The distribution of computations is available in FluxMotor.


The parametric distribution of the FluxMotor solver, “Flux”, is now possible on a single machine. Distributed computing allows the user to save computation time.

For example, a test “Scalar Maps” may be automatically distributed if the Flux distribution mode is enabled. In this case, several Flux projects will run at the same time to solve all the required test configurations.

The main parameter of a distributed computation is the “Maximum number of cores used in distribution mode” (i.e., the number of running Flux in parallel).

How to set up a parametric distribution on a single machine?

In FluxMotor, the Flux distribution mode (number of secondary Flux in parallel) must be set in “Preferences” in the section “Advanced”. It’s just needed to set “Flux distribution mode” to “Yes” and to select the “Maximum number of cores” you want to use.
Important: We strongly recommend using static memory with the distribution mode to make the most of the reduction in computation times, which is less important with dynamic memory.

Flux distribution mode
1 Button to enable the Flux solver distribution mode
2 Button to select the maximum number of cores used by the distribution
3 Button to set the allocated memory (The static allocated memory is recommended)


The “Flux distribution mode” allows the user to save computation time by parallelizing the Finite Element (FE) solving of a test.

Indeed, FE solving is done by parallelizing several independent configurations of a FE problem (such as the value of the stator current) instead of running them sequentially.

A primary Flux project launches and controls all the other secondary projects (distribution). The primary project oversees the gathering of all the results obtained during the solving process by all the sub-projects Flux as shown in the figure below:

Flux distribution mode - Flux process operating principle

When the Flux distribution mode is activated, FluxMotor automatically uses it and manages the number of cores used to reduce, as far as possible, the computation time.

Tests that use “Flux distribution mode” are listed in the following table:
Machine type Available with Skew Tests addressed by the Flux distribution

Test “Characterization - Model - Maps”

Test “Working point - Sine wave - T, N”

Test “Performance mapping - Sine wave - Efficiency Map”


Test “Characterization - Model - Maps”

Test “Performance mapping - Sine wave - Efficiency Map”


Test “Characterization - Model - Scalar Maps”

Test “Performance mapping - Sine wave - Efficiency Map scalar U, f”

Test “Performance mapping - Sine wave - Efficiency Map scalar U, I”