Common parameters for synchronous induction machines with permanent magnet
Basic parameters of synchronous induction machines with permanent magnet are predefined with default values.
Name | Label | Description | Data Type | Valid Values |
mo_m | m | Number of phases | Scalar | |
mo_Jr | Jr | Rotor's moment of inertia | Scalar | |
mo_Js | Js | Stator's moment of inertia | Scalar | |
mo_p | p | Number of pole pairs (Integer) | Scalar | |
mo_fsNominal | fsNominal | Nominal frequency | Scalar | |
mo_effectiveStatorTurns | effectiveStatorTurns | Effective number of stator turns | Scalar | |
mo_VsOpenCircuit | VsOpenCircuit | Open circuit RMS voltage per phase @ fsNominal | Scalar |
Name | Label | Description | Data Type | Valid Values |
mo_Rs | Rs | Stator resistance per phase at TRef | Scalar | |
mo_TsRef | TsRef | Reference temperature of stator resistance | Scalar | |
mo_alpha20s | alpha20s | Temperature coefficient of stator resistance at 20 degC | Scalar | |
mo_Lszero | Lszero | Stator zero sequence inductance | Scalar | |
mo_Lssigma | Lssigma | Stator stray inductance per phase | Scalar | |
mo_Lmd | Lmd | Stator main field inductance per phase in d-axis | Scalar | |
mo_Lmq | Lmq | Stator main field inductance per phase in q-axis | Scalar | |
mo_useDamperCage | useDamperCage | Enable / disable damper cage | Scalar | true |
mo_Lrsigmad | Lrsigmad | Damper stray inductance in d-axis | Scalar | |
mo_Lrsigmaq | Lrsigmaq | Damper stray inductance in q-axis | Scalar | |
mo_Rrd | Rrd | Damper resistance in d-axis at TRef | Scalar | |
mo_Rrq | Rrq | Damper resistance in q-axis at TRef | Scalar | |
mo_TrRef | TrRef | Reference temperature of damper resistances in d- and q-axis | Scalar | |
mo_alpha20r | alpha20r | Temperature coefficient of damper resistances in d- and q-axis | Scalar |
Name | Label | Description | Data Type | Valid Values |
mo_frictionParameters | frictionParameters | Friction loss parameter record | FromModelica('Modelica.Electrical.Machines.Losses.FrictionParameters') | |
mo_statorCoreParameters | statorCoreParameters | Stator core loss parameter record; all parameters refer to stator side | FromModelica('Modelica.Electrical.Machines.Losses.CoreParameters') | |
mo_strayLoadParameters | strayLoadParameters | Stray load losses | FromModelica('Modelica.Electrical.Machines.Losses.StrayLoadParameters') | |
mo_permanentMagnetLossParameters | permanentMagnetLossParameters | Permanent magnet loss parameter record | FromModelica('Modelica.Electrical.Machines.Losses.PermanentMagnetLossParameters') |
Name | Label | Description | Data Type | Valid Values |
mo__nmodifiers | Number of Modifiers | Specifies the number of modifiers | Number | |
mo__modifiers | Modifiers | Add new modifier | Structure | |
mo__modifiers/varname | Variable name | Cell of strings | ||
mo__modifiers/attribute | Attribute | Cell of strings | 'start' | |
mo__modifiers/value | Value |