Package HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​DirectionalValves.​LSDirectionalValves
Icon for standard packages


Standard package icon.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Contents


Model HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​DirectionalValves.​LSDirectionalValves.​PropValve33LS


The component PropValve33LS is a model of a 3-way proportional valve where the stroke follows the input signal with a 2nd order delay. In addition to PropValve33PT2, it has a fourth port (LS) connected to port A or port T, depending on the stroke.

For a positive stroke (right position), the flow is scaled in proportion to the input signal starting from 0 to Input value for 100 % open with nominal flow (as given by Nominal volume flow/Nominal pressure difference) corresponding to an input value of Input value for 100 % open. In case of a negative stroke (left position) the same applies for input from 0 to -Input value for 100 % open.

The valve stroke can be shifted by Valve edge general relative overlap. In accordance with common valve parameters a negative overlap will open the valve edge. Valve edge general relative overlap is applied to all valve edges simultaneously. If at least one of the edge-specific values, e. g. Valve edge PA relative overlap is set to a value different from 0, then Valve edge general relative overlap is ignored and the individual overlaps are used.

The default relationship between input signal and flow rate of the metering edge is linear, but can be changed through the use of a 1D look-up table. The look-up table is provided either manually or by importing a text file. If the parameter Table is provided by file is set to false, the manually entered datapoints from Manually provided look-up table will be used. If it is set to true, the table Table name on file from the file File where look-up table is stored will be utilized.

The text file must follow a specific syntax such that it can be read by Modelica. The input values as well as the output values must lie within the range from 0 to 1. An output value of 1 (100 %) corresponds to a fully-opened metering edge. An example for a properly formatted text file with two tables is given in the figure below:

A table is declared by its datatype (e. g. double), followed by the table name (e. g. tab1) and its dimensions in brackets (e. g. (5,2)). As can be seen, multiple tables can be defined in the same text file. The table declaration is followed by the actual data. The first column of the table represents the input of the 1D table, whereas the second column lists the corresponding output values. The input values of the table must be in increasing order. The component interpolates linearly between the listed input values. More information regarding the format of tables can be found at CombiTable1D.

Port LS is connected to port A if Stroke > Relative stroke at which the LS port is switched, else port LS is connected to port T. Pressure at port LS follows pressure at A or T with first order delay with Time constant of LS signal.

Extends from HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​Base.​PartialValve33LS, HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​Base.​PartialValveControlSignal_63, and HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​Base.​PartialValveProp_63.


RealinputMax10Input value for 100 % open
AngularFrequencyangFreq2 * Modelica.Constants.pi * 50Angular frequency
TimeAgingvMax100max. Velocity
TimeAgingvMin-100min. Velocity
BooleanenableStrokeOutfalseEnable Stroke Output
VolumeFlowRateNominalVolumeFlow5e-4Nominal volume flow
PressureNominalPressureDifference500000Nominal pressure difference
DensityReferenceDensity860Reference density for volume flow and pressure difference
DimensionlessRatioOverlap0.1Valve edge general relative overlap
DimensionlessRatioOverlapPA0Valve edge PA relative overlap
DimensionlessRatioOverlapAT0Valve edge AT relative overlap
VolumeFlowRateZeroVolumeFlow0Volume flow due to leakage
PressureZeroFlowPressureDifference500000Pressure difference for leakage flow
RealQFactorPA1Factor for edge PA specific flow adjustment
BooleantableFromFilePAfalseTable is provided by file
StringfileNamePA"NoFile"File where look-up table is stored
StringtableNamePA"NoTable"Table name on file
RealmanualTablePA[:,:][-1,0; 0,0; 1,1]Manually provided look-up table
RealQFactorAT1Factor for edge AT specific flow adjustment
BooleantableFromFileATfalseTable is provided by file
StringfileNameAT"NoFile"File where look-up table is stored
StringtableNameAT"NoTable"Table name on file
RealmanualTableAT[:,:][-1,0; 0,0; 1,1]Manually provided look-up table
TimetimeConstLS0.05Time constant of LS signal
DimensionlessRatioswitchBand0.01Relative stroke at which the LS port is switched
VolumedeadVolume1e-6Dead volume at ports
final InitinitTypeModelica.​Blocks.​Types.​Init.​InitialStateType of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3/4: initial output)


