Create Mesh

When the Create Mesh option is selected, the following panel will be shown on the right side of the window:

Figure 1. Create Mesh panel

  • Divisions per wavelength: The user may specify different mesh density in planar and curved surfaces. Planar surfaces are contained in a single plane, otherwise surfaces are curved. Let c be the speed of light in the vacuum (meters per second), given a number of divisions D and a frequency f, the size of the generated elements L is given by:

L = lambda / D ; lambda = c / f

Number of bands per octave
When a frequency swept is enabled, the meshing frequencies are different to the simulation ones. An automatic frequency ranges per octaves is performed, that depends on the initial frequency, the final frequency, and the number of bands per octave specified. The higher is this parameter, the more frequencies are considered for the meshing process.
Select this option to use the same frequency for meshing all the frequencies of the swept. The frequency must be specified in GHz.
Use this to set the number of processors used for the meshing process.
More options
  • Mesh Repair Select this option to evaluate and repair the generated mesh. It is recommended for analyzing complex geometries, specially whenever a good convergence is not achieved. Several problems will be studied and solved isolated and spurious elements are removed, and overlapped regions are repaired. The detection of this defects on the mesh depends on two parameters that are explained below, and can be edited by clicking on Options button. Elements wit smaller area than the minimum allowed, isolated elements, or parallel elements closer than a minimum distance are deleted from the output mesh. The minimum area and distance depends on the wavelength, the number of divisions per wavelength selected, and the Area and Border factors, and they are determined as:
Figure 2. Meshing Repairing options

M i n i m u m A r e a  =  ( l a m b d a m a x i m u m ( P l a n a r S u r f a c e s , C u r v e d S u r f a c e s ) d i v i s i o n s p e r w a v e l e n g t h ) 2 A r e a F a c t o r M e s h i n g R e p a i r P a r a m e t e r
M i n i m u m D i s t a n c e  =  ( l a m b d a m a x i m u m ( P l a n a r S u r f a c e s , C u r v e d S u r f a c e s ) d i v i s i o n s p e r w a v e l e n g t h ) B o r d e r F a c t o r M e s h i n g R e p a i r P a r a m e t e r
  • Click on Advanced Settings button to edit more complex meshing parameters. The available options is detailed in next subsection.
  • Mesh click on this button to save the parameters and start the meshing process.