node writes to a separate filesystem.


Failed to create MOTION directory.
The solver encountered an issue while creating the MOTION directory. The path may not be accessible. Retrying the simulation or changing the case path may resolve this issue. If this happens in a multi-node run, the correct filesystem topology might not have been determined correctly. In this case, the filesystem topology can be set manually by setting the parameter "filesys_topo" in "simulationParameters" to SHARED if all nodes share the same output filesystem or DISTRIBUTED if every node writes to a separate filesystem.


Failed to create UTM directory.
The solver encountered an issue while creating the UTM directory. The path may not be accessible. Retrying the simulation or changing the case path may resolve this issue. If this happens in a multi-node run, the correct filesystem topology might not have been determined correctly. In this case, the filesystem topology can be set manually by setting the parameter "filesys_topo" in "simulationParameters" to SHARED if all nodes share the same output filesystem or DISTRIBUTED if every node writes to a separate filesystem.


Failed to create STL directory.
The solver encountered an issue while creating the STL directory. The path may not be accessible. Retrying the simulation or changing the case path may resolve this issue. If this happens in a multi-node run, the correct filesystem topology might not have been determined correctly. In this case, the filesystem topology can be set manually by setting the parameter "filesys_topo" in "simulationParameters" to SHARED if all nodes share the same output filesystem or DISTRIBUTED if every node writes to a separate filesystem.


Failed to create PVSTATE directory.
The solver encountered an issue while creating the PVSTATE directory. The path may not be accessible. Retrying the simulation or changing the case path may resolve this issue. If this happens in a multi-node run, the filesystem topology might not have been determined correctly. In this case, the filesystem topology can be set manually by setting the parameter "filesys_topo" in "simulationParameters" to SHARED if all nodes share the same output filesystem or DISTRIBUTED if every node writes to a separate filesystem.


Failed to create EXTRACT directory.
The solver encountered an issue while creating the EXTRACT directory. The path may not be accessible. Retrying the simulation or changing the case path may resolve this issue. If this happens in a multi-node run, the filesystem topology might not have been determined correctly. In this case, the filesystem topology can be set manually by setting the parameter "filesys_topo" in "simulationParameters" to SHARED if all nodes share the same output filesystem or DISTRIBUTED if every node writes to a separate filesystem.


Failed to create output rank directories.
The solver encountered an issue while creating the rank# directory(ies) in OUTPUT directory. The path may not be accessible. Retrying the simulation or changing the case path may resolve this issue.


Failed to create preview rank directories.
The solver encountered an issue while creating the rank# directory(ies) in PREVIEW directory. The path may not be accessible. Retrying the simulation or changing the case path may resolve this issue.


Failed to create restart/continue rank directories.
The solver encountered an issue while creating the rank# directory(ies) in RECON directory. The path may not be accessible. Retrying the simulation or changing the case path may resolve this issue.


Cannot find or failed to open input archive S1.
The solver is not able to find or open the input archive file. Please check the path in your launch command and make sure the archive file is accessible.


Failed to open S1 of input archive S2.
The solver has encountered a problem when trying to access the contents of input archive file. The archive may be corrupt or inaccessible.


Encountered an error while reading S1 of input archive S2.
The solver has encountered a problem while reading the contents of input archive file. The archive may be corrupt or inaccessible.


Cannot find inputfile S1
The solver is not able to find/access the inputfile or copy the inputfile into "Used_inputfile.prtl". Please make sure both the inputfile and "Used_inputfile.prtl" are accessible to the solver.


Cannot find Inputfile S1
The solver is not able to access the input file containing the discretized geometry. Either the file does not exist or the path is incorrect.


Problem opening the bodyforce file
The solver is not able to find the acceleration field file specified for "bodyforce" in "domain" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Empty line in bodyforce file S1
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the acceleration field from "bodyforce" in "domain" section. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Problem reading the bodyforce file
The solver encountered a problem while reading the acceleration field from "bodyforce" in "domain" section. A likely reason is incorrect number of columns. Please make sure all rows have four columns. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Problem opening the bodyframe state file
The solver is not able to find the states file specified for "bodyframe" in "domain" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Empty line in bodyframe states file S1
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the states from "bodyframe" in "domain" section. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Problem reading the bodyframe states file
The solver encountered a problem while reading the states from "bodyframe" in "domain" section. A likely reason is incorrect number of columns. Please make sure all rows have ten columns. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Problem opening the road path file S1.
The solver is not able to find the road path file specified for "frame_road_path_file_name" in "framesuite" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Empty line in the road path file S1.
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the road path from "frame_road_path_file_name" in "framesuite" section. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Problem reading the road path file S1.
The solver encountered a problem while reading the road path from "frame_road_path_file_name" in "framesuite" section. A likely reason is incorrect number of columns. Please make sure all rows have four columns. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Problem opening the road profile file S1.
The solver is not able to find the road profile file specified for "frame_road_profile_file_name" in "framesuite" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Empty line in the road profile file S1.
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the road profile from "frame_road_profile_file_name" in "framesuite" section. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Problem reading the road profile file S1.
The solver encountered a problem while reading the road profile from "frame_road_profile_file_name" in "framesuite" section. A likely reason is incorrect number of columns. Please make sure all rows have four columns. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Unable to access case directory S1
The solver encountered an issue while accessing the case directory during file system topology identification. The case directory having been deleted, being inaccessible or having other unknown file system issues may lead to this message.


Root path S1 is not a directory.
The path to the case directory points to a file instead. The reason is unknown.


Cannot write to case directory S1
The solver encountered an issue while writing to the case directory during file system topology identification. This may be due to inadequate permissions.


Cannot read from case directory S1
The solver encountered an issue while reading from the case directory during file system topology identification. This may be due to inadequate permissions.


Could not determine file system topology.
The solver was not able to determine the file system topology due to an unknown error. Please specify the file system topology explicitly through the cfg file.


File system topology is ambiguous. Only one file system for all nodes or one file system per node is supported.
The solver was not able to determine the file system topology. This error indicates that there were no clear patterns of file system accessibility. Only one shared file system for all nodes or one local file system per node are supported. If your file system meets either of these criteria, please specify the file system topology explicitly through the cfg file.


File system topology is ambiguous. Only one file system for all nodes or one file system per node is supported.
The solver was not able to determine the file system topology. This error indicates that there were no clear patterns of file system accessibility. Only one shared file system for all nodes or one local file system per node are supported. If your file system meets either of these criteria, please specify the file system topology explicitly through the cfg file.


