Package HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Pumps.​Controller
Icon for standard packages


Standard package icon.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Contents

LSControllerLoad Sensing Controller

Class HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Pumps.​Controller.​LSController
Load Sensing Controller


The component LSController is a pump controller for use in load sensing applications.

The LS controller is a pressure control with an additional LS offset pressure to compensate the losses of pressure compensator valves. The inputs are normalized to the LS pressure, so that the input of gain, integrator, and derivative has the dimension 1. The output also ranges from 0 to 1 according to the displacement input of pumps.

The displacement is calculated with a first order delay parameterized by Time constant of pump displacement. The pumps themselves (VariableFlowPump, VariableFlowPumpCC, VariableDisplacementPump) have no dynamical displacement behavior.


RealKP2Gain of controller
RealKI0Gain of integrator
RealKD0.5Gain of derivative block
TimeTD0.001Time constant of derivative block
PressureLSOffset2e+6LS offset pressure
TimeTAdjust0.2Time constant of pump displacement
RealinitialDisplacement0Initial displacement


FluidPortfluidPortPHydraulic port P
FluidPortfluidPortLSHydraulic port LS
output RealOutputDisplacement