Altair Drive Release Notes 2023.2

The release notes provides details about the enhancements and resolved issues in Altair Drive 2023.2.

Altair Manufacturing Solver is added to Jobs

Introducing Altair Manufacturing Solver (AMS) in the Altair managed default Jobs app. You can now submit AMS Jobs from Altair Drive to the Jobs app using input files with the content type AMSProjectParameter.

Streamlined File Transfer Process

Jobs submitted from Altair Drive to an appliance now directly copy files from execution nodes to Altair Drive, bypassing staging to the head node. This reduces stage space usage and eliminates memory errors during high workloads.

License Zone Requirement Improvement

  • Previously, all Jobs App submissions required the GlobalZoneAM license feature, posing challenges for customers with single-zone licenses in the EU and APAC regions.
  • This limitation has been removed. Jobs can now operate with any of the three license zones: GlobalZoneAM, EU, or APAC.
  • The required license zone for job submission is now determined by the company's location in the Admin App, aligning with their regional license zone.

Job Submission Form Enhancements

  • Memory Allocation: In the default jobs app, memory for submitted jobs is now fixed and allocated directly proportional to the requested number of cores. This prevents memory oversubscription and out-of-memory errors caused by operating system overutilization.

  • Cores/GPU Field Update: The Cores/GPU field in the job form has been revised to display the minimum and maximum values possible on the current appliance where the job is being submitted. This provides clearer guidance on resource allocation.

  • 3D Preview Generation: Introducing a new feature as part of job submission, the Generate 3D Preview checkbox. Enabling this option allows users to create a preview of the results seamlessly within the job itself, eliminating the need for additional steps before using the 3D viewer with the result files.

Plot and Session View Enhancements

You can search for a particular curve or plot in the Plot and Session browsers. Each new plot generation is saved on a new page, accessible through pagination.

3D Viewer Enhancements

The 3D viewer has been enhanced and updated with Optimization and Motion tool sets to support Inspire files.

Session App Ugrade

The Sessions App, Altair's managed default appliance for Interactive Jobs, has a significant infrastructure upgrade on Azure's Windows platform.

Nodes have been upgraded to Standard_NV12s_v3 configuration, featuring 12 cores and 112GB of memory with 1 GPU powered by NVIDIA Tesla M60. This upgrade doubles the GPU capacity compared to the previous configuration (1 GPU now equals one-half of an M60 card).

The disk has been upgraded to a premium SSD, providing higher I/O performance. This enhancement facilitates smoother execution of small in-session compute tasks and job checks.