Accessing Database Data with Monarch Classic

For most of its history, Monarch Classic has been the leading report mining tool, allowing access to data buried in computer generated reports. Monarch Classic frees your buried data, allowing you to view, print, analyze and export it to other applications. While its ability to redeploy data locked inside reports has been the major factor distinguishing Monarch Classic technology from other data access technologies, Monarch Classic also includes powerful data manipulation, analysis, and transformation tools that potentially make it valuable for use with other data sources.

With Monarch Classic you can access data from:

  • Report files

  • PDF and XPS Files

  • HTML Files

  • Excel Files

  • Delimited text files

  • Local or network database files, including dBASE and MS-Access files

  • Web or FTP Sites

  • ODBC or OLE DB-compatible data sources, such as SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, and other client/server database management systems.

    To access data that reside in an ODBC compatible data source, you must have ODBC installed on your system and you must have established a valid ODBC connection to the data source. Typically, an ODBC connection is established in the form of a Data Source Name (DSN) definition.

  • Monarch Classic portable report files

Using data from an external Database with Monarch Classic

Monarch Classic provides two methods that you can use to access data from an external database:

  1. You can import data to populate Monarch Classic’s Table View.

  2. You can link data to an existing Monarch Classic table via an external lookup.

Importing Data to Populate Monarch Classic’s Table Window

The Monarch Classic Table View can be initially populated from data extracted from report files or from data imported from an external database.

Note: You cannot draw data from both sources at the same time to populate the table. If you start a Monarch Classic session by opening a report file, you will not be allowed to import data from an external database in that Monarch Classic session. Conversely, if you start a Monarch Classic session by importing data from an external database, you will not be allowed to open any report files in that Monarch Classic session. These two means of populating Monarch Classic’s Table window are mutually exclusive.

Creating an External Lookup

Regardless of whether you initially populated Monarch Classic’s Table window using data imported from an external database or using data extracted from reports, you can use Monarch Classic’s External Lookup window to perform lookups to external databases and link additional fields into the Monarch Classic table. See Working with External Lookups for more information.




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