Cannot find/open the time-velocity series file S1 for a PARALLELEPIPEDVEL impose region #1.
The solver is not able to find the time-velocity series file specified for "parallelepipedvel_tvs_file" in "imposeRegions" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Empty line in time-velocity series file S1 for a PARALLELEPIPEDVEL impose region #1.
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the time-velocity series from "parallelepipedvel_tvs_file" in "imposeRegions" section. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Encountered a problem while reading time-velocity series file S1 for PARALLELEPIPEDVEL impose region #1.
The solver encountered a problem while reading the time-velocity series from "parallelepipedvel_tvs_file" in "imposeRegions" section. A likely reason is incorrect number of columns. Please make sure all rows have two columns. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Cannot find/open the time-velocity series file S1 for CYLINDERVEL impose region #1.
The solver is not able to find the time-velocity series file specified for "cylindervel_tvs_file" in "imposeRegions" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Empty line in time-velocity series file S1 for CYLINDERVEL impose region #1.
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the time-velocity series from "cylindervel_tvs_file" in "imposeRegions" section. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Encountered a problem while reading time-velocity series file S1 for CYLINDERVEL impose region #1.
The solver encountered a problem while reading the time-velocity series from "cylindervel_tvs_file" in "imposeRegions" section. A likely reason is incorrect number of columns. Please make sure all rows have two columns. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Cannot find/open the time-acceleration series file S1 for a PARALLELEPIPEDACC impose region #1.
The solver is not able to find the time-acceleration series file specified for "parallelepipedacc_tas_file" in "imposeRegions" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Empty line in time-acceleration series file S1 for a PARALLELEPIPEDACC impose region #1.
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the time-acceleration series from "parallelepipedacc_tas_file" in "imposeRegions" section. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Encountered a problem while reading time-acceleration series file S1 for PARALLELEPIPEDACC impose region #1.
The solver encountered a problem while reading the time-acceleration series from "parallelepipedacc_tas_file" in "imposeRegions" section. A likely reason is incorrect number of columns. Please make sure all rows have two columns. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Cannot find/open the time-acceleration series file S1 for a CYLINDERACC impose region #1.
The solver is not able to find the time-acceleration series file specified for "cylinderacc_tas_file" in "imposeRegions" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Empty line in time-acceleration series file S1 for a CYLINDERACC impose region #1.
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the time-acceleration series from "cylinderacc_tas_file" in "imposeRegions" section. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Encountered a problem while reading time-acceleration series file S1 for CYLINDERACC impose region #1.
The solver encountered a problem while reading the time-acceleration series from "cylinderacc_tas_file" in "imposeRegions" section. A likely reason is incorrect number of columns. Please make sure all rows have two columns. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Cannot find/open the time-temperature series file S1 for a PARALLELEPIPEDTEMP impose region #1.
The solver is not able to find the time-temperature series file specified for "parallelepipedtemp_tts_file" in "imposeRegions" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Empty line in time-temperature series file S1 for a PARALLELEPIPEDTEMP impose region #1.
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the time-temperature series from "parallelepipedtemp_tts_file" in "imposeRegions" section. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Encountered a problem while reading time-temperature series file S1 for PARALLELEPIPEDTEMP impose region #1.
The solver encountered a problem while reading the time-temperature series from "parallelepipedtemp_tts_file" in "imposeRegions" section. A likely reason is incorrect number of columns. Please make sure all rows have two columns. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Cannot find/open the time-temperature series file S1 for a CYLINDERTEMP impose region #1.
The solver is not able to find the time-temperature series file specified for "cylindertemp_tts_file" in "imposeRegions" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Empty line in time-temperature series file S1 for a CYLINDERTEMP impose region #1.
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the time-temperature series from "cylindertemp_tts_file" in "imposeRegions" section. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Encountered a problem while reading time-temperature series file S1 for CYLINDERTEMP impose region #1.
The solver encountered a problem while reading the time-temperature series from "cylindertemp_tts_file" in "imposeRegions" section. A likely reason is incorrect number of columns. Please make sure all rows have two columns. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Cannot find/open the stencil file S1 for inlet region #1.
The solver is not able to find the inlet region stencil file specified for "inletregion_stf_file" in "inletregions" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Empty line in stencil file S1 for inlet region #1.
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the inlet region stencil from "inletregion_stf_file" in "inletreginos" section. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Encountered a problem while reading stencil file S1 for inlet region #1.
The solver encountered a problem while reading the inlet reigon stencil from "inletregion_stf_file" in "inletreginos" section. A likely reason is incorrect number of columns. Please make sure all rows of single-phase stencil file have 3 columns and all rows of multi-phase stencil files have 4 columns. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Not all phases mentioned in "inletregion_stf_phaselist" for inlet region #1 were found in file S1.
A 4-column (multi-phase) inlet region stencil files must include all phases mentioned in "inletregion_stf_phaselist".


Encountered a negative state magnitude while reading time-state series file S1 for inlet region #1.
The solver encountered a negative number while reading the time-state series from "inletregion_tss_file" in "inletregions" section. All state magnitudes must be non-negative. Please change "inletregion_nrm" to change state direction.


Cannot find/open the time-state series file S1 for inlet region #1.
The solver is not able to find the time-state series file specified for "inletregion_tss_file" in "inletregions" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Empty line in time-state series file S1 for inlet region #1.
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the time-state series from "inletregion_tss_file" in "inletregions" section. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Encountered a problem while reading time-state series file S1 for inlet region #1.
The solver encountered a problem while reading the time-state series from "inletregion_tss_file" in "inletregions" section. A likely reason is incorrect number of columns. Please make sure all rows have two columns. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Cannot find prescribed motion file S1
The solver is not able to find the prescribed motion file specified for "motion_type" in "motions" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Encountered an empty line while reading the header of prescribed motion file S1
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the header of the prescribed motion file. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Encountered a problem while reading the header of prescribed motion file S1
The solver encountered a problem while reading the header of the prescribed motion file. A likely reason is the incorrect number of columns. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Encountered an empty line while reading prescribed motion file S1
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the prescribed motion file. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Encountered a problem while reading the prescribed motion file S1
The solver encountered a problem while reading the prescribed motion file. A likely reason is the incorrect number of columns. Please make sure that all lines have 8 columns for axis-angle mode (isOrientation true) and 7 columns for angular velocity mode (isOrientation false). The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Cannot find/open the time-velocity series file S1 for motion #1.
The solver is not able to find the time-velocity series file specified for "dr1dof_tvs_file" in "motions" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Empty line in time-velocity series file S1 for motion #1.
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the time-velocity series from "dr1dof_tvs_file" in "motions" section. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Encountered a problem while reading time-velocity series file S1 for motion #1.
The solver encountered a problem while reading the time-velocity series from "dr1dof_tvs_file" in "motions" section. A likely reason is incorrect number of columns. Please make sure all rows have two columns. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Cannot find/open the road path file S1 for motion #1.
The solver is not able to find the road path file specified for "dr1dof_rd_pth_file" in "motions" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Empty line in road path file S1 for motion #1.
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the road path from "dr1dof_rd_pth_file" in "motions" section. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Encountered a problem while reading road path file S1 for motion #1.
The solver encountered a problem while reading the road path from "dr1dof_rd_pth_file" in "motions" section. A likely reason is incorrect number of columns. Please make sure all rows have two columns. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Cannot find/open the time-velocity series file S1 for motion #1.
The solver is not able to find the time-velocity series file specified for "dr3dof_tvs_file" in "motions" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Empty line in time-velocity series file S1 for motion #1.
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the time-velocity series from "dr3dof_tvs_file" in "motions" section. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Encountered a problem while reading time-velocity series file S1 for motion #1.
The solver encountered a problem while reading the time-velocity series from "dr3dof_tvs_file" in "motions" section. A likely reason is incorrect number of columns. Please make sure all rows have two columns. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Cannot find/open the road path file S1 for motion #1.
The solver is not able to find the road path file specified for "dr3dof_rd_pth_file" in "motions" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Empty line in road path file S1 for motion #1.
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the road path from "dr3dof_rd_pth_file" in "motions" section. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Encountered a problem while reading road path file S1 for motion #1.
The solver encountered a problem while reading the road path from "dr3dof_rd_pth_file" in "motions" section. A likely reason is incorrect number of columns. Please make sure all rows have two columns. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Cannot find/open the preset time dependent linear velocity file (prbcon_linvel_f_c) S1 for passive rigid body motion #1.
The solver is not able to find the preset time dependent linear velocity file specified for "prbcon_linvel_f_c" in "motions" section for a passive rigid body. Please make sure the "prbcon_linvel_f_c" keyword is present, the specified file name/path is correct and the file pointed to exists.


Empty line in preset time dependent linear velocity file (prbcon_linvel_f_c) S1 for passive rigid body motion #1.
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the preset time dependent linear velocity from "prbcon_linvel_f_c" in "motions" section for a passive rigid body. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Encountered a problem while reading time dependent linear velocity file (prbcon_linvel_f_c) S1 for passive rigid body motion #1.
The solver encountered a problem while reading the time dependent linear velocity from "prbcon_linvel_f_c" in "motions" section for a passive rigid body. A likely reason is incorrect number of columns. Please make sure all rows have four columns. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Cannot find/open the preset time dependent angular velocity file (prbcon_angvel_f_c) S1 for passive rigid body motion #1.
The solver is not able to find the preset time dependent angular velocity file specified for "prbcon_angvel_f_c" in "motions" section for a passive rigid body. Please make sure the "prbcon_angvel_f_c" keyword is present, the specified file name/path is correct and the file pointed to exists.


Empty line in preset time dependent angular velocity file (prbcon_angvel_f_c) S1 for passive rigid body motion #1.
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the preset time dependent angular velocity from "prbcon_angvel_f_c" in "motions" section for a passive rigid body. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Encountered a problem while reading time dependent angular velocity file (prbcon_angvel_f_c) S1 for passive rigid body motion #1.
The solver encountered a problem while reading the time dependent angular velocity from "prbcon_angvel_f_c" in "motions" section for a passive rigid body. A likely reason is incorrect number of columns. Please make sure all rows have four columns. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Encountered a negative state magnitude while reading time-state series file S1 for outlet region #1.
The solver encountered a negative number while reading the velocity from time-state series file "outletregion_tss_file" in "outletregions" section. All velocity magnitudes must be non-negative. Please change "outletregion_nrm" to change velocity direction.


