Package Modelica.​Media.​Water.​IF97_Utilities.​BaseIF97
Modelica Physical Property Model: the new industrial formulation IAPWS-IF97


Version Info and Revision history

Author: Hubertus Tummescheit,
Modelon AB
Ideon Science Park
SE-22370 Lund, Sweden

In September 1997, the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS) adopted a new formulation for the thermodynamic properties of water and steam for industrial use. This new industrial standard is called "IAPWS Industrial Formulation for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam" (IAPWS-IF97). The formulation IAPWS-IF97 replaces the previous industrial standard IFC-67.

Based on this new formulation, a new steam table, titled "Properties of Water and Steam" by W. Wagner and A. Kruse, was published by the Springer-Verlag, Berlin - New-York - Tokyo in April 1998. This steam table, ref. [1] is bilingual (English / German) and contains a complete description of the equations of IAPWS-IF97. This reference is the authoritative source of information for this implementation. A mostly identical version has been published by the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS) with permission granted to re-publish the information if credit is given to IAPWS. This document is distributed with this library as IF97.pdf. In addition, the equations published by IAPWS for the transport properties dynamic viscosity (standards document: visc.pdf) and thermal conductivity (standards document: thcond.pdf) and equations for the surface tension (standards document: surf.pdf) are also implemented in this library and included for reference.

The functions in are low level functions which should only be used in those exceptions when the standard user level functions in do not contain the wanted properties.

Based on IAPWS-IF97, Modelica functions are available for calculating the most common thermophysical properties (thermodynamic and transport properties). The implementation requires part of the common medium property infrastructure of the Modelica.Thermal.Properties library in the file There are a few extensions from the version of IF97 as documented in IF97.pdf in order to improve performance for dynamic simulations. Input variables for calculating the properties are only implemented for a limited number of variable pairs which make sense as dynamic states: (p,h), (p,T), (p,s) and (d,T).

1. Structure and Regions of IAPWS-IF97

The IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 consists of a set of equations for different regions which cover the following range of validity:

273,15 K < T < 1073,15 K p < 100 MPa
1073,15 K < T < 2273,15 K p < 10 MPa

Figure 1 shows the 5 regions into which the entire range of validity of IAPWS-IF97 is divided. The boundaries of the regions can be directly taken from Fig. 1 except for the boundary between regions 2 and 3; this boundary, which corresponds approximately to the isentropic line s = 5.047 kJ kg -1K-1, is defined by a corresponding auxiliary equation. Both regions 1 and 2 are individually covered by a fundamental equation for the specific Gibbs free energy g( p,T ), region 3 by a fundamental equation for the specific Helmholtz free energy f ( r,T ), and the saturation curve, corresponding to region 4, by a saturation-pressure equation ps( T ). The high-temperature region 5 is also covered by a g( p,T ) equation. These 5 equations, shown in rectangular boxes in Fig. 1, form the so-called basic equations.

Figure 1: Regions and equations of IAPWS-IF97
Regions and equations of IAPWS-IF97

In addition to these basic equations, so-called backward equations are provided for regions 1, 2, and 4 in form of T( p,h ) and T( p,s ) for regions 1 and 2, and Ts( p ) for region 4. These backward equations, marked in grey in Fig. 1, were developed in such a way that they are numerically very consistent with the corresponding basic equation. Thus, properties as functions of  p,h and of  p,s for regions 1 and 2, and of p for region 4 can be calculated without any iteration. As a result of this special concept for the development of the new industrial standard IAPWS-IF97, the most important properties can be calculated extremely quickly. All Modelica functions are optimized with regard to short computing times.

The complete description of the individual equations of the new industrial formulation IAPWS-IF97 is given in IF97.pdf. Comprehensive information on IAPWS-IF97 (requirements, concept, accuracy, consistency along region boundaries, and the increase of computing speed in comparison with IFC-67, etc.) can be taken from IF97.pdf or [2].

[1]Wagner, W., Kruse, A. Properties of Water and Steam / Zustandsgrößen von Wasser und Wasserdampf / IAPWS-IF97. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1998.

