Package HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Pumps
Icon for standard packages


Standard package icon.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Contents


Model HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Pumps.​ConstantFlowPump
Partial Pump


The component ConstantFlowPump constitutes a model of a flow source in which the delivery is calculated from the given nominal flow, the leakage, and the suction pressure.

Both internal and external leakage depend on the adjacent pressure difference. The parameter Nominal volume flow refers to the flow at Port A (suction side).

minSuctionPressure takes into account that a pump requires a minimaum suction pressure for full flow. Below this pressure, the flow rate is reduced. In this model, the reduction is assumed to be simplified as a linear function of suction pressure in relation to minSuctionPressure.

The parameter Startup time > 0 describes the time, within whi ch the flow reaches Nominal volume flow starting at 0. The figure shows the startup function for Startup time = 1.

If Startup Time = 0, flow starts at Nominal volume flow.

The component does not provide a model of the physical design of a pump but only copies its characteristic features. Thus, physical parameters (e. g. inertia moment or hydraulic-mechanical efficiency) are not parameterized.

Extends from HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Pumps.​Base.​PartialPumpWithLeakage.


VolumeFlowRatenominalVolumeFlow5e-4Nominal volume flow, A -> B
PressureminSuctionPressure50000Pressure limit at suction port below which flow is reduced
VolumedeadVolume1e-6Dead volume at ports
VolumeFlowRateleakageFlowRateInternal1e-5Internal leakage: volume flow
PressureleakagePressureDiffInternal1e+7Internal leakage: pressure difference
VolumeFlowRateleakageFlowRateExternal0External leakage: volume flow
PressureleakagePressureDiffExternal1e+7External leakage: pressure difference
DensityleakageReferenceDensity860Reference density for volume flow and pressure difference
BooleanuseLeakagePortfalseEnable leakage port, otherwise implicitly connected with tank
BooleanforwardFluidPropertiestrueForward fluid properties between ports
DurationstartupTime0Startup time


FluidPortfluidPortLeakageHydraulic port Leakage
FluidPortfluidPortAHydraulic port A
FluidPortfluidPortBHydraulic port B

Model HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Pumps.​VariableFlowPump
Partial Pump


The component VariableFlowPump constitutes a model of a flow source in which the delivery is calculated from the given nominal flow, the input signal, the leakage, and the suction pressure.

Both internal and external leakage depend on the adjacent pressure difference.

The parameter nominalVolumeFlow refers to the flow at Port A (suction side).

The valid range of the input signal at port setpoint is 0 < signal < 1. Therefore 1 corresponds to 100 % of the nominal volume flow.

minSuctionPressure takes into account that a pump requires a minimaum suction pressure for full flow. Below this pressure, the flow rate is reduced. In this model, the reduction is assumed to be simplified as a linear function of suction pressure in relation to minSuctionPressure.

VariableFlowPump does not provide a model of the physical design of a pump but only copies its characteristic features. Thus, physical parameters (e. g. inertia moment or hydraulic-mechanical efficiency) are not parameterized.

Extends from HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Pumps.​Base.​PartialPumpWithLeakage.


VolumeFlowRatenominalVolumeFlow5e-4Nominal volume flow, A -> B
PressureminSuctionPressure50000Pressure limit at suction port below which flow is reduced
VolumedeadVolume1e-6Dead volume at ports
VolumeFlowRateleakageFlowRateInternal1e-5Internal leakage: volume flow
PressureleakagePressureDiffInternal1e+7Internal leakage: pressure difference
VolumeFlowRateleakageFlowRateExternal0External leakage: volume flow
PressureleakagePressureDiffExternal1e+7External leakage: pressure difference
DensityleakageReferenceDensity860Reference density for volume flow and pressure difference
BooleanuseLeakagePortfalseEnable leakage port, otherwise implicitly connected with tank
BooleanforwardFluidPropertiestrueForward fluid properties between ports


FluidPortfluidPortLeakageHydraulic port Leakage
FluidPortfluidPortAHydraulic port A
FluidPortfluidPortBHydraulic port B
input RealInputsetpoint 

Model HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Pumps.​VariableFlowPumpCC
Partial Pump


The component VariableFlowPump constitutes a model of a flow source for closed circuit applications, in which the delivery is calculated from the given nominal flow, the input signal, the leakage, and the suction pressure.

Both internal and external leakage depend on the adjacent pressure difference.

The parameter nominalVolumeFlow refers to the flow at Port A.

The valid range of the input signal at port setpoint is -1 < signal < 1. Therefore 1 corresponds to 100 % of the nominal volume flow.

minSuctionPressure takes into account that a pump requires a minimaum suction pressure for full flow. Below this pressure, the flow rate is reduced. In this model, the reduction is assumed to be simplified as a linear function of suction pressure in relation to minSuctionPressure.

VariableFlowPump does not provide a model of the physical design of a pump but only copies its characteristic features. Thus, physical parameters (e. g. inertia moment or hydraulic-mechanical efficiency) are not parameterized.

Extends from HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Pumps.​Base.​PartialCCPumpWithLeakage.


VolumeFlowRatenominalVolumeFlow5e-4Nominal volume flow, A -> B
PressureminSuctionPressure50000Pressure limit at suction port below which flow is reduced
VolumedeadVolume1e-6Dead volume at ports
VolumeFlowRateleakageFlowRateInternal1e-5Internal leakage: volume flow
PressureleakagePressureDiffInternal1e+7Internal leakage: pressure difference
VolumeFlowRateleakageFlowRateExternal0External leakage: volume flow
PressureleakagePressureDiffExternal1e+7External leakage: pressure difference
DensityleakageReferenceDensity860Reference density for volume flow and pressure difference
BooleanuseLeakagePortfalseEnable leakage port, otherwise implicitly connected with tank
BooleanforwardFluidPropertiestrueForward fluid properties between ports


FluidPortfluidPortLeakageHydraulic port Leakage
FluidPortfluidPortAHydraulic port A
FluidPortfluidPortBHydraulic port B
input RealInputsetpoint 

Model HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Pumps.​FixedDisplacementPump
Partial Pump


Model of a pump with fixed displacement volume and losses.

