Mounting Parts List
You can make the parts list, which are used for assembling the PCB.
From the menu bar, click .
The Mounting Parts List dialog opens.
In the Mounting Parts List dialog, define the necessary
- Attribute Item List: The attribute item list of components in the PCB design. You can select items to be extracted.
- Selected Item List: The attributes to be extracted by your selection.
- Select/Unselect: Move selected items from/to the attribute item list and selected item list.
- Change order: Change the extraction order of the selected item list.
- Merge references with same ECAD part name into one: If activated, merge all reference designators in a column for the same part. When not activated extract all reference designators respectively.
- Exception: Select the component database files that are excluded. Up to two files are available for exception.
- Control Menu
- Edit Component DB: Edit the component database file.
- Export MS Excel: Export the mounting part list as a MS Excel file.
- Save: Save the current setting, *.mpd.
- Load: Load an existing setting file.
Click Edit Component DB.
The Edit Component DB dialog opens.
In the Classification tab of the Edit Component DB dialog,
define the component database by component classifications.
- DB File List: Display the component database file list.
- Add: Add a component database file.
- Delete: Delete the selected component database file.
- Naming: Define the component database by name.
- Part: Select the name type to define.
- List Box: Display and edit the name list. To define or edit the
name list, double-click the list box.
Figure 1.
- Add/Remove: Add the selected name to the selected name list/Remove the selected name in the selected name list.
- Filter: Define the component database by filter.
- Filter: Activate to define the component database file by filter.
- Part: Select the name type to define.
- List Box: Display and edit the filter list. To define or edit
the filter list, double-click the list box.
Figure 2.
- String Filter: Define the string filter for the component attributes.
- Prefix: Find the component whose attribute starts with the defined filter.
- Mid-String: Find the component whose attribute contains the defined filter.
- Suffix: Find the component whose attribute ends with the defined filter.
- Add String: Add a string filter.
- Add And Combinations: Add an and-combination string filter. To add an and-combination, you should select a string filter, which needs the add-combination before using this function.
- Delete String: Delete the selected string filter.
- Except: Define the string filter for exceptions.
- Comment: Define the component database by comment of component. Comment means the property of the component.
- OR: Find the components with comment values that are the same with the
defined comment values. The conditions in the list are subject to OR
- Title: The property name of the component.
- Contents: The property value of the component.
- Type: The property type of the component property. Double-click the list box. A Comment dialog opens when you double-click the table area.
- V: Activate for applying the comment item.
- Type: Display the comment type.
- Title: Display the comment name.
- Select Type: Select the contents selection method.
- List Select: Select the comment value from the list. When you double-click the Contents column, the Comment Select dialog opens.
- Selected Comment Value: Display the selected comment value list.
- User Defined: Add a user defined comment value.
- Add/Remove: Add a comment value/remove the selected comment value.
- Non-Selected List: Display all comment values used in the design.
- Filter: Select the comment value by filter.
- Range: Select the comment value by range.
- Range: Define the minimum value and the maximum value.
- Add: Add the defined range to apply.
- Remove Selection: Remove the selected range value.
- Connected: Select the condition applying method.
- Combine Multi Conditions with AND: If activated, the applying condition
is changed if there are three conditions (A1, A2, A3) under OR condition
and two conditions (B1, B2) under AND condition.
- Checked: (A1 or A2 or A3) AND (B1 and B2).
- Unchecked: (A1 or A2 or A3) AND (B1 or B2).
- AND: The same with the OR option however the conditions in the list are subject to AND conditions.
- Tab 2. Property: Define the component database by component
- Part Comment: Displays the part comments of all components.
- Ref Comment: Displays the reference comments of all components.
- Contents: Displays the comment values of all components.
- DB File: Define the database file containing the comment value. When you double-click the Contents, a Property Content dialog is displayed.
- V: Check the database file containing the comment value.
- File List: Displays the available database files.
- Connected: Select the condition to be applied.
- Tab 3. Applied List: Displays the component list which is matched with
current conditions.
- File Name: The database file name.
- Count: The number of components in the database file.
- Contents: The list of component reference designators in the database file.
- Export to Excel: Export the component list of database files as MS Excel format.
- Tab 4. Applied List per Part Name: The component lists which are matched
with the current conditions based on the ECAD part name.
- ECAD Part Name: The ECAD part name of the component in the database file.
- Footprint Name: The footprint name of the component in the database file.
- File Name: The database file name.
- Reference Name: The reference designator of the component in the database file.
- Export to Excel: Export the component list of database files as MS Excel format.
- Save/Save As: Save/Save as the current setting, *.pccls.
- Load: Load an existing setting file.
- DB File List: Display the component database file list.