
The environment variable LBS_CLUSTER_MASTER is not needed in ADE-6.1, although it is useful in ADE-5.1. If the environment variables LBS_BASE_SYSTEM or LBS_CLUSTER_MASTER are set, please check that they have valid values or the Job Policy form may take 30 seconds or more to be displayed (this has nothing to do with Altair Accelerator). During the initial setup, it might be a good idea to unset these environment variables.

If you need to create environments to run ADE-6, we recommend you look in the directory $VOVDIR/eda/Cadence/environments where you can find two environments, one called CADENCE and one called MMSIM. You may want to copy those environments into $VOVDIR/local/environments and customize them as necessary.

In the following we assume you have an environment called CADENCE to enable virtuoso and an environment called MMSIM to enable spectre, aps, ultrasim, etc.
% which virtuoso
% which spectre