Cannot find/open the time-state series file S1 for outlet region #1.
The solver is not able to find the time-state series file specified for "outletregion_tss_file" in "outletregions" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Empty line in time-state series file S1 for outlet region #1.
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the time-state series from "outletregion_tss_file" in "outletregions" section. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Encountered a problem while reading time-state series file S1 for outlet region #1.
The solver encountered a problem while reading the time-state series from "outletregion_tss_file" in "outletregions" section. A likely reason is incorrect number of columns. Please make sure all rows have two columns. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


The probe points file S1 specified for probe S2 contains less than two points.
A flowrate probe requires at least two points to function. This error may point to possible errors in probe points file specified for "probe_points_file" in "probes" section or typographical errors in the cfg file.


Cannot find/open the probe points file S1 specified for probe S2.
The solver is not able to find the probe points file specified for "probe_points_file" in "probes" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Empty line in the probe points file S1 specified for probe S2.
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the probe points from "probe_points_file" in "probes" section. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Encountered a problem while reading the probe points file S1 specified for probe S2.
The solver encountered a problem while reading the probe points file from "probe_points_file" in "probes" section. A likely reason is incorrect number of columns. Please make sure all rows have three columns. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Bounding Box needs to be read from the restart/continue (recon) file.
A restart/continue (recon) run must use the bounding box values stored in the recon file.


Domain Dimensions need to be read from the restart/continue (recon) file.
A restart/continue (recon) run must use the domain dimension values stored in the recon file.


Could not determine the latest restart/continue (recon) file. Please use \"restart_from_step\" keyword to specify the timestep explicitly.
The solver was not able to determine the latest restart/continue (recon) file available. At least one recon file must be present. The error may be due to wrong "restart_from_dir", "output_data_dir" or a change in the cfg file name that leads the solver to search a directory without any recon files. The recon timesteps available for a specific simulation are listed in the "restart.txt" file.


Unable to find restart/continue (recon) file S1
The solver is unable to find or access the restart/continue (recon) file. Please make sure the file exists. This may be due to typographical errors in defining "restart_from_dir" or "restart_from_step" keywords.


Incompatible restart/continue (recon) file version (supplied/required): #1/#2
The restart/continue (recon) file version is not compatible with the solver version. The supplied recon file version and required recon file version by the solver are given in the error message.


Encountered a problem while reading restart/continue (recon) file S1
The solver encountered a problem while reading a restart/continue (recon) file.


Unable to find restart/continue (recon) file S1
The solver is unable to find or access the restart/continue (recon) file. Please make sure the file exists. This may be due to typographical errors in defining "restart_from_dir" or "restart_from_step" keywords.


Problem opening the particle output times file S1
The solver is not able to find the particle output times file specified for "t_output_file" in "simulationParameters" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Empty line in particle output times file S1
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the particle output times from "t_output_file" in "simulationParameters" section. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Problem reading the particle output times file S1
The solver encountered a problem while reading the particle output times from "t_output_file" in "simulationParameters" section. Please make sure the file contains exactly one number per line. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Problem opening the restart output times file S1
The solver is not able to find the restart output times file specified for "t_output_restart_file" in "simulationParameters" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Empty line in restart output times file S1
The solver encountered an empty line while reading the restart output times from "t_output_restart_file" in "simulationParameters" section. Please remove the empty line from the file and try again. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Problem reading the restart output times file S1
The solver encountered a problem while reading the restart output times from "t_output_restart_file" in "simulationParameters" section. Please make sure the file contains exactly one number per line. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF).


Cannot find/open the stl file S1 for extractor S2.
The solver is not able to find the stl file specified for "extractor_stlfile" in "extractors" section. Please make sure the file exists and/or the path to the file in cfg is correct.


Encountered a problem while reading the input geometry file header.
This error suggests that there has been a problem in the input discretized geometry file. This may be due to wrong format or an empty file. Exporting the discretized geometry again may resolve this problem.


Unexpected version for binary inputfile.
The detected binary inputfile version is not supported by this version of the solver. Please export the inputfile with ASCII type.


Unexpected read mode for binary inputfile.
An unknown inputfile read mode has been detected. Only "INPTFL_PXYZ" is supported.


Read mode "INPTFL_PXYZ" doesn't match inputfile.
The solver issues this error when the read option is set to "INPTFL_PXYZ" but detects another format.


Read mode "INPTFL_PXYZUVW" is not supported for binary inputfiles.
Read mode "INPTFL_PXYZUVW" is not supported for binary inputfiles. Please export the inputfile with ASCII type if you need read mode "INPRTFL_PXYZUVW".


Read mode "INPTFL_PXYZS" or "INPTFL_PXYZSUVW" is not supported for binary inputfiles.
Read mode "INPTFL_PXYZ" or "INPTFL_PXYZSUVW" is not supported for binary inputfiles. Please export the inputfile with ASCII type if you need read mode "INPRTFL_PXYZS" or "INPRTFL_PXYZSUVW".


Unexpected number of columns in the inputfile.
Each row of inputfile must contain 4, 5, 7 or 8 columns.


Requested inputfileReadMode is incompatible with the provided input (prtl) file.
The solver issues this message when it detects 5 or 8 columns in the input file and the read mode is set to "INPTFL_PXYZ". Please specify the read mode as "INPTFL_PXYZS" for 5 column input files and "INPTFL_PXYZSUVW" for 8 column input files.


Unexpected number of columns in the inputfile.
Each row of inputfile must contain 4, 5, 7 or 8 columns.


Requested inputfileReadMode is incompatible with the provided input (prtl) file.
The solver issues this message when it detects 5 or 8 columns in the input file and the read mode is set to "INPTFL_PXYZUVW". Please specify the read mode as "INPTFL_PXYZS" for 5 column input files and "INPTFL_PXYZSUVW" for 8 column input files.


Unexpected number of columns in the inputfile.
Each row of inputfile must contain 4, 5, 7 or 8 columns.


Requested inputfileReadMode is incompatible with the provided input (prtl) file.
The solver issues this message when it detects 4 or 7 columns in the input file and the read mode is set to "INPTFL_PXYZS". Please specify the read mode as "INPTFL_PXYZ" for 4 column input files and "INPTFL_PXYZUVW" for 7 column input files.


Unexpected number of columns in the inputfile.
Each row of inputfile must contain 4, 5, 7 or 8 columns.


Requested inputfileReadMode is incompatible with the provided input (prtl) file.
The solver issues this message when it detects 4 or 7 columns in the input file and the read mode is set to "INPTFL_PXYZSUVW". Please specify the read mode as "INPTFL_PXYZ" for 4 column input files and "INPTFL_PXYZUVW" for 7 column input files.


Unexpected number of columns in the inputfile.
Each row of inputfile must contain 4, 5, 7 or 8 columns.


Encountered a problem while opening the input geometry file.
This error suggests that there has been a problem in opening the input discretized geometry file.


Encountered a problem while reading the input geometry file header.
This error suggests that there has been a problem in the input discretized geometry file. This may be due to wrong type, format or an empty file. Exporting the discretized geometry again may resolve this problem.


Encountered a problem while reading the input geometry file.
This error suggests that there has been a problem in the input discretized geometry file. This may be due to wrong type, number of columns or empty lines in the file. The file should be in nFX binary format. Exporting the discretized geometry again may resolve this problem.


Encountered a problem while reading the input geometry file.
This error suggests that there has been a problem in the input discretized geometry file. This may be due to wrong type, number of columns or empty lines in the file. The file should be in plain ASCII with Unix like line endings (LF). Exporting the discretized geometry again may resolve this problem.


Encountered a problem with the (restart/continue) recon file (nonexistent or unreadable) S1
The solver is not able to access a restart/continue (recon) file. The file may not exist or the path is incorrect. Please make sure the chosen timestep to restart/continue the simulation from corresponds to an available recon file.


Encountered a problem while reading restart/continue (recon) file S1
The solver is not able to read a restart/continue (recon) file. The file may be corrupt or in an incorrect format.


Failed to create EXTRACT sub directory for vtp output of extractor S1.
The solver encountered an issue while creating a subdirectory under EXTRACT directory. The path may not be accessible. Retrying the simulation or changing the case path may resolve this issue. If this happens in a multi-node run, the filesystem topology might not have been determined correctly. In this case, the filesystem topology can be set manually by setting the parameter "filesys_topo" in "simulationParameters" to SHARED if all nodes share the same output filesystem or DISTRIBUTED if every node writes to a separate filesystem.


Failed to create EXTRACT sub directory for synchronized output S1.
The solver encountered an issue while creating a subdirectory under EXTRACT directory. The path may not be accessible. Retrying the simulation or changing the case path may resolve this issue. If this happens in a multi-node run, the filesystem topology might not have been determined correctly. In this case, the filesystem topology can be set manually by setting the parameter "filesys_topo" in "simulationParameters" to SHARED if all nodes share the same output filesystem or DISTRIBUTED if every node writes to a separate filesystem.


