Start and Configure the Daemon

% cd `vovserverdir -p vovfilerd`
% vi config.tcl
# This is an example for  vovfilerd/config.tcl
### Global settings
DefineFilers {
   AddFiler FS1 -probe 1 -testdir /net/fs120-ch/export/probes -period 1m
   AddFiler FS2 -probe 1 -testdir /remote/fs2/users/cadmgr    -period 20
   AddFiler IFS -probe 1 -testdir /mnt/isilon/dev         -host ifs1 -user admin -passwd pw

The usage message for the procedure AddFiler is the following:

   AddFiler <NICKNAME> <ARGS>...
        This procedure is only available in the config.tcl file for vovfilerd.

        This procedure has to be called from inside DefineFilers {}

        The first argument is the short nickname you want to use for the filer.
        It will be useful in invoking the GUI and it is reported in all  interfaces.
        The rest of the arguments are options:

        The filer can be in one of these states based on the measured value of latency
        and on the values of the 3 limits l1 l2 l3
        State   S1    Open-Loop         if  l <= l1
        State   S2    Steady            if  l > l1 && l <= l2
        State   S3    Feedback          if  l > l2 && l <= l3
        State   S4    Preempt           if  l > l3

     -doc               -- This message
     -t <TYPE>          -- Type of filer: Known types are :Isilon Netapp Elastifile Generic   
                           Case insensitive.  Default 'Generic'
     -type <TYPE>       -- Same as -t
     -probe <BOOL>      -- Activate probe for filer using vovfsprobe.  Default 0.
     -testdir <DIR>     -- Test directory for the vovfsprobe.  This must be a writable directory
                           that sits on the filer being probed.
     -period <TIMESPEC> -- How often you want the probe to run (last arg in vovfsprobe)
                           Default 30s
     -preempt <BOOL>    -- Control whether preemption is activated when we reach state S4.
                           Default 0
     -min <N>           -- Minimum value for controlling resource. Default 20
     -max <N>           -- Maximum value for controlling resource. Default 1000
     -limits <LIST l1 l2 l3>  -- Define the boundaries of the state of the filer based on 
                                 measured latency.  The limits are in milliseconds.
                                 The default values are  { 5.0 10.0 18.0 }

     -host <HOSTNAME>  -- Used for Isilon to connect to correct host with wget
     -user <USERNAME>  -- Used for Isilon to connect to host with correct user name
     -passwd <PASSWD>  -- The password in Isilon to access the 
        DefineFilers {
           AddFiler F1 -probe 1 -testdir /remote/filer1/test 
A simple way to start vovfilerd for testing is the following:
% cd `vovserverdir -p vovfilerd`
% vovfilerd >& vofilerd.log &
Then start the GUI with:
% vovfilerdgui -f NAME_OF_FILER &

Figure 1.

In this dialog, you can see the status of the selected filer, and a graph showing the raw/filtered value of the measured latency (pink/red) and another graph showing the value of the controlling resource for that filer, i.e. the resource called Filer:NAME_OF_FILER.