Export images during run-time

You can generate images of the simulation automatically during run-time. This is most useful during simulation monitoring on remote machines or machines that do not have graphical output.

To configure image export settings:
  1. Select the Simulator tab and then select the Image Generation checkbox to enable image generation.
  2. Click Setup Image Generation… to specify the image setup options.
  3. In the Setup Image Generation dialog box, click Add Image Config to create a new configuration for export and specify the following details: 
    For Specify
    Name Specify the identifier for the configuration.
    Filepath Indicates the output path for the images. This path is relative to the simulation’s .dem file. Each configuration will generate many images, numbered sequentially with a suffix. The latest images will also be saved without a suffix, for convenience.
    View Name Indicates the camera location and direction. You can configure available views in the EDEMtoolbar.
    Start Time, End Time Indicates the simulation time range during which this configuration will generate images.
    Interval Time Indicates the frequency of the images that will be generated within the selected time range.
    Display Mode Select the display for geometry meshes.
    Geometry Opacity Select the transparency of geometries (0 being fully transparent, and 1 fully opaque).
    Display Particles Select the checkbox to display particles. If you do not select the checkbox, only geometries are displayed.
    Color Frozen Particles Select to color frozen particles in a light-blue color, especially for simulations using Dynamic Domain.
    Image Width, Image Height Indicates the dimensions of the exported images.
  4. Run the simulation.
    The images will be exported automatically according to the configured settings.