FluidPortportLSHydraulic port LS
FluidPortportPHydraulic port P
FluidPortportTHydraulic port T
FluidPortportAHydraulic port A
output RealOutputvalveStrokeOutValve Stroke
input RealInputInputSet value of valve position

Model HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​DirectionalValves.​LSDirectionalValves.​PropValve33LSTableAx


The component PropValve33LSTableAx is a model of a 3-way proportional valve where the stroke follows the input signal with a 2nd order delay. In addition to PropValve33PT2TableAx, it has a fourth port (LS) connected to port A or port T, depending on the stroke.

The parameterization of the valve is done by providing the Flow coefficient alphaD and a look-up table of the Cross-sectional area as a function of the input signal. Each of the two meetering edges is parameterised with a separate look-up table and a Flow coefficient alphaD given by the user. Further information regarding the formatting of the look-up table can be found in the documentation of the component ResistorTableAx. Unlike the Resistor component, the look-up table for valve edges is declared for the input range from -1 to 1.

For a positive and negative stroke, the cross-sectional area of the valve's meetering edge is given as a function of the input signal through a look-up table starting from 0 to maximum area (the cross-sectional area of the valve edge when it is completely open). The cross-sectional area must be given in m^2. The flow is then calculated based on Flow coefficient alphaD, Cross-sectional area, density of the fluid and pressure difference between the two edges of the valve, according to the formula given below:

The valve stroke can be shifted by Relative overlap general. In accordance with common valve parameters a negative overlap will open the valve edge. Relative overlap general is applied to all valve edges simultaneously. If at least one of the edge-specific values, e. g. Relative overlap PA or -AT is set to a value different from 0, then the Relative overlap general is ignored and the individual overlaps are used.

Port LS is connected to port A if Stroke > Relative stroke at which the LS port is switched, else port LS is connected to port T. Pressure at port LS follows pressure at A or T with first order delay with Time constant of LS signal.

Extends from HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​Base.​PartialValve33LSTableAx, HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​Base.​PartialValveControlSignal_63, and HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​Base.​PartialValveProp_63.


RealinputMax10Input value for 100 % open
AngularFrequencyangFreq2 * Modelica.Constants.pi * 50Angular frequency
TimeAgingvMax100max. Velocity
TimeAgingvMin-100min. Velocity
BooleanenableStrokeOutfalseEnable Stroke Output
DimensionlessRatioOverlap0.1Valve edge general relative overlap
DimensionlessRatioOverlapPA0Valve edge PA relative overlap
DimensionlessRatioOverlapAT0Valve edge AT relative overlap
RealalphaDPA0.6Flow coefficient alphaD
BooleantableFromFilePAfalseTable is provided by file
StringfileNamePA"NoFile"File where look-up table is stored
StringtableNamePA"NoTable"Table name on file
RealmanualTablePA[:,:][-1,0; 0,0; 1,2.444e-5]Manually provided look-up table
RealalphaDAT0.6Flow coefficient alphaD
BooleantableFromFileATfalseTable is provided by file
StringfileNameAT"NoFile"File where look-up table is stored
StringtableNameAT"NoTable"Table name on file
RealmanualTableAT[:,:][-1,0; 0,0; 1,2.444e-5]Manually provided look-up table
TimetimeConstLS0.05Time constant of LS signal
DimensionlessRatioswitchBand0.01Relative stroke at which the LS port is switched
VolumedeadVolume1e-6Dead volume at ports
final InitinitTypeModelica.​Blocks.​Types.​Init.​InitialStateType of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3/4: initial output)


FluidPortportLSHydraulic port LS
FluidPortportPHydraulic port P
FluidPortportTHydraulic port T
FluidPortportAHydraulic port A
output RealOutputvalveStrokeOutValve Stroke
input RealInputInputSet value of valve position

Model HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​DirectionalValves.​LSDirectionalValves.​PropValve33LSTableQpx


The component PropValve33LSTableQpx is a model of a 3-way proportional valve where the stroke follows the input signal with a 2nd order delay. In addition to PropValve33PT2TableQpx, it has a fourth port (LS) connected to port A or port T, depending on the stroke.

