Specify a Force Controller
You can add a Force Controller to a Geometry. This creates a force on the Geometry which will react to the forces acting on the Geometries from the contacts with particles. Force Controllers can be used to allow the Geometry to move based on gravity.
- In the Creator Tree, right-click an existing Geometry and then select Add Motion.
Select Add Force Controller.
Optionally, click the
Rename the Force Controller as appropriate and specify the following
For Specify Force Controller Specification Start Time Specify the point in the simulation at which the motion will begin.
End Time Specify the point in the simulation at which the motion will end.
Select the Loop Every checkbox to enable the kinematic to be looped. For example, a kinematic with Start time of Xs and End time of Ys with Loop Every set to Zs would run from Xs to Ys then repeat again at (X+Z)s to (Y+Z)s and again at (X+2Z)s to (Y+2Z)s until the specified Until Time is reached. Until Time Specify the time until when the kinematic will be looped.
Force Equations Set an equation for the force. This can be a single value or an equation or an equation for more advanced behavior.
Select the Include Gravity in Force Calculation checkbox to add a gravity force to the object. This is based on the mass of the section (and can be changed in the Mass section). Select a Damping Coefficient value from the Damping Coefficient list. Damping Coefficient is calculated by CmV, where C - Damping coefficient m - Mass of the object and V is the velocity of the object. Select the Constrain Motion Directions checkbox to constrain the motion in 1 or 2 dimensions. These dimensions are defined as a vector in the X, Y, and Z directions. Axis 1 and/or Axis 2 to constrain the motion in the directions the Geometries will be able to move.
Select 1D or 2D to constrain the Geometry in one or two dimensions. Select Enable Speed Cap to specify the maximum speed value. Select the maximum Speed Cap value from the Speed Cap list to constrain the motion . Reference Space Select the Local or Global option to base the motion on the specific Geometry or the EDEM domain.
Warning: Using more than one controller of the same type during the same time in the simulation may result in unexpected behavior.