Daemons for Accelerator Plus

Some key functionality in Accelerator Plus is provided by external daemons.

The functionality is described in the table below.
Daemon Who needs it? Description
vovwxd The binary for running Accelerator Plus on top of Accelerator. This daemon is required to interface the Accelerator Plus system to an existing Accelerator system.

For more information, see Interface with Altair Accelerator using vovelasticd

vovelasticd (obsolete) Only if you are running Accelerator Plus on top of Accelerator This daemon is required to interface the Accelerator Plus system to an existing Accelerator system.

For more information, see Interface with Altair Accelerator using vovelasticd

The status of the daemons can be viewed at the Daemons page, or can be shown with this command:
% wx cmd vovdaemonmgr show
vovresourced             OK
vovdbd                   OK
vovwxd                   OK