The hydraulic parameterization of the valve is done by providing a look-up table of the flow rate as a function of the pressure drop and the input signal. Each of the two meetering edges is parameterised with a separate look-up table given by the user. Further information regarding the formatting of the look-up table can be found in the documentation of the component ResistorTableQpx. Unlike the Resistor component, the look-up table for valve edges is declared for the input range from -1 to 1.

For a positive stroke (right position) the flow is function of input signal (starting from 0 to Input value for 100 % open) and the pressure difference across the valve edge. In case of a negative stroke (left position) the same applies for input from 0 to -Input value for 100 % open.

The valve stroke can be shifted by Relative overlap general. In accordance with common valve parameters a negative overlap will open the valve edge. Relative overlap general is applied to all valve edges simultaneously. If at least one of the edge-specific values, e. g. Relative overlap PA or -AT is set to a value different from 0, then the Relative overlap general is ignored and the individual overlaps are used.

Port LS is connected to port A if Stroke > Relative stroke at which the LS port is switched, else port LS is connected to port T. Pressure at port LS follows pressure at A, B or T with first order delay with Time constant of LS signal.

Extends from HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​Base.​PartialValve33LSTableQpx, HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​Base.​PartialValveControlSignal_63, and HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​Base.​PartialValveProp_63.


RealinputMax10Input value for 100 % open
AngularFrequencyangFreq2 * Modelica.Constants.pi * 50Angular frequency
TimeAgingvMax100max. Velocity
TimeAgingvMin-100min. Velocity
BooleanenableStrokeOutfalseEnable Stroke Output
DensityReferenceDensity860Reference density
DimensionlessRatioOverlap0.1Valve edge general relative overlap
DimensionlessRatioOverlapPA0Valve edge PA relative overlap
DimensionlessRatioOverlapAT0Valve edge AT relative overlap
StringfileNamePA"NoFile"File where look-up table is stored
StringtableNamePA"NoTable"Table name on file
StringfileNameAT"NoFile"File where look-up table is stored
StringtableNameAT"NoTable"Table name on file
TimetimeConstLS0.05Time constant of LS signal
DimensionlessRatioswitchBand0.01Relative stroke at which the LS port is switched
VolumedeadVolume1e-6Dead volume at ports
final InitinitTypeModelica.​Blocks.​Types.​Init.​InitialStateType of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3/4: initial output)


FluidPortportLSHydraulic port LS
FluidPortportPHydraulic port P
FluidPortportTHydraulic port T
FluidPortportAHydraulic port A
output RealOutputvalveStrokeOutValve Stroke
input RealInputInputSet value of valve position

Model HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​DirectionalValves.​LSDirectionalValves.​PropValve43LS


The component PropValve43LS is a model of a 3-way proportional valve where the stroke follows the input signal with a 2nd order delay. In addition to PropValve43PT2, it has a fifth port (LS) connected to port A or port B, depending on the stroke.

For a positive stroke (right position), the flow is scaled in proportion to the input signal starting from 0 to Input value for 100 % open with nominal flow (as given by Nominal volume flow/Nominal pressure difference) corresponding to an input value of Input value for 100 % open. In case of a negative stroke (left position) the same applies for input from 0 to -Input value for 100 % open.

The valve stroke can be shifted by Valve edge general relative overlap. In accordance with common valve parameters a negative overlap will open the valve edge. Valve edge general relative overlap is applied to all valve edges simultaneously. If at least one of the edge-specific values, e. g. Valve edge PA relative overlap is set to a value different from 0, then Valve edge general relative overlap is ignored and the individual overlaps are used.

