Lumped thermal element for radiation heat transfer
This is a model describing the thermal radiation, i.e., electromagneticradiation emitted between two bodies as a result of their temperatures.The following constitutive equation is used:
Q_flow = Gr*sigma*(port_a.T^4 - port_b.T^4);
where Gr is the radiation conductance and sigma is the Stefan-Boltzmannconstant (= Modelica.Constants.sigma). Gr may be determined bymeasurements and is assumed to be constant over the range of operations.
For simple cases, Gr may be analytically computed. The analyticalequations use epsilon, the emission value of a body which is in therange 0..1. Epsilon=1, if the body absorbs all radiation (= black body).Epsilon=0, if the body reflects all radiation and does not absorb any.
Typical values for epsilon:aluminium, polished 0.04copper, polished 0.04gold, polished 0.02paper 0.09rubber 0.95silver, polished 0.02wood 0.85..0.9
Analytical Equations for Gr
Small convex object in large enclosure(e.g., a hot machine in a room):
Gr = e*Awhere e: Emission value of object (0..1) A: Surface area of object where radiation heat transfer takes place
Two parallel plates:
Gr = A/(1/e1 + 1/e2 - 1)where e1: Emission value of plate1 (0..1) e2: Emission value of plate2 (0..1) A : Area of plate1 (= area of plate2)
Two long cylinders in each other, where radiation takesplace from the inner to the outer cylinder):
Gr = 2*pi*r1*L/(1/e1 + (1/e2 - 1)*(r1/r2))where pi: = Modelica.Constants.pi r1: Radius of inner cylinder r2: Radius of outer cylinder L : Length of the two cylinders e1: Emission value of inner cylinder (0..1) e2: Emission value of outer cylinder (0..1)
Name | Label | Description | Data Type | Valid Values |
mo_Gr | Gr | Net radiation conductance between two surfaces (see docu) | Scalar |
Name | Label | Description | Data Type | Valid Values |
mo__nmodifiers | Number of Modifiers | Specifies the number of modifiers | Number | |
mo__modifiers | Modifiers | Add new modifier | Structure | |
mo__modifiers/varname | Variable name | Cell of strings | 'Q_flow' | |
mo__modifiers/attribute | Attribute | Cell of strings | 'start' | |
mo__modifiers/value | Value |
Name | Type | Description | IO Type | Number |
port_a | implicit | input | 1 | |
port_b | implicit | output | 1 |