Failed to create EXTRACT sub directory for txt output of extractor S1.
The solver encountered an issue while creating a subdirectory under EXTRACT directory. The path may not be accessible. Retrying the simulation or changing the case path may resolve this issue. If this happens in a multi-node run, the filesystem topology might not have been determined correctly. In this case, the filesystem topology can be set manually by setting the parameter "filesys_topo" in "simulationParameters" to SHARED if all nodes share the same output filesystem or DISTRIBUTED if every node writes to a separate filesystem.


Failed to create EXTRACT sub directory for info output of extractor S1.
The solver encountered an issue while creating a subdirectory under EXTRACT directory. The path may not be accessible. Retrying the simulation or changing the case path may resolve this issue. If this happens in a multi-node run, the filesystem topology might not have been determined correctly. In this case, the filesystem topology can be set manually by setting the parameter "filesys_topo" in "simulationParameters" to SHARED if all nodes share the same output filesystem or DISTRIBUTED if every node writes to a separate filesystem.


Failed to create EXTRACT sub directory for synchronized info output of extractor S1.
The solver encountered an issue while creating a subdirectory under EXTRACT directory. The path may not be accessible. Retrying the simulation or changing the case path may resolve this issue. If this happens in a multi-node run, the filesystem topology might not have been determined correctly. In this case, the filesystem topology can be set manually by setting the parameter "filesys_topo" in "simulationParameters" to SHARED if all nodes share the same output filesystem or DISTRIBUTED if every node writes to a separate filesystem.


Encountered a problem while opening stl file S1 for extractor S2.
The solver encountered a problem while opening the stl file specified for "extractor_stlfile" in "extractors" section. The file name or path may be wrong or the file may not exist, lack required permissions, be corrupt or be inaccessible due to other reasons.


Encountered a problem while reading stl file S1 for extractor S2.
The solver encountered a problem while reading the stl file from "extractor_stlfile" in "extractors" section. The file may be corrupt, contain ill formated data, have become inaccessible during the read operation or be unreadable due to other reasons.



The simulation cannot start without a valid "kernel" section.
The cfg file must contain a "kernel" section. Please define one and assign appropriate values. Please ensure that there are no typographical mistakes and the cfg file has Linux line endings.


Either `dx' or `cutoff' need to be specified in the configuration file.
Either "dx" or "cutoff" must be defined and have a positive value.



Invalid "max_dist" is specified for motion #1 applied to phase #2.
The maximum distance "max_dist" of a "ROTATE", "ROTATE_AXIS" or "PLANETARY" motion must be a positive number. It is mandatory to define "max_dist" of a motion of aforementioned types when no explicit definition of "ref_vel" is given in "domain" section. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


Invalid "max_dist" is specified for motion #1 applied to phase #2.
The maximum distance "max_dist" of a "ROTATE", "ROTATE_AXIS" or "PLANETARY" motion must be a positive number. It is mandatory to define "max_dist" of a motion of aforementioned types when no explicit definition of "ref_vel" is given in "domain" section. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


Invalid "max_dist" is specified for motion #1 applied to phase #2.
The maximum distance "max_dist" of a "ROTATE", "ROTATE_AXIS" or "PLANETARY" motion must be a positive number. It is mandatory to define "max_dist" of a motion of aforementioned types when no explicit definition of "ref_vel" is given in "domain" section. This error may be due to missing keywords or typographical mistakes.


Motion #1 is assigned to phases #2 and #3, where at least one is larger than the total number of defined phases.
At least one of the requested phase numbers for a "CONROD" motion exceeds the number of phases defined in the "phases" section.


Motion #1 is assigned to phases #2 and #3, where at least one phase is not a MOVINGWALL.
At least one phase in a "CONROD" motion definition points to a non-MOVINGWALL phase.


CONROD motion #1 has no phase_piston and/or phase_conrod assigned.
A "CONROD" motion is missing the definition of at least one of "phase_piston" or "phase_conrod". Typographical errors or setting the aforementioned keywords to a number less than 1 may also lead to this message.


Motion #1 is assigned to phase #2 which is larger than the total number of defined phases.
The requested phase number exceeds the number of phases defined in the "phases" section.


At least one motion is defined but not assigned to a phase.
There are no phases assigned to this motion or phase number is less than 1.


Motion #1 is assigned to phase S1 which is not a WALL or a MOVINGWALL.
An "IMPOSE_VEL" or "ROTATE_AXIS" motion is assigned to a non-WALL or non-MOVINGWALL phase.


Motion #1 is assigned to phase S1 which is not a MOVINGWALL.
A motion is assigned to a non-MOVINGWALL phase


"rot_freq" of motion #1 not defined or with zero magnitude.
The keyword "rot_freq" of a "ROTATE" motion is either not defined or has a small magnitude. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


"rot_axis" of motion #1 not defined or with zero magnitude.
The keyword "rot_axis" of a "ROTATE_AXIS" motion is either not defined or has a small magnitude. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


"conrod_axis" of motion #1 not defined or with zero magnitude.
The keyword "conrod_axis" of a "CONROD" motion is either not defined or has a small magnitude. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


"crankshaft_normal" of motion #1 not defined or with zero magnitude.
The keyword "crankshaft_normal" of a "conrod_axis" motion is either not defined or has a small magnitude. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


No prescribed motion file specified in the configuration file of motion #1
The "motion_type" keyword for a "POSITION_FILE" motion is either not specified or has no value. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


Body motion #1 is assigned to phase #2 which is larger than the total number of defined phases or less than 1.
At least one requested body phase number for a "DOUBLE_ROLLER_1DOF" motion exceeds the number of phases defined in the "phases" section or is less than 1.


Body motion #1 is assigned to phase #2 which is not a MOVINGWALL.
At least one requested body phase number for a "DOUBLE_ROLLER_1DOF" motion points to a non-MOVINGWALL phase.


Front wheel Motion #1 is assigned to phase #2 which is larger than the total number of defined phases or less than 1.
At least one requested front wheel phase number for a "DOUBLE_ROLLER_1DOF" motion exceeds the number of phases defined in the "phases" section or is less than 1.


Front wheel motion #1 is assigned to phase #2 which is not a MOVINGWALL.
At least one requested front wheel phase number for a "DOUBLE_ROLLER_1DOF" motion points to a non-MOVINGWALL phase.


Rear wheel Motion #1 is assigned to phase #2 which is larger than the total number of defined phases or less than 1.
At least one requested rear wheel phase number for a "DOUBLE_ROLLER_1DOF" motion exceeds the number of phases defined in the "phases" section or is less than 1.


Rear wheel motion #1 is assigned to phase #2 which is not a MOVINGWALL.
At least one requested rear wheel phase number for a "DOUBLE_ROLLER_1DOF" motion points to a non-MOVINGWALL phase.


Motion #1 has phase #2 assigned to both body and front wheels.
The same phase number appears in both body and front wheel phase lists of a "DOUBLE_ROLLER_1DOF" motion.


Motion #1 has phase #2 assigned to both body and rear wheels.
The same phase number appears in both body and rear wheel phase lists of a "DOUBLE_ROLLER_1DOF" motion.


Motion #1 has phase #2 assigned to both front and rear wheels.
The same phase number appears in both front wheel and rear wheel phase lists of a "DOUBLE_ROLLER_1DOF" motion.


Motion #1 supports "reardrive" and "frontdrive" options only.
Driver modes for a double roller 1DoF motion are "reardrive" and "frontdrive". Please note that the options may be written in any combination of lowercase and uppercase letters.


Motion #1 is missing forward axis point definition.
In a double roller 1DoF motion, the forward axis point must always be defined.


Motion #1 is missing rear axis point definition.
In a double roller 1DoF motion, the rear axis point must always be defined.


Coordinate x of the front wheel is less than or equal to that of the rear wheel in motion #1.
In a double roller 1DoF motion, the x coordinate of the front wheel must be larger than that of the rear wheel.


Motion #1 is missing wheel radius definition.
In a double roller 1DoF motion, the wheel radius must always be defined.


Wheel radius of Motion #1 is not positive.
In a double roller 1DoF motion, the wheel radius must be a positive number.


Arc segment length coefficient of motion #1 is missing wheel radius definition.
In a double roller 1DoF motion, the arc segment length coefficient must be a positive number.


Road path file of motion #1 has less than two points.
At least two points (one road segment) must be specified in the road path file of a double roller 1DoF motion.


