The File Open Dialog

A standard File Open dialog allows you to select a source file on your hard drive or network.

  1. Find the file or folder that you want to open.

  2. Double-click the file or folder to open it, or select the file and click Open.


Depending on the data source you select, one of the following happen:

  • You are brought to the Preview window, where you can view, select and/or load tables to use.

  • You are brought to the Report Design window, where you can define the fields to use from PDF and report files.

  • You are brought to the Worksheet Design window, where you can define the fields to use from non-tabular Excel worksheets.



  • You can bypass the File Open dialog and open a data source immediately by dragging the file from Windows Explorer to the Start or Preview window.

  • Note that the delimited text importer has been updated in Monarch Complete version 2020.1. Thus, workspaces containing this new importer will be rendered unusable in older versions of the software. A version compatibility warning displays before the workspace is saved to alert you of this potential issue.

  • CSV is accepted as a valid file type that can be opened by the Excel and Worksheet Design connectors.



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