[2] Wagner, W., Cooper, J. R., Dittmann, A., Kijima, J., Kretzschmar, H.-J., Kruse, A., Mareš R., Oguchi, K., Sato, H., Stöcker, I., Šifner, O., Takaishi, Y., Tanishita, I., Trübenbach, J., and Willkommen, Th. The IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam. ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 122 (2000), 150 - 182.

2. Calculable Properties

Common name
Pressure p
Temperature T
Density d
Specific volume v
Specific enthalpy h
Specific entropy s
J/(kg K)
Specific internal energy
Specific isobaric heat capacity cp
J/(kg K)
Specific isochoric heat capacity cv
J/(kg K)
Isentropic exponent, kappa=-(v/p) (dp/dv)s kappa (k)
Speed of sound
Dryness fraction
Specific Helmholtz free energy, f = u - Ts f
Specific Gibbs free energy, g = h - Ts g
Isenthalpic exponent, theta = -(v/p)(dp/dv)h theta (q)
Isobaric volume expansion coefficient, alpha = v-1 (dv/dT)p alpha (a)
Isochoric pressure coefficient, beta = p-1(dp/dT)v beta (b)
Isothermal compressibility, gamma = -v-1(dv/dp)T gamma (g)
Dynamic viscosity eta (h)
Pa s
Kinematic viscosity nu (n)
Thermal conductivity lambda (l)
W/(m K)
Surface tension sigma (s)

The properties 1-11 are calculated by default with the functions for dynamic simulation, 2 of these variables are the dynamic states and are the inputs to calculate all other properties. In addition to these properties of general interest, the entries to the thermodynamic Jacobian matrix which render the mass- and energy balances explicit in the input variables to the property calculation are also calculated. For an explanatory example using pressure and specific enthalpy as states, see the Examples sub-package.

The high-level calls to steam properties are grouped into records comprising both the properties of general interest and the entries to the thermodynamic Jacobian. If additional properties are needed the low level functions in BaseIF97 provide more choice.

Additional functions

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Contents

BasicBase functions as described in IAWPS/IF97
ByRegionSimple explicit functions for one region only
criticalCritical point data
dataConstant IF97 data and region limits
extraDerivs_phFunction to calculate some extra thermophysical properties in regions 1, 2, 3 and 5 as f(p,h)
extraDerivs_pTFunction to calculate some extra thermophysical properties in regions 1, 2, 3 and 5 as f(p,T)
getpstarGet normalization pressure for region 1, 2 or 5
getTstarGet normalization temperature for region 1, 2 or 5
IceBoundariesThe melting line and sublimation line curves from IAPWS
InversesEfficient inverses for selected pairs of variables
IsentropicFunctions for calculating the isentropic enthalpy from pressure p and specific entropy s
IterationDataConstants for iterations internal to some functions
RegionsFunctions to find the current region for given pairs of input variables
TransportTransport properties for water according to IAPWS/IF97
tripleTriple point data
TwoPhaseSteam properties in the two-phase region and on the phase boundaries

Record Modelica.​Media.​Water.​IF97_Utilities.​BaseIF97.​IterationData
Constants for iterations internal to some functions


This icon is indicates a record.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Record (Icon for records).


constant IntegerIMAXMaximum number of iterations for inverse functions
constant RealDELPMaximum iteration error in pressure, Pa
constant RealDELSMaximum iteration error in specific entropy, J/{kg.K}
constant RealDELHMaximum iteration error in specific enthalpy, J/kg
constant RealDELDMaximum iteration error in density, kg/m^3

Record Modelica.​Media.​Water.​IF97_Utilities.​BaseIF97.​data
Constant IF97 data and region limits


Record description

Constants needed in the international steam properties IF97. SCRIT and HCRIT are calculated from Helmholtz function for region 3.

