Use Jobclasses

A jobclass allows multiple job parameters to be set in a single object that can be requested at submission time.

For example, there may be a job that requires 3 different licenses, 4GB of RAM, and 4 cores. Instead of requesting all 3 licenses, a jobclass can be created that is called with the -C submission option to the nc run command. Jobclasses are often used to emulate queues that are found in other batch processing systems.
Note: A jobclass can only be created by an Accelerator administrator.

Find Jobclasses

To list the available classes from the command line, use the jobclass subcommand of the nc command.

For example:
% nc jobclass
  1 short
  2 interactive

The jobclass subcommand accepts the repeatable option -1. The first option includes the description, and the second option shows the values to which VOV_JOB_DESC slots will be set.

In addition, Accelerator provides the Jobclass page. This page shows a table of the jobclass, with links to the definitions of each class, and to the sets containing the jobs in that class. It also shows the pass/fail status as a bar graph.

nc jobclass

List classes defined for job submission

vnc: Usage Message
          List classes defined for job submission
          % nc jobclass [OPTIONS]
          -h                   -- This help
          -l                   -- Long format (with description)
          -ll                  -- Longer format.
          -v                   -- Increase verbosity.
          % nc jobclass
          % nc jobclass -l
          % nc jobclass -ll

Submit Jobs Using Jobclasses

To submit a job in a given class, use the option -C of nc run.
% nc run -C short sleep 10

Jobs in a class are automatically added to a set named after the class, for example Class:interactive.

The options to nc run are parsed sequentially, so it is possible to do a command line override of the parameters set in the jobclass. For example, the following commands behave differently:
% nc run -C verilog -e DEFAULT -- run_sim chip
% nc run -e DEFAULT -C verilog -- run_sim chip

In the first invocation, the option -e overrides the specifications for the environment to be used for the job. In the second invocation, the environment is determined by the definition of the verilog jobclass.