Blocks RotatorRotates space phasorToSpacePhasorConversion of polyphase instantaneous values to space phasorsFromSpacePhasorConversion of space phasors to polyphase instantaneous valuesToPolarConverts a space phasor to polar coordinatesFromPolarConverts a space phasor from polar coordinatesQuasiRMSMultiple Input Single Output continuous control blockLessThresholdSets angle to zero when length is below threshold
Blocks RotatorRotates space phasorToSpacePhasorConversion of polyphase instantaneous values to space phasorsFromSpacePhasorConversion of space phasors to polyphase instantaneous valuesToPolarConverts a space phasor to polar coordinatesFromPolarConverts a space phasor from polar coordinatesQuasiRMSMultiple Input Single Output continuous control blockLessThresholdSets angle to zero when length is below threshold