record SM_PermanentMagnetData "Common parameters for synchronous machines with permanent magnet"
import Modelica.Constants.pi;
extends SM_ReluctanceRotorData(Lmd = 0.3 / (2 * pi * fsNominal), Lmq = 0.3 / (2 * pi * fsNominal));
parameter SI.Voltage VsOpenCircuit = 112.3 "Open circuit RMS voltage per phase @ fsNominal";
parameter Machines.Losses.PermanentMagnetLossParameters permanentMagnetLossParameters(PRef = 0, IRef = 100, wRef = 2 * pi * fsNominal / p) "Permanent magnet loss parameter record"
annotation (Dialog(tab = "Losses"));
annotation (
defaultComponentName = "smpmData",
defaultComponentPrefixes = "parameter",
Documentation(info = "<html>\n<p>Basic parameters of synchronous machines with permanent magnet are predefined with default values.</p>\n</html>"));
end SM_PermanentMagnetData;