Calculated Fields Dialog Box

The Dynamic View Report can display calculated fields.

You can calculate an arithmetical expression for each row in the report view, and display the result of the expression in an additional column. Any data field of a numeric type can be used in an expression. RMS supports all arithmetical operations and expressions, permitted by the standard SQL language.

To display the Calculated Fields, click clip0103 on the Dynamic View Report page.

The Calculated Fields dialog box contains the following items:

  • Name: Type the name of a calculated field.

  • Functions: Click to display the list of allowed standard SQL functions. Double-click the function that you want to add to the expression.

  • Operators: Click to display the list of allowed relational operators for the expression. Double-click the operator that you want to add to the expression.

  • Fields: Click to display the list of numeric fields used in the report. Double-click the field that you want to add to the expression.

  • Decimal places: rounds the number to the given number of decimal places. Leaving this field empty rounds to the nearest integer.

If any calculated fields are already present, their list is displayed. In this case the dialog box contains the following items instead:

  • Name: clicking on a calculated field's name opens the dialog that allows to edit that calculated field.

  • Delete: clicking this button removes the calculated field.

  • Add: opens the dialog that allows to create a new calculated field.

  • Cancel: closes the calculated fields dialog.









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