Altair Drive Release Notes 2022

The release notes provides details about the new features and enhancements in Altair Drive 2022.

New Features

Here are the new features available in Altair Drive for this release:

Submit Jobs to any Appliances from Altair Drive

You can now submit jobs to your shared appliances from Altair Drive. You can launch these shared appliances directly from Altair Marketplace to monitor, and view your job details. In addition, the notifications are sent to the user through Altair Drive.

Launch Applications on a Shared Appliance

Altair Drive now supports opening of files from the user's shared appliances. The remote sessions run on Linux environments and are supported for the applications that are compatible with Linux.

Support for GPU Nodes

Altair Drive now supports opening of files on selected appliances that are shared with the user(s). GPU nodes are added while creating an appliance in Altair NavOps. Only standard GPU Nodes are available on the default appliance.


The Browser window in 3DViewer is added with new and improved work flows. It contains tabs such as Model, Scenes, Sections, and Hotspot Finders.


The Model tab displays the complete model hierarchy and its result content in 3D Viewer. It supports selection of multiple model parts, visualize them on the model in the model viewer and perform context menu actions together. You can also search for the model parts with wildcards (* and ?) and regular expression (regex) pattern to match the common characters using the search toolbar.

Hotspot Finder

The Hotspots tab facilitates you to calculate hotspots for the chosen results to view the critical areas of the model. These hotspots can be viewed in persistence or individually. You can also recalculate for the same chosen results by changing the result parameters such as result value filter, threshold value and hotspot separation.


Here are the enhancements in Altair Drive

Availability of Altair Simulation products version 2022.1

Altair Simulation Products v 2022.1 are onboarded on Altair One platform and are available to use. Here is the list of applications and solvers supported on default and custom appliances in Altair One.

Altair CFD Solvers are available for compute job submission

Altair ultraFluidX and nanoFluidX are supported for job submission on both default and user-created custom appliances inAltair One. Jobs, the default Altair One appliance has standard GPU nodes. Higher performing GPU nodes can be used by creating custom appliances through NavOps.

Altair EDEM supports job submission on GPU compute hardware.

3D Viewer

  • Enhanced performance while loading large model files in 3D Viewer.
  • Sections generated for a model file now display all parts intersected on either side of the section plane.

Legend Settings in Analysis Explorer

Analysis Explorer UI is enhanced to support elemental and nodal result types. Legend Settings are now available to modify separately or together to all load cases and the settings remain available until the browser session is active. The contour colors are implemented using the rainbow shades and is the default legend type.

New Conversation

Threading the responses for a comment is now supported. You can also start a new conversation and reply to a conversation.

File Options in Comments

You can attach files while adding a new message or a markup image. The shared members can access and download the files along with the conversation.