Environment Management: Limits
In addition to environment variables, hard and soft limits can affect tool behavior. Hard and soft limits are set in the shell and are imposed by the operating system. Both UNIX and Windows provide a mechanism for processes to communicate information to their subprocesses via environment variables.
VOV uses special environment variables to communicate limit information. The
environment variables are named VOV_LIMIT_<name>.
is the name of the limit, such as VOV_LIMIT_cputime.
Variable | Value Type |
VOV_LIMIT_coredumpsize | ByteSpec |
VOV_LIMIT_cputime | VOV TimeSpec |
VOV_LIMIT_datasize | ByteSpec |
VOV_LIMIT_filesize | ByteSpec |
VOV_LIMIT_maxproc | Ignore any unit |
VOV_LIMIT_memorylocked | ByteSpec |
VOV_LIMIT_openfiles | Ignore any unit |
VOV_LIMIT_stacksize | ByteSpec |
VOV_LIMIT_vmemoryuse | ByteSpec |
The variables are interpreted in the wrapper program vw2
which uses
the C-language getrlimit()/setrlimit()
system calls to set the
limits for the child process when the job runs.
The value of a variable can be either of the following (depending on the value type):
- A ByteSpec, which is a sequence of digits followed by an optional unit indicator letter, e.g. 5M
- A TimeSpec, which is a sequence of integers and unit indicators, e.g. 3m, or 4h30m
- A sequence of digits without a unit indicator, e.g. 1000 (applicable to all value types)
- The string value 'unlimited' (applicable to all value types)
The recognized unit indicators (case insensitive) for the ByteSpec format are:
- K, kilobytes (same as no unit indicator)
- M, Megabytes (multiply by 1024)
- G, Gigabytes (multiply by 1024*1024)
- T, Terabytes (multiply by 1024*1024*1024)
The recognized unit indicators (case insensitive) for the TimeSpec format are:
- s, Seconds (same as no unit indicator)
- m, Minutes (multiply by 60)
h, Hours (multiply by 60*60)
d, Days (multiply by 60*60*24)
w, Weeks (multiply by 60*60*24*7)
y, Years (multiply by 60*60*24*365)
% nc run -e 'BASE+D(VOV_LIMIT_cputime=20)' .... shortjob.csh
% nc run -e 'BASE+D(VOV_LIMIT_vmemoryuse=5G)' .... bigjob.csh
% nc run -e 'BASE+D(VOV_LIMIT_vmemoryuse=5G)' .... bigjob.csh
% nc run -e 'BASE+D(VOV_LIMIT_vmemoryuse=5000M)' .... bigjob.csh
% nc run -e 'BASE+D(VOV_LIMIT_vmemoryuse=5G)' .... bigjob.csh
% nc run -e 'BASE+D(VOV_LIMIT_vmemoryuse=5000000k)' .... bigjob.csh
The multipliers used with the memory specifications for limits are as follows: 'k' (KiB, 1024=210, kibibytes) 'M' (MiB, 220, mebibytes) 'G' (GiB, 230, gibibytes) and 'T' (TiB, 240, tebibytes). The multipliers are case-insensitive.
If an integer has no unit specification, kilobytes are the units used. For example,
1024K is the same as 1024. In addition, using unlimited
as a value
is acceptable.
The following two examples show how to find the current limits.
: % limit
cputime unlimited
filesize unlimited
datasize unlimited
stacksize unlimited
coredumpsize 0 kbytes
vmemoryuse unlimited
descriptors 1024
memorylocked unlimited
maxproc 2048
openfiles 1024
bash-2.05$ ulimit -a
core file size (blocks) unlimited
data seg size (kbytes) unlimited
file size (blocks) unlimited
max locked memory (kbytes) unlimited
max memory size (kbytes) unlimited
open files 1024
pipe size (512 bytes) 8
stack size (kbytes) unlimited
cpu time (seconds) unlimited
max user processes 5119
virtual memory (kbytes) unlimited
## Use option -H to get the hard-limits
bash-2.05$ ulimit -a -H
In most cases, everything in the shell startup file can be set as unlimited. This setup gives the tools the greatest possibility of a successful run. It is extremely rare for this method to not work.
When an environment snapshot is used when submitting jobs to Accelerator, the limits in the submission environment are captured automatically.
if { [info command vtk_umask_get] != {} } {
setenv VOV_UMASK [vtk_umask_get]
catch {
vtk_limits_get limit
foreach n [array names limit] {
setenv VOV_LIMIT_$n $limit($n)
Tcl-language API
VOV provides two API procedures to get and set the limits, vtk_limits_get and vtk_limits_set. Both procedures take a single array parameter, which contains the limits, keyed by name.
Because different platforms have different limits available, the VTK procedures support only a common subset of limits.
- VTK Limit Procedure Name
- Description
- stacksize
- Size of process stack segment, bytes
- datasize
- Size of process data segment, bytes
- cputime
- Maximum process CPU time, seconds
- filesize
- Maximum file size, bytes
- coredumpsize
- Maximum core dump file size, bytes
by setting the coredump
size limit to zero:
catch {
vtk_limits_get L ; # get existing limits into array L
set L(coredumpsize) 0 ; # set coredump limit
foreach n [array names L] {
setenv VOV_LIMIT_$n $limit($n) ; # propagate limits to envVars