List Jobs

To show the status of jobs recently submitted, use wx list.

The default is to show up to 20 jobs submitted by the user running wx list. With some options, described below, you may also view jobs belonging to other users.

Note: This command can impose a significant load on the system. Please review the help info below for suggestions how to obtain job info efficiently.

The Accelerator Plus Administrator may have configured methods to mitigate this load, including caching.

wx list

wx: Usage Message

        List jobs currently in the system.
        The list is ordered by increasing job id,
        normally the same as the submission order.

        The behavior can be controlled by $VOVDIR/local/vnclist.config.tcl
        and by the variables

        This command may use local, client-side caches.
        Caches are activated by setting NCLIST(cache,enable) to 1
        in the file $VOVDIR/local/vnclist.config.tcl

        These caches can significantly reduce
        the load on the scheduler in the case of repeated calls.
        The default timeout for these caches is 30s.

        There are better ways to get information about jobs, especially in
        scripts.  Please consider the following efficient methods:
        % wx getfield $JOBID ...           
              -- To get specific info about a job
        % wx cmd vovset count SETNAME ...   
              -- To count jobs in sets by status
        % wx wait ...  
              -- To block waiting for jobs to complete

        % wx list [OPTIONS]

        -O <format>       -- Specify a different Output format.
                             Refer to the manual for a description
                             of formats. For experts.
                             This can also be specified via the NC_LIST_FORMAT
                             environment variable.
        -O+ <format>      -- Add one or more fields to the default output
        -H                -- When used with -O, show header line.
        -l                -- Long format: show group, user, host,
                             and full command.
        -L                -- Very long format: show start and end dates,
        -c                -- Count jobs: this option affects the output
                             It adds a column with the the position of each
                             job in the list of jobs to be shown.
        -S <rule>
        -select <rule>
        -selrule <rule>   -- 3 ways to specify the selection rule. For
                             experts. The clause 'isjob' is added to the
                             selection rule.
        -S+ <rule>        -- Alternate (OR) selrule; jobs that match any
                             selrule will be shown. The clause 'isjob' is
                             added to the selection rule.

        -subjobs          -- Show also sub-jobs too
                             (e.g. jobresumer, partialtool)
        -systemjobs       -- Show also system-jobs
        -alljobs          -- Show all types of jobs,
                             including sub-jobs and system-jobs.
        -a                -- Show jobs for all users.
        -r                -- Show only running jobs.
        -f                -- Show only failed jobs.
        -s                -- Show only suspended jobs.
        -q                -- Show only queued jobs.
        -u <user>         -- Show jobs belonging to given user. Ignored if
                             used with -selrule or -set option.
        -first <index>    -- Show jobs starting at index. By default,
                             first index is 1.
        -last  <index>    -- Show jobs ending at index. By default, last
                             index is -1, which is the last job.
        <num>             -- Show first <num> jobs if <num> is positive.
                             Show last <num> jobs if <num> is negative number
        -J <jobName>      -- Show only jobs with given job name.
                             WARNING: this option can place a high load on
                             the WorkloadXelerator server in large workload
                             environments due to the need to compare strings
                             for each job, it is recommended to avoid calling
                             this unless truly required.
        -set <setName>    -- Show only jobs in the given set.
                             This option can be repeated to show the content
                             of multiple sets.  If a job belongs to multiple
                             sets, it may be reported more than once.
        -dir <directory>  -- Show only jobs in the given directory.
        -cache            -- Use result cache. It is recommended to utilize
                             the result cache to reduce the load on the
                             WorkloadXelerator server
                             in cases where list queries are scripted.
                             By default, the cache expires after 30s.
        -v                -- Increase verbosity.
        -h                -- Print brief usage.

        % wx list
        % wx list -c
        % wx list -a -l
        % wx list -O "@USER@ @GROUP@ @DURATION@" 
                          -selrule "duration>60"
        % wx list -H -O "@USER@ @GROUP@ @DURATION@" 
                          -selrule "statusnc==Failed"
        % wx list -dir .
        % wx list -a -r -s
                          (Show all running and suspended jobs)
        % wx list -selrule "duration>600 statusnc==Running"
        % wx list -first 10 -last 20
        % wx list 5
        % wx list -10