The x coordinate values (first column) of the road path file of motion #1 must be strictly increasing.
In a double roller 1DoF motion, the x coordinate values of the road path must be strictly increasing. This means that each x value must be greater than the x values of the previous lines.


A piece of the road path file of motion #1 has zero length.
This means that there are repeating lines (x and z values) in the road path file of a double roller 1DoF motion.


A piece of the road path file of motion #1 has zero length.
The length of at least one piece of road of a pair with a topside angle of less than 180 degrees is too short along the other piece's normal to be projected on the elevated road. Please either increase the length of the road piece along the normal of the connecting piece or reduce the wheel radius. This error is likely to occur on small bumps along the road. You may also remove these bumps to avoid this error.


At least two consecutive pieces of the road path file of motion #1 have the same slope.
The consecutive road pieces of a double roller 1DoF motion must have unique normals. Please merge the consecutive road pieces with the same slope to avoid this error.


A piece of the elevated road of motion #1 has zero length.
A piece of the elevated road of a double roller 1DoF motion has a length of zero.


The initial position of driving wheel axes of motion #1 could not be associated to a road piece. A slight change to x coordinates of the road might resolve this issue.
The initial center of driving wheel axes of a double roller 1DoF motion must lie within a road piece when projected onto the road tangent. A slight change in road path x coordinates around the driving wheel may resolve this issue.


Body motion #1 is assigned to phase #2 which is larger than the total number of defined phases or less than 1.
At least one requested body phase number for a "DOUBLE_ROLLER_3DOF" motion exceeds the number of phases defined in the "phases" section or is less than 1.


Body motion #1 is assigned to phase #2 which is not a MOVINGWALL.
At least one requested body phase number for a "DOUBLE_ROLLER_3DOF" motion points to a non-MOVINGWALL phase.


Front wheel Motion #1 is assigned to phase #2 which is larger than the total number of defined phases or less than 1.
At least one requested front wheel phase number for a "DOUBLE_ROLLER_3DOF" motion exceeds the number of phases defined in the "phases" section or is less than 1.


Front wheel motion #1 is assigned to phase #2 which is not a MOVINGWALL.
At least one requested front wheel phase number for a "DOUBLE_ROLLER_3DOF" motion points to a non-MOVINGWALL phase.


Rear wheel Motion #1 is assigned to phase #2 which is larger than the total number of defined phases or less than 1.
At least one requested rear wheel phase number for a "DOUBLE_ROLLER_3DOF" motion exceeds the number of phases defined in the "phases" section or is less than 1.


Rear wheel motion #1 is assigned to phase #2 which is not a MOVINGWALL.
At least one requested rear wheel phase number for a "DOUBLE_ROLLER_3DOF" motion points to a non-MOVINGWALL phase.


Motion #1 has phase #2 assigned to both body and front wheels.
The same phase number appears in both body and front wheel phase lists of a "DOUBLE_ROLLER_3DOF" motion.


Motion #1 has phase #2 assigned to both body and rear wheels.
The same phase number appears in both body and rear wheel phase lists of a "DOUBLE_ROLLER_3DOF" motion.


Motion #1 has phase #2 assigned to both front and rear wheels.
The same phase number appears in both front wheel and rear wheel phase lists of a "DOUBLE_ROLLER_3DOF" motion.


Motion #1 supports "reardrive" and "frontdrive" options only.
Driver modes for a double roller 3DoF motion are "reardrive" and "frontdrive". Please note that the options may be written in any combination of lowercase and uppercase letters.


Motion #1 is missing body center of mass definition.
In a double roller 3DoF motion, the body center of mass must always be defined.


Motion #1 is missing forward axis point definition.
In a double roller 3DoF motion, the forward axis point must always be defined.


Motion #1 is missing rear axis point definition.
In a double roller 3DoF motion, the rear axis point must always be defined.


Coordinate x of the front wheel is less than or equal to that of the rear wheel in motion #1.
In a double roller 3DoF motion, the x coordinate of the front wheel must be larger than that of the rear wheel.


Motion #1 is missing wheel radius definition.
In a double roller 3DoF motion, the wheel radius must always be defined.


Wheel radius of Motion #1 is not positive.
In a double roller 3DoF motion, the wheel radius must be a positive number.


Body mass of motion #1 is either not defined or not positive.
In a double roller 3DoF motion, body mass must be a positive number. This message means either "dr3dof_bod_ms" is not defined or its value is not been positive.


Body moment of inertia of motion #1 is either not defined or not positive.
In a double roller 3DoF motion, body moment of inertia must be a positive number. This message means either "dr3dof_bod_iyy" is not defined or its value is not been positive.


Arc segment length coefficient of motion #1 is missing wheel radius definition.
In a double roller 3DoF motion, the arc segment length coefficient must be a positive number.


Road path file of motion #1 has less than two points.
At least two points (one road segment) must be specified in the road path file of a double roller 3DoF motion.


The x coordinate values (first column) of the road path file of motion #1 must be strictly increasing.
In a double roller 3DoF motion, the x coordinate values of the road path must be strictly increasing. This means that each x value must be greater than the x values of the previous lines.


A piece of the road path file of motion #1 has zero length.
This means that there are repeating lines (x and z values) in the road path file of a double roller 3DoF motion.


A piece of the road path file of motion #1 has zero length.
The length of at least one piece of road of a pair with a topside angle of less than 180 degrees is too short along the other piece's normal to be projected on the elevated road. Please either increase the length of the road piece along the normal of the connecting piece or reduce the wheel radius. This error is likely to occur on small bumps along the road. You may also remove these bumps to avoid this error.


At least two consecutive pieces of the road path file of motion #1 have the same slope.
The consecutive road pieces of a double roller 3DoF motion must have unique normals. Please merge the consecutive road pieces with the same slope to avoid this error.


A piece of the elevated road of motion #1 has zero length.
A piece of the elevated road of a double roller 3DoF motion has a length of zero.


The initial position of driving wheel axes of motion #1 could not be associated to a road piece. A slight change to x coordinates of the road path might resolve this issue.
The initial center of driving wheel axes of a double roller 3DoF motion must lie within a road piece when projected onto the road tangent. A slight change in road path x coordinates around the driving wheel may resolve this issue.


At least two of the mom_principal_ax_x_i, mom_principal_ax_y_i and mom_principal_ax_z_i for phase #1 should be defined.
If principal axes of moment of inertia were to be defined, at least two of the keywords "mom_principal_ax_x_i", "mom_principal_ax_y_i" or "mom_principal_ax_z_i" must appear in a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion's definition. There is no need to define the principal axes if they are parallel to the global xyz axes. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


mom_principal_ax_x_i defined for phase #1 has zero length.
The keyword "mom_principal_ax_x_i" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion is either not defined or has zero magnitude. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


mom_principal_ax_y_i defined for phase #1 has zero length.
The keyword "mom_principal_ax_y_i" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion is either not defined or has zero magnitude. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


mom_principal_ax_z_i defined for phase #1 has zero length.
The keyword "mom_principal_ax_z_i" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion is either not defined or has zero magnitude. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


mom_principal_ax_x_i and mom_principal_ax_y_i defined for phase #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "mom_principal_ax_x_i" and "mom_principal_ax_y_i" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


mom_principal_ax_x_i and mom_principal_ax_z_i defined for phase #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "mom_principal_ax_x_i" and "mom_principal_ax_z_i" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


mom_principal_ax_y_i and mom_principal_ax_z_i defined for phase #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "mom_principal_ax_y_i" and "mom_principal_ax_z_i" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


mom_principal_ax_x_i and mom_principal_ax_y_i defined for phase #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "mom_principal_ax_x_i" and "mom_principal_ax_y_i" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


mom_principal_ax_x_i and mom_principal_ax_z_i defined for phase #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "mom_principal_ax_x_i" and "mom_principal_ax_z_i" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


mom_principal_ax_y_i and mom_principal_ax_z_i defined for phase #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "mom_principal_ax_y_i" and "mom_principal_ax_z_i" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


mom_principal_ax_x_i, mom_principal_ax_y_i and mom_principal_ax_z_i defined for phase #1 do not follow the right hand rule.
The difference of the cross product of vectors "mom_principal_ax_x_i", "mom_principal_ax_y_i" and "mom_principal_ax_z_i" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion and 1 is larger that 1.0e-6.


