Rolling Hot Upgrade

In this method, a new queue is brought up with the new version of the software; the previously existing queue remains fully functional.

This approach permits both administrators and users to thoroughly test the new version of the software and selectively move workloads to the new queue. The vovtasker machines are progressively moved from one queue to another by suspending them on the old queue, allowing jobs to drain off (complete) and then restarting the tasker on the new queue. The advantage of this approach is reducing risk: The old queue remains available during transition. Some disadvantages: The queue host:port and possibly queue name changes is not transparent to users; the entire upgrade process may take many days; you may need additional licenses during the transition interval.

  1. Download the Accelerator upgrade software.
  2. Install the new upgrade software.
  3. Create a new queue name.
  4. Start the queue (created in step 1) on either the existing host machine for Accelerator or a new host.
  5. Configure the new queue with the various policy and job class settings.
  6. Suspend a number of the taskers on the old queue and when they have terminated (when existing jobs have completed), add these taskers to the new queue.
  7. Test and verify the software upgrade; transfer other remaining taskers after verifying new Accelerator.
  8. After all taskers have been transferred, stop the old queue.