
The utility vovwavepp is used to convert the verbose logs generated by the vovserver into efficient "wave" files.

This utility is generally called automatically by the plotting scripts (such as taskerload.cgi). There are several types of log files that can be processed:
  • resources logs, in *.swd/logs/resources*, which contain information about the utilization of the resource maps
  • taskerload logs, in *.swd/logs/taskerload/*, which contain information about average load, free RAM, and idle CPU times
  • waitreasons logs, in *.swd/logs/waitreasons/*, which contain information about the reasons that prevent jobs from being dispatched

In general, the directory "waves" can be always blasted away, because they are recreated automatically the next time a plot is requested. If you would like to run vovwavepp from the command line, here are some examples.

Waves for Resources

To process all resources in the year 2009, you can run:
% cd `vovserverdir -p .`
% vovwavepp -p resources -y 2009 -D logs  -P resources.@DATE@.log 
To restrict the processing to the month of June 2019, you can add the option -m 6:
% cd `vovserverdir -p .`
% vovwavepp -p resources -y 2019 -m 6 -D logs  -P resources.@DATE@.log 
If you only want one resource, for example, License:calibre, add the option -r RESOURCE, as in
% cd `vovserverdir -p .`
% vovwavepp -p resources -y 2009 -m 06 -D logs  -P  resources.@DATE@.log -r License:calibre

Waves for Tasker Load

To process all tasker load information in the month of June 2019, you can run:
% cd `vovserverdir -p logs`
% vovwavepp -p taskerload -y 2019 -m 06 -D taskerload  -P @DATE@