The default relationship between input signal and flow rate of the metering edge is linear, but can be changed through the use of a 1D look-up table. The look-up table is provided either manually or by importing a text file. If the parameter Table is provided by file is set to false, the manually entered datapoints from Manually provided look-up table will be used. If it is set to true, the table Table name on file from the file File where look-up table is stored will be utilized.

The text file must follow a specific syntax such that it can be read by Modelica. The input values as well as the output values must lie within the range from 0 to 1. An output value of 1 (100 %) corresponds to a fully-opened metering edge. An example for a properly formatted text file with two tables is given in the figure below:

A table is declared by its datatype (e. g. double), followed by the table name (e. g. tab1) and its dimensions in brackets (e. g. (5,2)). As can be seen, multiple tables can be defined in the same text file. The table declaration is followed by the actual data. The first column of the table represents the input of the 1D table, whereas the second column lists the corresponding output values. The input values of the table must be in increasing order. The component interpolates linearly between the listed input values. More information regarding the format of tables can be found at CombiTable1D.

Port LS is connected to port A if Stroke > Relative stroke at which the LS port is switched, port LS is connected to port B if Stroke < -Relative stroke at which the LS port is switched. Pressure at port LS follows pressure at A, B or T with first order delay with Time constant of LS signal.

Extends from HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​Base.​PartialValve43LS, HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​Base.​PartialValveControlSignal_63, and HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​Base.​PartialValveProp_63.


RealinputMax10Input value for 100 % open
AngularFrequencyangFreq2 * Modelica.Constants.pi * 50Angular frequency
TimeAgingvMax100max. Velocity
TimeAgingvMin-100min. Velocity
BooleanenableStrokeOutfalseEnable Stroke Output
VolumeFlowRateNominalVolumeFlow5e-4Nominal volume flow
PressureNominalPressureDifference500000Nominal pressure difference
DensityReferenceDensity860Reference density for volume flow and pressure difference
DimensionlessRatioOverlap0.1Valve edge general relative overlap
DimensionlessRatioOverlapPA0Valve edge PA relative overlap
DimensionlessRatioOverlapPB0Valve edge PB relative overlap
DimensionlessRatioOverlapAT0Valve edge AT relative overlap
DimensionlessRatioOverlapBT0Valve edge BT relative overlap
VolumeFlowRateZeroVolumeFlow0Volume flow due to leakage
PressureZeroFlowPressureDifference500000Pressure difference for leakage flow
RealQFactorPA1Factor for edge PA specific flow adjustment
BooleantableFromFilePAfalseTable is provided by file
StringfileNamePA"NoFile"File where look-up table is stored
StringtableNamePA"NoTable"Table name on file
RealmanualTablePA[:,:][-1,0; 0,0; 1,1]Manually provided look-up table
RealQFactorPB1Factor for edge PB specific flow adjustment
BooleantableFromFilePBfalseTable is provided by file
StringfileNamePB"NoFile"File where look-up table is stored
StringtableNamePB"NoTable"Table name on file
RealmanualTablePB[:,:][-1,0; 0,0; 1,1]Manually provided look-up table
RealQFactorAT1Factor for edge AT specific flow adjustment
BooleantableFromFileATfalseTable is provided by file
StringfileNameAT"NoFile"File where look-up table is stored
StringtableNameAT"NoTable"Table name on file
RealmanualTableAT[:,:][-1,0; 0,0; 1,1]Manually provided look-up table
RealQFactorBT1Factor for edge BT specific flow adjustment
BooleantableFromFileBTfalseTable is provided by file
StringfileNameBT"NoFile"File where look-up table is stored
StringtableNameBT"NoTable"Table name on file
RealmanualTableBT[:,:][-1,0; 0,0; 1,1]Manually provided look-up table
TimetimeConstLS0.05Time constant of LS signal
DimensionlessRatioswitchBand0.01Relative stroke at which the LS port is switched
VolumedeadVolume1e-6Dead volume at ports
final InitinitTypeModelica.​Blocks.​Types.​Init.​InitialStateType of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3/4: initial output)


FluidPortportLSHydraulic port LS
FluidPortportPHydraulic port P
FluidPortportTHydraulic port T
FluidPortportAHydraulic port A
FluidPortportBHydraulic port B
output RealOutputvalveStrokeOutValve Stroke
input RealInputInputSet value of valve position

Model HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​DirectionalValves.​LSDirectionalValves.​PropValve43LSTableAx


The component PropValve43LSTableAx is a model of a 3-way proportional valve where the stroke follows the input signal with a 2nd order delay. In addition to PropValve43PT2TableAx, it has a fifth port (LS) connected to port A or port B, depending on the stroke.