Version Info and Revision history

Author: Hubertus Tummescheit,
Modelon AB
Ideon Science Park
SE-22370 Lund, Sweden

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Record (Icon for records).


constant SpecificHeatCapacityRH2OSpecific gas constant of water vapour
constant MolarMassMH2OMolar weight of water
constant TemperatureTSTAR1Normalization temperature for region 1 IF97
constant PressurePSTAR1Normalization pressure for region 1 IF97
constant TemperatureTSTAR2Normalization temperature for region 2 IF97
constant PressurePSTAR2Normalization pressure for region 2 IF97
constant TemperatureTSTAR5Normalization temperature for region 5 IF97
constant PressurePSTAR5Normalization pressure for region 5 IF97
constant SpecificEnthalpyHSTAR1Normalization specific enthalpy for region 1 IF97
constant RealIPSTARNormalization pressure for inverse function in region 2 IF97
constant RealIHSTARNormalization specific enthalpy for inverse function in region 2 IF97
constant TemperatureTLIMIT1Temperature limit between regions 1 and 3
constant TemperatureTLIMIT2Temperature limit between regions 2 and 5
constant TemperatureTLIMIT5Upper temperature limit of 5
constant PressurePLIMIT1Upper pressure limit for regions 1, 2 and 3
constant PressurePLIMIT4APressure limit between regions 1 and 2, important for two-phase (region 4)
constant PressurePLIMIT5Upper limit of valid pressure in region 5
constant PressurePCRITThe critical pressure
constant TemperatureTCRITThe critical temperature
constant DensityDCRITThe critical density
constant SpecificEntropySCRITThe calculated specific entropy at the critical point
constant SpecificEnthalpyHCRITThe calculated specific enthalpy at the critical point
constant Realn[5]Polynomial coefficients for boundary between regions 2 and 3

Function Modelica.​Media.​Water.​IF97_Utilities.​BaseIF97.​getTstar
Get normalization temperature for region 1, 2 or 5


This icon indicates Modelica functions.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Function (Icon for functions).


IntegerregionIF 97 region


TemperatureTstarNormalization temperature

Function Modelica.​Media.​Water.​IF97_Utilities.​BaseIF97.​getpstar
Get normalization pressure for region 1, 2 or 5


This icon indicates Modelica functions.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Function (Icon for functions).


IntegerregionIF 97 region


PressurepstarNormalization pressure

Record Modelica.​Media.​Water.​IF97_Utilities.​BaseIF97.​critical
Critical point data


Record description

Critical point data for IF97 steam properties. SCRIT and HCRIT are calculated from Helmholtz function for region 3

Version Info and Revision history

Author: Hubertus Tummescheit,
Modelon AB
Ideon Science Park
SE-22370 Lund, Sweden

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Record (Icon for records).


constant PressurePCRITThe critical pressure
constant TemperatureTCRITThe critical temperature
constant DensityDCRITThe critical density
constant SpecificEnthalpyHCRITThe calculated specific enthalpy at the critical point
constant SpecificEntropySCRITThe calculated specific entropy at the critical point

Record Modelica.​Media.​Water.​IF97_Utilities.​BaseIF97.​triple
Triple point data


Record description

Vapour/liquid/ice triple point data for IF97 steam properties.

Version Info and Revision history

Author: Hubertus Tummescheit,
Modelon AB
Ideon Science Park
SE-22370 Lund, Sweden

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Record (Icon for records).


constant TemperatureTtripleThe triple point temperature
constant PressureptripleThe triple point pressure
constant DensitydltripleThe triple point liquid density
constant DensitydvtripleThe triple point vapour density

Function Modelica.​Media.​Water.​IF97_Utilities.​BaseIF97.​extraDerivs_ph
Function to calculate some extra thermophysical properties in regions 1, 2, 3 and 5 as f(p,h)


This icon indicates Modelica functions.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Function (Icon for functions).


SpecificEnthalpyhSpecific enthalpy
IntegerphasePhase: 2 for two-phase, 1 for one phase, 0 if unknown


ExtraDerivativesdproThermodynamic property collection

Function Modelica.​Media.​Water.​IF97_Utilities.​BaseIF97.​extraDerivs_pT
Function to calculate some extra thermophysical properties in regions 1, 2, 3 and 5 as f(p,T)


This icon indicates Modelica functions.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Function (Icon for functions).




ExtraDerivativesdproThermodynamic property collection