At least two of the prbcon_ax_x_i, prbcon_ax_y_i and prbcon_ax_z_i for phase #1 should be defined.
At least two of the vectors "prbcon_ax_x_i", "prbcon_ax_y_i" and "prbcon_ax_z_i" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion are required to determine the third vector.


prbcon_ax_x_i defined for phase #1 has zero length.
The keyword "prbcon_ax_x_i" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion is either not defined or has zero magnitude. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


prbcon_ax_y_i defined for phase #1 has zero length.
The keyword "prbcon_ax_y_i" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion is either not defined or has zero magnitude. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


prbcon_ax_z_i defined for phase #1 has zero length.
The keyword "prbcon_ax_z_i" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion is either not defined or has zero magnitude. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


prbcon_ax_x_i and prbcon_ax_y_i defined for phase #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "prbcon_ax_x_i" and "prbcon_ax_y_i" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


prbcon_ax_x_i and prbcon_ax_z_i defined for phase #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "prbcon_ax_x_i" and "prbcon_ax_z_i" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


prbcon_ax_y_i and prbcon_ax_z_i defined for phase #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "prbcon_ax_y_i" and "prbcon_ax_z_i" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


prbcon_ax_x_i and prbcon_ax_y_i defined for phase #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "prbcon_ax_x_i" and "prbcon_ax_y_i" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


prbcon_ax_x_i and prbcon_ax_z_i defined for phase #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "prbcon_ax_x_i" and "prbcon_ax_z_i" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


prbcon_ax_y_i and prbcon_ax_z_i defined for phase #1 are not perpendicular.
The dot product of vectors "prbcon_ax_y_i" and "prbcon_ax_z_i" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion is larger than 1.0e-6.


prbcon_ax_x_i, prbcon_ax_y_i and prbcon_ax_z_i defined for phase #1 do not follow the right hand rule.
The difference of the cross product of vectors "prbcon_ax_x_i", "prbcon_ax_y_i" and "prbcon_ax_z_i" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion and 1 is larger that 1.0e-6.


At most one element of prbcon_ax_hinge_c defined for phase #1 may be set to 1.
Only one element of "prbcon_ax_hinge_c" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion may be equal to 1 to denote the hinge axis. Setting all elements to zero means a ball and socket joint. Remove or comment the keyword to disable hinge/joint.


"year_rotVector" must have a nonzero magnitude.
The keyword "year_rotVector" of a "PLANETARY" motion is either not defined or has zero magnitude. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


"day_rotVector' must have a nonzero magnitude.
The keyword "day_rotVector" of a "PLANETARY" motion is either not defined or has zero magnitude. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


Invalid frequency unit ("freq_unit") for a non-"PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion: S1. Options are "Hz", "RPM", "Rad/s" and "Rad/min" (default: "Hz")
The input for "freq_unit" of a non-"PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion does not represent a valid unit. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.


Invalid frequency unit ("freq_unit") for a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion: S1. Options are "Hz", "RPM", "Rad/s" and "Rad/min" (default: "Rad/s")
The input for "freq_unit" of a "PASSIVE_RIGID_BODY" motion does not represent a valid unit. Typographical errors may also lead to this message.



A phase number associated with outlet region #1 is either non-positive or larger than the total number of phases.
All phase numbers must be greater than zero and less than the number of phases defined in "phases" section.


An invalid extension type is requested for outlet region #1. Please use setacc, setvel or noext.
Recognized extension types are "noext", "setacc" and "setvel". The type names are not case sensitive. This error may point to a typographical mistake.


Outlet region #1 has non-positive extension length.
Outlet region extension length ("outletregion_extlen" or "outletregion_extlenodx") must be a non-negative number.


Outlet region #1 has a zero length normal vector.
The solver has detected a zero length outlet region normal "outletregion_nrm". This may be due to missing keyword or typographical mistakes.


Outlet region #1 has a normal vector with more than one non-zero element. The normal vector may only point in positive or negative direction of the global coordinate system.
Outlet region normal "outletregion_nrm" must be parallel to the global x, y or z axis.


Outlet region #1 has no normal vector specified.
The solver was not able to find the "outletregion_nrm" keyword in the cfg file. This may be due to missing keyword or typographical mistakes.


Outlet region #1 has a zero length normal vector.
The solver has detected a zero length outlet region normal "outletregion_nrm". This may be due to missing keyword or typographical mistakes.


Outlet region #1 has a normal vector with more than one non-zero element. The normal vector may only point in positive or negative direction of the global coordinate system.
Outlet region normal "outletregion_nrm" must be parallel to the global x, y or z axis.


Outlet region #1 has no normal vector specified.
The solver was not able to find the "outletregion_nrm" keyword in the cfg file. This may be due to missing keyword or typographical mistakes.


Outlet region #1 has a zero length normal vector.
The solver has detected a zero length outlet region normal "outletregion_nrm". This may be due to missing keyword or typographical mistakes.


Outlet region #1 has a normal vector with more than one non-zero element. The normal vector may only point in positive or negative direction of the global coordinate system.
Outlet region normal "outletregion_nrm" must be parallel to the global x, y or z axis.


Sphere outlet region #1 has no radius specified.
The solver was not able to find the "outletregion_sphere_rad" keyword in the cfg file. This may be due to missing keyword or typographical mistakes.


Sphere outlet region #1 has non-positive radius.
Outlet region radius "outletregion_sphere_rad" must be a positive number.


Cuboid outlet region #1 has no length specified.
The solver was not able to find the "outletregion_cuboid_len" keyword in the cfg file. This may be due to missing keyword or typographical mistakes.


Cuboid outlet region #1 has at least one non-positive length value.
All outlet region side lengths "outletregion_cuboid_len" must be positive numbers.


Cylinder outlet region #1 has no radius specified.
The solver was not able to find the "outletregion_cylinder_rad" keyword in the cfg file. This may be due to missing keyword or typographical mistakes.


Cylinder outlet region #1 has non-positive radius.
Outlet region radius "outletregion_cylinder_rad" must be a positive number.


Cylinder outlet region #1 has no height specified.
The solver was not able to find the "outletregion_cylinder_hgt" keyword in the cfg file. This may be due to missing keyword or typographical mistakes.


Cylinder outlet region #1 has non-positive height.
Outlet region height "outletregion_cylinder_hgt" must be a positive number.


Outlet region #1 has negative state. Please modify the normal to change state direction.
Outlet region state magnitude "outletregion_extstt" of a "setvel" type extension must be a non-negative number. Please modify outlet region normal "outletregion_nrm" direction to change velocity direction.



Number of phases bigger than maximum allowed (#1).
The maximum number of phases is limited to 100. Please note that each subphase group (WALL and MOVINGWALL) counts as one phase.


The simulation cannot start without a valid "phases" section.
The cfg file must contain a "phases" section. Please define one and assign appropriate values. Please ensure that there are no typographical mistakes and the cfg file has Linux line endings.


The contact angle requested for phase #1 has an invalid value: #2.";
Contact angle needs to be a value between 0 and 180 degrees.


Phase #1, requested for calculating fluid contact time of solid phase #2, is larger than the total number of phases, #3.
The requested fluid contact phase number "fluidContactPhase" exceeds the number of phases defined in the "phases" section.


The fluid contact time is requested for phase #1 which is not a WALL or MOVINGWALL.
Fluid contact time is only available for WALL or MOVINGWALL phases. In other words, "fluidContactPhase" keyword is restricted to WALL and MOVINGWALL phase types.


The non-fluid phase #1 is assigned for calculating fluid contact time of solid phase #2.
The solver measures the contact time of FLUID phases with WALL or MOVINGWALL phases only. In other words, the value of "fluidContactPhase" keyword must point to a FLUID phase.


Subphase option is not supported with energy transport in non-isothermal solids.
Sub phasing feature is not available when energy transport is active and wall or movingwall phases have evolving temperature fields. Please either set "evolve_temp" to false or set "makesubphase" to false.


Number of subphases bigger than maximum allowed (#1).
The maximum number of subphases is limited to 100. Please note that each phase defined in the cfg counts as one subphase.


Visualization surface #1 is assigned to phase #2 which is out of the range of defined phases.
The requested phase number for the visualization surface either exceeds the number of phases defined in the "phases" section or is smaller than one.


Visualization surface #1 is assigned to phase S1 which is not a WALL or a MOVINGWALL.
A visualization surface must be assigned to a WALL or MOVINGWALL phase.



Probe number #1 of type S1 requires at least one fluid phase definition. There is no fluid phase present in the cfg.
Probe types "volumeprobe", "surfaceprobe" and "flowrateprobe" require at least one FLUID phase definition in the cfg. Please remove the probes from the cfg or add a FLUID phase to the cfg to proceed.