The parameterization of the valve is done by providing the Flow coefficient alphaD and a look-up table of the Cross-sectional area as a function of the input signal. Each of the four meetering edges is parameterised with a separate look-up table and a Flow coefficient alphaD given by the user. Further information regarding the formatting of the look-up table can be found in the documentation of the component ResistorTableAx. Unlike the Resistor component, the look-up table for valve edges is declared for the input range from -1 to 1.

For a positive and negative stroke, the cross-sectional area of the valve's meetering edge is given as a function of the input signal through a look-up table starting from 0 to maximum area (the cross-sectional area of the valve edge when it is completely open). The cross-sectional area must be given in m^2. The flow is then calculated based on Flow coefficient alphaD, Cross-sectional area, density of the fluid and pressure difference between the two edges of the valve, according to the formula given below:

The valve stroke can be shifted by Relative overlap general. In accordance with common valve parameters a negative overlap will open the valve edge. Relative overlap general is applied to all valve edges simultaneously. If at least one of the edge-specific values, e. g. Relative overlap PA or -AT is set to a value different from 0, then the Relative overlap general is ignored and the individual overlaps are used.

Port LS is connected to port A if Stroke > Relative stroke at which the LS port is switched, port LS is connected to port B if Stroke < -Relative stroke at which the LS port is switched. Pressure at port LS follows pressure at A, B or T with first order delay with Time constant of LS signal.

Extends from HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​Base.​PartialValve43LSTableAx, HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​Base.​PartialValveControlSignal_63, and HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​Base.​PartialValveProp_63.


RealinputMax10Input value for 100 % open
AngularFrequencyangFreq2 * Modelica.Constants.pi * 50Angular frequency
TimeAgingvMax100max. Velocity
TimeAgingvMin-100min. Velocity
BooleanenableStrokeOutfalseEnable Stroke Output
DimensionlessRatioOverlap0.1Valve edge general relative overlap
DimensionlessRatioOverlapPA0Valve edge PA relative overlap
DimensionlessRatioOverlapPB0Valve edge PB relative overlap
DimensionlessRatioOverlapAT0Valve edge AT relative overlap
DimensionlessRatioOverlapBT0Valve edge BT relative overlap
RealalphaDPA0.6Flow coefficient alphaD
BooleantableFromFilePAfalseTable is provided by file
StringfileNamePA"NoFile"File where look-up table is stored
StringtableNamePA"NoTable"Table name on file
RealmanualTablePA[:,:][-1,0; 0,0; 1,2.444e-5]Manually provided look-up table
RealalphaDPB0.6Flow coefficient alphaD
BooleantableFromFilePBfalseTable is provided by file
StringfileNamePB"NoFile"File where look-up table is stored
StringtableNamePB"NoTable"Table name on file
RealmanualTablePB[:,:][-1,0; 0,0; 1,2.444e-5]Manually provided look-up table
RealalphaDAT0.6Flow coefficient alphaD
BooleantableFromFileATfalseTable is provided by file
StringfileNameAT"NoFile"File where look-up table is stored
StringtableNameAT"NoTable"Table name on file
RealmanualTableAT[:,:][-1,0; 0,0; 1,2.444e-5]Manually provided look-up table
TimetimeConstLS0.05Time constant of LS signal
DimensionlessRatioswitchBand0.01Relative stroke at which the LS port is switched
VolumedeadVolume1e-6Dead volume at ports
RealalphaDBT0.6Flow coefficient alphaD
BooleantableFromFileBTfalseTable is provided by file
StringfileNameBT"NoFile"File where look-up table is stored
StringtableNameBT"NoTable"Table name on file
RealmanualTableBT[:,:][-1,0; 0,0; 1,2.444e-5]Manually provided look-up table
final InitinitTypeModelica.​Blocks.​Types.​Init.​InitialStateType of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3/4: initial output)


