Basic GroundZero magnetic potentialElectroMagneticConverterElectro-magnetic energy conversionConstantReluctanceConstant reluctanceConstantPermeanceConstant permeanceLeakageWithCoefficientLeakage reluctance with respect to the reluctance of a useful flux path (not for dynamic simulation of actuators)EddyCurrentFor modelling of eddy current in a conductive magnetic flux tubeIdleIdle running branchShortShort cut branchCrossingCrossing of two branches
Basic GroundZero magnetic potentialElectroMagneticConverterElectro-magnetic energy conversionConstantReluctanceConstant reluctanceConstantPermeanceConstant permeanceLeakageWithCoefficientLeakage reluctance with respect to the reluctance of a useful flux path (not for dynamic simulation of actuators)EddyCurrentFor modelling of eddy current in a conductive magnetic flux tubeIdleIdle running branchShortShort cut branchCrossingCrossing of two branches