Temperature Update Model

The Temperature Update contact model must be used in combination with the Heat Conduction contact model to ensure the function of the Heat Conduction algorithm as described in (Chaudhuri, Muzzio and Tomassone 2006).

This model is originally designed and validated with the Hertz-Mindlin Base model only. After calculating all the heat fluxes, the temperature change over time of each particle is updated explicitly using:


Where mp, CP, and T are the mass, specific heat capacity and temperature of the particle material type. The RHS denotes the sum of the convective and conductive heat fluxes.
Note: Ensure that the Update Temperature Particle Body Force model is added to the Particle Body Force model.
Interaction Configurable Parameters Position
Particle to Particle (heat conduction) Set the thermal conductivity for each type of particle.
Note: The unit depends on the temperature unit; for example, the unit will be W/mK when the temperature unit is Kelvin.
Particle to Geometry(heat conduction) Set the thermal conductivity for each type of particle for the particle-geometry contact. Last
Particle Body Force (temperature update) Set the specific heat capacity of the particle. N/A
Name Description and Parameter Values
Temperature Update Although not strictly a force, this built-in model allows the modeling of model external heat sources acting on the particles. You must use this model with the Hertz-Mindlin and the Heat Conduction contact model as it also completes the calculation of heat transfer between particles in contact.

Set the specific heat capacity for each type of particle. The unit depends on the temperature unit; for example, the unit will be Jkg-1K-1 when the temperature unit is Kelvin.