
  1. From the menu bar, click Setting > Environment.
    The Environment dialog opens.
    Figure 1.

  2. Select Setup Mode: Display and select the setup mode.
    1. General: Display and define the general information.
    2. View: Display and define the initial view status.
    3. ECAD > Allegro: Display and define the interface setting for Cadence Allegro files.
    4. System: Display and define the system information.
  3. Directory/File: Define the file and the folder path of environment settings.
    The following paths can be defined:
    • Default part library directory: Define the path of the part library.
    • Default padstack library directory: Define the path of the padstack library.
    • Product family file path: Define the product family definition file.
    • Usage key file path: Define the usage key definition file.
    • Part classification file path: Define the part classification definition file.
    • Artwork layer file path: Define the artwork layer definition file.
    • Package type file path: Define the package type definition file.
    • Manufacturer list file path: Define the manufacturer list file.
    • Logic symbol configuration table file path: Define the logic symbol configuration table file.
    • Footprint configuration table file path: Define the footprint configuration table file.
    • Functional symbol library directory: Define the path of functional symbol library.
    • Nozzle type file path: Define the nozzle type for mount data.
  4. Create Package Geometry using Component Outline in Footprint Data: Select the check box for automatic package geometry generation using component outline of footprint data.
  5. Note Subjects: Define the subject title of note which is used in part editor.
  6. Default length unit: Define the default length unit.
    Currently, only millimeter is supported.
  7. Default Part Search Parameter: Define the default key for searching part in library part manager.
  8. Language: Define the language for display.
    Currently, only English is supported.
  9. Update part data index file upon launching UPE: Select the check box to update part data index file upon launching UPE.
  10. Export mounter library packing check data: Select the check box to export packing check data when exporting mounter library.