Unknown probe type S1 for probe number #1.
Only "volumeprobe", "surfaceprobe", "solidprobe" and "flowrateprobe" are recognized probe types. Typographical errors may lead to this messsage.


No normal vector has been specified for probe S1.
A probe requiring a normal vector is missing "probe_nrmvec" in its definition.


The normal vector specified for probe S1 has zero magnitude.
A probe requiring a normal vector "probe_nrmvec" has a zero magnitude vector in its definition.


No normal vector has been specified for probe S1.
A probe requiring a normal vector is missing "probe_nrmvec" in its definition.


The normal vector specified for probe S1 has zero magnitude.
A probe requiring a normal vector "probe_nrmvec" has a zero magnitude vector in its definition.


The parallel vector specified for probe S1 has zero magnitude.
A probe requiring a parallel vector "probe_tanvec" has a zero magnitude vector in its definition.


Parallel and normal vectors specified for probe S1 are not sufficiently perpendicular.
The dot product of parallel and normal vectors defined for a flowrate probe is larger than 1.0e-3.


Probe S1 is attached to phase number #1, which is greater than the total number of phases at #2.
The requested phase number in "probe_phase" exceeds the number of phases defined in the "phases" section.


Probe S1 is attached to phase number #1, which is not a moving wall.
The requested phase number "probe_phase" for a "volumeprobe", "surfaceprobe" or "flowrateprobe" movement does not point to a MOVINGWALL in "phases" section.


Probe S1 is attached to phase number #1, which is not a wall or a moving wall.
The requested phase number "probe_phase" for a "solidprobe" points neither to a WALL nor a MOVINGWALL in "phases" section.


Probe S1 is not attached to a phase. Solid probes must attach to a wall or a moving wall to sample from.
A "solidprobe" must have a defined "probe_phase" pointing to WALL or MOVINGWALL phase in the "phases" section.


Failed to compute parallel vector for probe S1. Please specify the parallel vector manually using "probe_tanvec" field.
The solver was not able to compute the parallel vector of a flowrate probe using the probe points. This error may point to an issue within the probe file. Specifying "probe_tanvec" in the cfg will circumvent this error message.


The computed parallel vector for probe S1 is not perpendicular to the specified normal vector. Please specify the parallel vector manually using "probe_tanvec" field.
The parallel vector of a flowrate probe computed by the solver is not perpendicular to the probe normal "probe_nrmvec" specified in the cfg (dot product greater than 1.0e-3). This may point to possible issues with probe points file. Specifying the "probe_tanvec" directly in the cfg will circumvent this error.



Failed allocating 'd_bufint' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating 'h_bufint' on Host
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed reserving 'd_tileList_active' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving 'h_tileList_active' on Host
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed allocating 'd_tileList_active' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating 'h_tileList_active' on Host
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed reserving 'd_borderTileList_active' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving 'h_borderTileList_active' on Host
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed allocating 'd_borderTileList_active' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating 'h_borderTileList_active' on Host
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed allocating 'd_localcell_weights' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating 'h_localcell_weights' on Host
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed allocating 'd_localcell_buf' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating 'd_localvirtualtile_lb_list' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating 'd_remotevirtualtile_lb_lID' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating 'd_remotevirtualcell_lb_owner' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving 'd_localcell_weights' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving 'h_localcell_weights' on Host
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed reserving 'd_localcell_buf' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving 'd_localvirtualtile_lb_list' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving 'd_remotevirtualtile_lb_lID' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving 'd_remotevirtualcell_lb_owner' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed freeing 'd_tileList_active' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed freeing 'h_tileList_active' on Host
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed freeing 'd_borderTileList_active' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed freeing 'h_borderTileList_active' on Host
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed freeing 'd_localcell_weights' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed freeing 'h_localcell_weights' on Host
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed freeing 'd_localcell_buf' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed freeing 'd_localvirtualtile_lb_list' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed freeing 'd_remotevirtualtile_lb_lID' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed freeing 'd_remotevirtualcell_lb_owner' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed freeing 'd_bordercells_idx' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed freeing 'd_bordercells_borderidx' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving 'd_bordercells_idx' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating 'd_bordercells_idx' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving 'd_bordercells_borderidx' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating 'd_bordercells_borderidx' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving 'd_ghosts_owner' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving 'd_ghosts_gID' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving 'd_ghosts_lID' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving 'd_ghosts_borderidx' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating 'd_ghosts_owner' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating 'd_ghosts_gID' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating 'd_ghosts_lID' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating 'd_ghosts_borderidx' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving 'd_sendcells_dest' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving 'd_sendcells_gID' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving 'd_sendcells_idx' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving 'd_sendcells_destidx' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating 'd_sendcells_dest' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating 'd_sendcells_gID' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating 'd_sendcells_idx' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating 'd_sendcells_destidx' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating '_d_tlist' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving '_d_tlist' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed freeing '_d_tlist' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating '_d_clist' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving '_d_clist' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed freeing '_d_clist' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating '_d_ghostclist' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving '_d_ghostclist' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed freeing '_d_ghostclist' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating '_d_scellbuf' on GPU"
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving '_d_scellbuf' on GPU"
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed freeing '_d_scellbuf' on GPU"
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating '_d_commcellbuf' on GPU"
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed reserving '_d_commcellbuf' on GPU"
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed freeing '_d_commcellbuf' on GPU"
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating 'h_neighbour_sortedcells_num' on Host
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed allocating 'h_neighbour_sortedcells_begin' on Host
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed allocating 'h_neighbour_sortedcells_end' on Host
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed allocating 'd_bufint' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating 'h_bufint' on Host
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed allocating 'd_bufint' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed allocating 'h_bufint' on Host
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Encountered a problem while loading inletregion stencils on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Encountered a problem while resizing prtl arrays on GPU in S1
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Encountered a problem while reserving prtl arrays on GPU in S1
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Encountered a problem while freeing prtl arrays on GPU in S1
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Encountered a problem while resizing prtl buffers on GPU in S1
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Encountered a problem while reserving prtl buffers on GPU in S1
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Encountered a problem while freeing prtl buffers on GPU in S1
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Encountered a problem while copying prtl buffers to GPU in S1
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Encountered a problem while copying prtl buffers from GPU in S1
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Encountered a problem while resizing prtl MPI buffers on GPU in S1
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Encountered a problem while reserving prtl MPI buffers on GPU in S1
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Encountered a problem while freeing prtl MPI buffers on GPU in S1
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Encountered a problem while resizing ghost arrays on GPU in S1
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Encountered a problem while reserving ghost arrays on GPU in S1
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Encountered a problem while freeing ghost arrays on GPU in S1
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Encountered a problem while resizing ghost MPI buffers on GPU in S1
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Encountered a problem while reserving ghost MPI buffers on GPU in S1
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Encountered a problem while freeing ghost MPI buffers on GPU in S1
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed getting `pos' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed getting `attr' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed getting `poscheck' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed getting `vel' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed getting `prop.rho' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed getting `prop.temp' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed getting `prop.visceff' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed getting `gradc' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed getting `curv_den' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed getting `vcorr' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed getting `wall normals' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed getting `relpos' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed getting `subphase' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed getting `volrat' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed getting `dyecolor' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed getting `fluidContact' on GPU
This error points to a likely issue with GPU memory.


Failed getting `pos' from GPU
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed getting `vel' from GPU
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed getting `acc' from GPU
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed getting `gradc' from GPU
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed getting `gradc2' from GPU
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed getting `curv_den' from GPU
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed getting `curv_den2' from GPU
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed getting `vcorr' from GPU
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed getting `rho' from GPU
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed getting `press' from GPU
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed getting `prop.temp' from GPU
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed getting `prop.visceff' from GPU
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed getting `StrainRate' from GPU
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed getting `attr' from GPU
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed getting `wall' from GPU
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed getting `moving wall' from GPU
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed getting `subphase' from GPU
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed getting `volrat' from GPU
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed getting `dyecolor' from GPU
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).


Failed getting `fluidContact' from GPU
This error points to a likely issue with host memory (RAM).



Invalid input for keyword chain S1.S2: S3. Valid options are: S4
An unrecognized value S3 for the parameter represented by the keyword chain has been provided in the cfg file. The keyword chain is formatted as key1.key2, where key1 is the highest level keyword and and key2 the parameter name. The list S4 shows the accepted inputs for that option.