The main parameters of the pump are its maximum Displacement volume and the Rotational moment of inertia.

The losses are parameterised by providing volumetric and mechanical efficiencies Volumetric efficiency and Mechanical efficiency for a given operating point. The operating point is characterised by a reference pressure difference Reference pressure difference and a corresponding shaft speed Reference speed. Based on the entered values, the parameters of a laminar throttle (volumetric losses) and a linear damper (representing the mechanical losses) are determined automatically. Unlike the efficiencies, the parameters of these two elements typically do not vary significantly with the operating conditions.

The parameter Ratio external Leakage / total Leakage allows to split the leakage between internal and external leakage. A gear pump e. g. typically has no external leakage, Ratio external Leakage / total Leakage has to be set to 0. In contrast, a piston pump has a significant external leakage (0.5 < Ratio external Leakage / total Leakage <= 1).

minSuctionPressure takes into account that a pump requires a minimaum suction pressure for full flow. Below this pressure, the flow rate is reduced. In this model, the reduction is assumed to be simplified as a linear function of suction pressure in relation to minSuctionPressure.

Extends from HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Pumps.​Base.​PartialDisplacementPump.


VolumedispVolume5e-5Displacement volume
PressureminSuctionPressure50000Pressure limit at suction port below which flow is reduced
InertiaJrot0.05Rotational moment of inertia
VolumedeadVolume1e-6Dead volume at ports
EfficiencyetaVol0.94Volumetric efficiency @ nRef, dpRef
DensityleakageReferenceDensity860Reference density for volumetric efficiency
DimensionlessRatioratioLeakageExtern0Ratio external Leakage / total Leakage
BooleanuseLeakagePortfalseEnable leakage port, otherwise implicitly connected with tank
EfficiencyetaHm0.98Mechanical efficiency @ nRef, dpRef
RealnRef1000Reference speed (1/min)
AbsolutePressuredpRef2e+7Reference pressure difference
StateSelectstateSelectStateSelect.​preferPriority to use phi and w as states
BooleanforwardFluidPropertiestrueForward fluid properties between ports


FluidPortfluidPortAHydraulic port A
FluidPortfluidPortBHydraulic port B
FluidPortfluidPortLeakageHydraulic port Leakage

Model HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Pumps.​VariableDisplacementPump
Partial Pump


Model of a pump with variable displacement volume and losses.

The main parameters of the pump are its maximum Displacement volume and the Rotational moment of inertia. The displacement volume can be adjusted by using the setpoint signal:

setpoint = 0displacement volume = 0
setpoint > 1displacement volume = dispVolume
sign(w) = sign(fluidPortA.mFlow)
setpoint < -1displacement volume = dispVolume
sign(w) = -sign(fluidPortA.mFlow)
1 > setpoint > 0displacement volume = dispVolume * setpoint
sign(w) = sign(fluidPortA.mFlow)
-1 < setpoint < 0displacement volume = dispVolume * setpoint
sign(w) = -sign(fluidPortA.mFlow)

The losses are parameterised by providing volumetric and mechanical efficiencies Volumetric efficiency and Mechanical efficiency for a given operating point. The operating point is characterised by a reference pressure difference Reference pressure difference and a corresponding shaft speed Reference speed. Based on the entered values, the parameters of a laminar throttle (volumetric losses) and a linear damper (representing the mechanical losses) are determined automatically. Unlike the efficiencies, the parameters of these two elements typically do not vary significantly with the operating conditions.

The parameter Ratio external Leakage / total Leakage allows to split the leakage between internal and external leakage. A gear pump e. g. typically has no external leakage, Ratio external Leakage / total Leakage has to be set to 0. In contrast, a piston pump has a significant external leakage (0.5 < Ratio external Leakage / total Leakage <= 1).

minSuctionPressure takes into account that a pump requires a minimaum suction pressure for full flow. Below this pressure, the flow rate is reduced. In this model, the reduction is assumed to be simplified as a linear function of suction pressure in relation to minSuctionPressure.

Extends from HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Pumps.​Base.​PartialDisplacementPump.


VolumedispVolume5e-5Displacement volume
PressureminSuctionPressure50000Pressure limit at suction port below which flow is reduced
InertiaJrot0.05Rotational moment of inertia
VolumedeadVolume1e-6Dead volume at ports
EfficiencyetaVol0.94Volumetric efficiency @ nRef, dpRef
DensityleakageReferenceDensity860Reference density for volumetric efficiency
DimensionlessRatioratioLeakageExtern0Ratio external Leakage / total Leakage
BooleanuseLeakagePortfalseEnable leakage port, otherwise implicitly connected with tank
EfficiencyetaHm0.98Mechanical efficiency @ nRef, dpRef
RealnRef1000Reference speed (1/min)
AbsolutePressuredpRef2e+7Reference pressure difference
StateSelectstateSelectStateSelect.​preferPriority to use phi and w as states
BooleanforwardFluidPropertiestrueForward fluid properties between ports


FluidPortfluidPortAHydraulic port A
FluidPortfluidPortBHydraulic port B
FluidPortfluidPortLeakageHydraulic port Leakage
input RealInputsetpoint