
Version 10.* of lmstat by MacroVision may generate incorrect information when dealing with multiple daemons. Here is an example command that could generate wrong information:
% lmstat -a -c 1234@host1:1235@host2
This is obviously a bug. As a workaround, you can use the script vovsafelmstat which is used as a wrapper for the lmstat command as in:
% vovsafelmstat lmstat -a -c 1234@host1:1235@host2

Advanced uses of vovflexlmd

vovflexlmd is the main interface to FlexNet Publisher.

When dealing with version 10 of lmstat, remember to either use vovsafelmstat or use the option -safe in add_LM_LICENSE_FILE.
# Two equivalent methods
add_LM_LICENSE_FILE 1234@host1:1235@host2  -lmstat "vovsafelmstat /full/path/to/lmstat"  -tag    "TAG1"

add_LM_LICENSE_FILE 1234@host3:1235@host4  -safe  -lmstat "/full/path/to/lmstat"  -tag    "TAG2"

When polling license daemons on remote machines reachable through a slow link, it is much faster to run lmstat on a remote machine.

For example, to sample a server in Japan from a US site, assuming we can rsh or ssh into a host in Japan, we want to use the following command:
% rsh host1.company.jp  env TZ=$TZ  vovsafelmstat /full/path/to/lmstat -a  -c 27000@host2.company.jp:27001@host3.company.jp

Note that the host we use to rsh or ssh into need not be the same as the host of the FlexNet Publisher daemons.

In the config.tcl file for vovflexlmd, please use the following form for the -lmstat option:
add_LM_LICENSE_FILE 27000@host2.company.jp:27001@host3.company.jp  -tag LICJP  -lmstat "rsh host1.company.jp  env TZ=$env(TZ) vovsafelmstat /full/path/to/lmstat "

Excluding file .flexlmrc from the flow

The file ~/.flexlmrc is a most annoying file that is written by many tools in the home directory of the users.

We strongly recommend excluding it from the trace with a statement like the following added to the exclude.tcl file.
# Fragment of exclude.tcl
vtk_exclude_rule -regexp {/.flexlmrc}