Sentaurus WorkBench

As of 2015, Sentaurus WorkBench (henceforth abbreviated to "SWB") directly supports Altair Accelerator. The configuration requires a modification of gqueues.dat and an improvement to the jobclass nc_swb.tcl file.

# Global SWB queue configuration file
isequeues: defaulto configuration, Jul 12 2011

#---- queues -----
#---- queue <scheduler>:<qname> "<scheduler dependent options>"

queue rtda:vnc "vnc run -C nc_swb -profile -nolog "
queue local:default "19"
queue local:priority "0"

#----- tools -----
#----- tool <dbtool> "<scheduler dependent options>" <queue>
tool launcher "" local:default
tool tecplot  "" local:default
tool inspect  "" local:default
tool svisual  "" local:default
tool default  "" rtda:vnc