Display and Modify an Object's Properties
Show or hide extra columns to display and modify an object's properties in the Geometries Browser.
- Press Ctrl+1 to open the Geometries tab of the World Browser.
You can do the following:
- To show extra columns, click .
- To turn an object's property off, click the icon under the corresponding column.
- To turn an object's property on, click the faint gray dot under the corresponding column.
- To hide extra columns, click .
As a result:- When the property is turned on, an icon is displayed. For example, indicates that the object is invisible to the camera.
- When the property is turned on for some children in a group, half the icon is displayed. For example, indicates that some children are invisible to the camera.
- When the property is turned off, a faint gray dot is displayed to
indicate that the object is actually visible to the camera.
Option Description Not visible in rendering The object is invisible but still contributes to the lighting environment (i.e., it casts shadows, reflects light, etc.). Receive shadows The receives shadows from other objects. This property only functions when the rendering engine is set to Raytracing. Cast shadows The object is visible and casts shadows. Scatter light The object scatters light. That is, rays of light get deflected in different directions as they pass through the object. Receive caustics The object receives caustics. Caustics are complex refractions caused when light passes through transparent objects. Hide back faces Each face (or surface) has two sides: front and back. Make faces invisible when viewed from the rear. Bevel Make the edges of the object appear rounded, creating a photo-realistic rendering. - Angle: When the angle between two adjacent faces is greater or equal to this value, the edge is beveled.
- Radius: The apparent radius of the "rounded" edge.
- To show extra columns, click .