Monarch Data Prep Studio Technical Specifications



Input File Formats

Input via drag/drop, browse menu, or Start Page icons:


  • PDF Reports (.pdf, .xps)

  • Text Reports (.dat, .prn, .rpt, .txt, .log)

  • Delimited Text (.csv, .tab, .txt, .dat, .tsv, .scsv)

  • JSON (.json)

  • XML (.xml)

  • HTML (.htm, .html)

  • Monarch Classic Files

    • Project files (.xprj, .dprj)

    • Model files (.xmod, .dmod)

  • PDF Table Extractor

  • SAS Transport File Format (XPORT) Version 5

Via Data Source Connectors:


  • DB2

  • Informix

  • Microsoft Access

  • MySQL

  • ODBC


  • Oracle

  • PostgreSQL

  • SQL Server

  • Sybase IQ

  • Vertica

  • Microsoft Access (mdb, accdb)

  • Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb)


  • Business Objects

  • Google Analytics

  • HubSpot

  • Altair Monarch Report Warehouse

  • Altair Monarch Server Library

  • NetSuite

  • Salesforce

  • SharePoint

  • Splunk

Big Data Sources

  • Amazon EMR Hive

  • Amazon  Redshift

  • Cassandra

  • Cloudera Impala

  • Google BigQuery

  • Hadoop Hive

  • IBM  Cloudant

  • MongoDB

  • Teradata

  • Spark SQL


  • HTML

  • JSON


  • XML

Export File Formats

  • Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx, .xlsm)

  • Microsoft Access (.mdb, .accdb)

  • CSV

  • JSON

  • Microsoft Power BI

  • IBM Cognos Analytics

  • SAS Transport File Format (XPORT) Version 5

  • Altair Knowledge Studio (.kdd)

  • Tableau TDE (.tde)

  • Tableau Server (.tde, .hyper)

  • Qlik (.qvx)

  • Altair Panopticon (.xls, .xlsx, .xlsm)




Maximum number of input rows

Limited only by system resources.

Maximum number of output rows

Limited only by target system disk space.

Maximum Input File Size

Limited only by system resources.

Maximum Input pages

Limited only by system resources.

Maximum tables in Preview Data  from any one source

Limited only by system resources.

Maximum tables in Preview Data from all sources

Limited only by system resources.

Maximum active filters in Preview Data or Prep Data.

Limited only by system resources.

Maximum tables that can be dependent for any one Join operation

Limited only by system resources.

Maximum tables total in Prep Data

Limited only by system resources.

Maximum tables in any one load plan.

Limited only by system resources.

Maximum  recent connections/recent tables saved

Limited only by system resources.

Maximum items in a change list and custom change list

Limited only by system resources.

Maximum number of elements in a join operation.

Limited only by system resources.



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