Layer Setting

To generate a PCB design file using Gerber files, you must properly load the necessary files for the layers. When the data is imported into PollEx PCB, you need to define layers of the Gerber files.

When Gerber files are imported into PollEx PCB, physical layers are not defined. Imported Gerber files can be viewed in the Layer menu. For more details, refer to the Layer section in PollEx PCB user guide.

Component Layers

Top and bottom PADs are automatically detected.

  1. Top Soldermask: Select the soldermask for the top layer.
    1. Click Top Soldermask.
    2. Select a layer from the dialog.
  2. Bottom Soldermask: Select the soldermask for the bottom layer.
    1. Click Bottom Soldermask.
    2. Select a layer from the dialog.


PCB Outline: Select the PCB Outline for the Design.
  1. Click PCB Outline.
  2. Select the desired layer representing the board outline from the dialog box.
    Note: Selecting the board layer is essential for converting negative layers to positive layers.

Layer Stack-up

  1. Add: Add a line.
  2. Delete: Delete a line.
  3. Physical Layers: Number of the total physical layers.
  4. Layer Name: Select the layer stacking order as the actual design physical layer.
  5. Thickness: Specify the thickness of the physical layer.

Drill Layers

  1. Add: Add a line.
  2. Layer Name: Select the drill layer used in the original design data.
  3. Connect Top: Set the start drill layer number.
  4. Connect Bottom: Set the end drill layer number.