Selection Rules Operators

Operators that can be applied to fields.

Operator Meaning Numeric Boolean String Predicate Comment
= Equal * * * Equivalent to ==
== Equal * * * Equivalent to =
!= Not equal * * *
> Greater *
>= Greater or equal *
< Less *
<= Less or equal *
~ Matches * Uses regular expressions
!~ Does not match * Uses regular expressions
~~ Matches (case-insensitive) * Uses regular expressions
!~~ Does not match (case-insensitive) * Uses regular expressions
^ Substring * Faster than the match(~) and glob(:) operators.
!^ Not Substring * Faster than the match(~) and glob(:) operators.
^^ Substring (case-insensitive) * Faster than the match(~) and glob(:) operators.
!^^ Not Substring (case-insensitive) * Faster than the match(~) and glob(:) operators.
: Matches glob expression * Faster than regular expressions
!: Does not match glob expression * Faster than regular expressions
:: Matches glob expression (case-insensitive) * Faster than regular expressions
!:: Does not match glob expression (case-insensitive) * Faster than regular expressions
& Logical AND * Takes precedence over |. Equivalent to AND
AND Logical AND * Takes precedence over OR. Case-insensitive; equivalent to &
| Logical OR * Lower precedence than &. Equivalent to OR
OR Logical OR * Lower precedence than AND. Case-insensitive; equivalent to |
! Logical NOT *  
NOT Logical NOT * Case-insensitive
() Parentheses * Used for grouping logical expressions