Missing input for keyword chain S1.S2. Valid options are: S3
The parameter represented by the keyword chain requires explicit input by the user, but none has been provided in the cfg file. The keyword chain is formatted as key1.key2, where key1 is the highest level keyword and and key2 the parameter name. The list S3 shows the accepted inputs for that option.


Invalid input for keyword chain S1.S2(#1).S3: S4. Valid options are: S5
An unrecognized value S4 for the parameter represented by the keyword chain has been provided in the cfg file. The keyword chain is formatted as key1.key2(#).key3, where key1 is the highest level keyword, key2 is the second level keyword and key3 is the parameter name. The second level key is accompanied by a number in parentheses pointing to the order in second level keyword list. The list S5 shows the accepted inputs for that option.


Missing input for keyword chain S1.S2(#1).S3. Valid options are: S4
The parameter represented by the keyword chain requires explicit input by the user, but none has been provided in the cfg file. The keyword chain is formatted as key1.key2(#).key3, where key1 is the highest level keyword, key2 is the second level keyword and key3 is the parameter name. The second level key is accompanied by a number in parentheses pointing to the order in second level keyword list. The list S4 shows the accepted inputs for that option.


Missing input for keyword chain S1.S2. The boundary conditions for each of the cordinate directions can be chosen from: S3
The parameter represented by the keyword chain requires explicit input by the user, but none has been provided in the cfg file. The keyword chain is formatted as key1.key2, where key1 is the highest level keyword and and key2 the parameter name. The input for each of the coordinate directions can be chosen from the values shown in the list S3.


Missing input for keyword chain S1.S2(#1).S3. The boundary conditions for each of the cordinate directions can be chosen from: S4
The parameter represented by the keyword chain requires explicit input by the user, but none has been provided in the cfg file. The keyword chain is formatted as key1.key2(#1).key3, where key1 is the highest level keyword, key2 is the second level keyword and key3 is the parameter name. The second level key is accompanied by a number in parentheses pointing to the order in second level keyword list. The input for each of the coordinate directions can be chosen from the values shown in the list S4.


DESIGN operation mode is only available for single fluid phase. For cases with more than one fluid, please use NORMAL or CONSERVATIVE operation modes.
When setting "operationMode" to "DESIGN", only one phase in the "phases" section may be of FLUID type.


More than two FLUID phases detected. The ADAMI surface tension model is not supported for more than two FLUID phases.
The surface tension model "ADAMI" only supports two FLUID phases.


More than two FLUID phases detected. The "TARTAKOVSKY2016_F1" surface tension model is not supported for more than two FLUID phases.
The surface tension model "TARTAKOVSKY2016_F1" only supports two FLUID phases.


The simulation cannot start without a valid "simulationParameters" section.
The cfg file must contain a "simulationParameters" section. Please define one and assign appropriate values. Please ensure that there are no typographical mistakes and the cfg file has Linux line endings.


Log output frequency "freq_log" has to be a positive integer value.
The log output frequency "freq_log" is the number of timesteps between log outputs and has to be a positive integer value.


APD attenuation interval "APD_attenuation_interval" has equal start and end points.
APD attenuation interval start and end points must be different. Please use different values. For a sharp cut at the starting value, set the end value to a number smaller than the starting one.


Activating non-Newtonian viscosity models through "varvisc_non_Newtonian" requires defining a valid "viscosityModels" section.
When activating non-Newtonian viscosity models through "varvisc_non_Newtonian" keyword, the viscosity model parameters must be set via relevant keywords under "viscosityModels" section. The solver was not able to identify a valid "viscosityModels" section and has issued this error. Please make sure your simulation is configured appropriately for using variable viscosity or disable variable viscosity to proceed.


Activating temperature dependent viscosity models through "varvisc_temperature" requires defining a valid "viscosityModels" section.
When activating temperature dependent viscosity models through "varvisc_temperature" keyword, the viscosity model parameters must be set via relevant keywords under "viscosityModels" section. The solver was not able to identify a valid "viscosityModels" section and has issued this error. Please make sure your simulation is configured appropriately for using variable viscosity or disable variable viscosity to proceed.


It is not possible to activate "varvisc_temperature" without enabling "energy_transport".
Energy transport must be activated when using temperature viscosity coupling. This means if "varvisc_temperature" is set to true, "energy_transport" must be set to true as well.


Simultaneous activation of "varvisc_temperature" and "varvisc_non_Newtonian" is not supported.
Only one of "varvisc_temperature" or "varvisc_non_Newtonian" may be active in a simulation. Simultaneous activation is not supported.


Compression level of output data "output_comp_level" must be between 0 and 9.
Supported levels of compression are 0 (no compression) to 9 (highest compression). The requested compression level must be within this interval.


The value of "restart_from_step" keyword is less than -1. The starting step of a restart/continue (recon) run must be a non-negative integer.
A restart/continue (recon) run may only start with a non-negative step number. Please set "restart_from_step" keyword's value to a non-negative integer. You may also comment out the keyword-value pair or set "restart_from_step" to -1 to use the latest available recon file.


Output file write interval has to be defined either through "dt_output" or through "t_output_file" for "output_type" other than NOOUTPUT.
If particle output is requested ("output_type" set to anything other than "NOOUPUT"), output times must be defined either through a positive value for output interval "dt_output" or through a file "t_output_file" containing a list of output times.


Time step size factor "dt_factor" must be a positive number.
Time step size factor "dt_factor" must be a positive number. Set "dt_factor" to 1 or remove it from cfg to deactivate.


The specified restart/continue (recon) time is greater than the end time of the simulation.
The current simulation end time "t_end" is smaller than the time stored in the recon file. Please make sure that "t_end" is greater than the simulation time when the requested recon file was saved.


Too many GPU-devices requested. Currently limited to #1 GPUs
The solver supports up to 4096 GPU devices.



The phase number requested for extractor S1 to move with is either non-positive or larger than the total number of phases.
The extractor motion phase "extractor_motphs" must be positive and no larger than the total number of phases defined in "phases" section.


The phase requested for extractor S1 to move with is not a moving wall.
The extractor motion phase "extractor_motphs" must point to a MOVINGWALL phase from the "phases" section.


The phase number requested for density based pressure filter reference of solids for extractor S1 is either non-positive or larger than the total number of phases.
The extractor density based pressure filter reference phase of solids "extractor_prtlsieve_rhorefphase" must be positive and no larger than the total number of phases defined in "phases" section.


Non-reset HTC is requested for extractor S1 without activating energy transport. Please activate "energy_transport" in "simulationParameters" section.
Calculation of non-reset heat transfer coefficient on extractor faces requires solving energy equation to evolve temperature. As a result, "energy_transport" option in "simulationParameters" section must be turned on.


Both non-reset and reset HTC are requested for extractor S1. Please activate only one option.
Calculation of reset and non-reset heat transfer coefficient on extractor faces are mutually exclusive. Only one of the options, instantaneous or periodically time averaged, may be active at any give time. For example, "extractor_output_htc_rpee_i" and "extractor_output_htc_nrpee_pta" may not be set to true simultaneously for a given simulation.


Both non-reset and reset HTC are requested across at least two different extractors. Please activate only one option across all extractors.
Calculation of reset and non-reset heat transfer coefficient on extractor faces are mutually exclusive. Only one of the options, instantaneous or periodically time averaged, may be active at any give time. For example, "extractor_output_htc_rpee_i" and "extractor_output_htc_nrpee_pta" may not be set to true simultaneously for a given simulation.



The phase number associated with viscosity model #1 is either non-positive or larger than the total number of phases.
The viscosity model phase "viscosityModel_phase" must be positive and no larger than the total number of phases defined in "phases" section.


Viscosity model #1 has to be associated with a fluid phase.
The viscosity model phase "viscosityModel_phase" must point to a FLUID phases from the "phases" section.


More than one viscosity model is associated with phase #. Each fluid phase must be associated with a single viscosity model.
The error message implies that at least two viscosity models defined in "viscosityModels" section point to the same fluid phase in "viscosityModel_phase" keyword. Each fluid phase can be assigned to a single viscosity model.


Viscosity model #1 requires non-Newtonian viscosity "varvisc_non_Newtonian" to be active.
To use a non-Newtonian viscosity model (Cross or power law), "varvisc_non_Newtonian" keyword in "simulationParameters" section must be set to true.


Viscosity model #1 requires temperature dependent viscosity "varvisc_temperature" to be active.
To use a temperature dependent viscosity model (polynomial, power law or Sutherland), "varvisc_temperature" keyword in "simulationParameters" section must be set to true.