FluidPortportLSHydraulic port LS
FluidPortportPHydraulic port P
FluidPortportTHydraulic port T
FluidPortportAHydraulic port A
FluidPortportBHydraulic port B
output RealOutputvalveStrokeOutValve Stroke
input RealInputInputSet value of valve position

Model HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​DirectionalValves.​LSDirectionalValves.​PropValve43LSTableQpx


The component PropValve43LSTableQpx is a model of a 3-way proportional valve where the stroke follows the input signal with a 2nd order delay. In addition to PropValve43PT2TableQpx, it has a fifth port (LS) connected to port A or port B, depending on the stroke.

The hydraulic parameterization of the valve is done by providing a look-up table of the flow rate as a function of the pressure drop and the input signal. Each of the four meetering edges is parameterised with a separate look-up table given by the user. Further information regarding the formatting of the look-up table can be found in the documentation of the component ResistorTableQpx. Unlike the Resistor component, the look-up table for valve edges is declared for the input range from -1 to 1.

For a positive stroke (right position) the flow is function of input signal (starting from 0 to Input value for 100 % open) and the pressure difference across the valve edge. In case of a negative stroke (left position) the same applies for input from 0 to -Input value for 100 % open.

The valve stroke can be shifted by Relative overlap general. In accordance with common valve parameters a negative overlap will open the valve edge. Relative overlap general is applied to all valve edges simultaneously. If at least one of the edge-specific values, e. g. Relative overlap PA or -AT is set to a value different from 0, then the Relative overlap general is ignored and the individual overlaps are used.

Port LS is connected to port A if Stroke > Relative stroke at which the LS port is switched, port LS is connected to port B if Stroke < -Relative stroke at which the LS port is switched. Pressure at port LS follows pressure at A, B or T with first order delay with Time constant of LS signal.

Extends from HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​Base.​PartialValve43LSTableQpx, HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​Base.​PartialValveControlSignal_63, and HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Valves.​Base.​PartialValveProp_63.


RealinputMax10Input value for 100 % open
AngularFrequencyangFreq2 * Modelica.Constants.pi * 50Angular frequency
TimeAgingvMax100max. Velocity
TimeAgingvMin-100min. Velocity
BooleanenableStrokeOutfalseEnable Stroke Output
DensityReferenceDensity860Reference density
DimensionlessRatioOverlap0.1Valve edge general relative overlap
DimensionlessRatioOverlapPA0Valve edge PA relative overlap
DimensionlessRatioOverlapPB0Valve edge PB relative overlap
DimensionlessRatioOverlapAT0Valve edge AT relative overlap
DimensionlessRatioOverlapBT0Valve edge BT relative overlap
StringfileNamePA"NoFile"File where look-up table is stored
StringtableNamePA"NoTable"Table name on file
StringfileNamePB"NoFile"File where look-up table is stored
StringtableNamePB"NoTable"Table name on file
StringfileNameAT"NoFile"File where look-up table is stored
StringtableNameAT"NoTable"Table name on file
StringfileNameBT"NoFile"File where look-up table is stored
StringtableNameBT"NoTable"Table name on file
TimetimeConstLS0.05Time constant of LS signal
DimensionlessRatioswitchBand0.01Relative stroke at which the LS port is switched
VolumedeadVolume1e-6Dead volume at ports
final InitinitTypeModelica.​Blocks.​Types.​Init.​InitialStateType of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3/4: initial output)


FluidPortportLSHydraulic port LS
FluidPortportPHydraulic port P
FluidPortportTHydraulic port T
FluidPortportAHydraulic port A
FluidPortportBHydraulic port B
output RealOutputvalveStrokeOutValve Stroke
input RealInputInputSet value of valve position