Dynamic View Report

The Dynamic View presents a report based on pre-mined table data. The structure of dynamic table data is derived from the selected Monarch data model.

On the Dynamic View Report page, you can modify the fields hierarchy, display and hide fields, apply autofilters, add calculated field and statistic fields. The resulting view definition can be saved to the local storage for reusing.

The Dynamic View Report page is displayed. It contains the following items:

  • The Calculated Fields icon in the upper left corner of the page:
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  • The Filter icon in the upper left corner of the page.

  • The toolbar in the upper right corner of the page:
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Use this toolbar to perform the following actions.


Calculated Fields

Click to add a calculated field.


View Definition List

Click to load previously saved View Definitions and apply them to the current reports you are viewing.


Save View Definition

Click to save the current View Definition, to load in the next session and apply it to different reports or allow other users to use it.


Download current view data in CSV format

Click to export the Dynamic View Report to CSV.


Export to PDF

Click to export the Dynamic View Report to PDF.


Export to PDF

Click to open the report as a PDF file in a new window.



Allows you to select a report model from the list, define filters and sorts.



Click to apply a dynamic filter


  • Hierarchy Levels: The placement of column titles above the table represents the levels of fields' hierarchy. You can modify the hierarchy of fields, by dragging column headers to the space above the table. Data will be grouped by these columns. You can drag any number of column headers to any level. This allows creating different groupings of fields, to obtain the desired view of the report data. Use arrows to expand or collapse rows with data.

  • Aggregation: After you assign a column heading to a  hierarchy level, you can add an Aggregation field to the Dynamic View Report. Point to a column heading on any hierarchy level, and click the plus sign that will appear on the right of its name, to open the Aggregation dialog box.

To navigate between pages, use page navigation buttons.


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