Manage Your Profile

View or modify your profile and contact information. Access your profile information using on the top-right corner of Altair One.

This tab allows you to change your password, change your preference to receive marketing emails, view your authorized machines data, and delete your account.

User Profile

Click Change Password your profile page is displayed.
Figure 1. Change User Password

Change User Password

Confirm your current password. Enter and confirm your new password to change your password.

You can also modify your personal details from the same page.

Marketing Preferences

Select the check box, to change the preference of receiving marketing emails from Altair.

Marketing Email
Figure 2. Marketing Emails

Authorized Machines

This section provides you an option to view your users' authorized machine information.

Click View My Authorized Machines. You will be navigated to the Authorized Machines details in the License Settings tab.

Delete User Account

Click Delete User to delete your Altair One account.

Delete My Account
Figure 3. Delete My Account
A confirmation message is displayed.

Figure 4. Confirmation Message

Click OK to delete your account.