Monarch 2021 Features

The bullets below highlight some of the newest features available in Monarch 2021.0.

Monarch 2021.1

Monarch Classic Highlights

  • Command Line interface support for bulk sample line redaction and project/model/workspace credentials scrubbing

  • Updated themes

  • Improved sizing in the Summary Add/Remove Fields window

  • Ability to edit Project and Model descriptions

  • Various bug fixes

  • Various UI/UX improvements

Data Prep Studio Highlights

  • All Filters export (analogous to Monarch Classic)

  • All Summaries export (analogous to Monarch Classic)

  • Summary Export splitting into separate files or tables based on key values (analogous to Monarch Classic)

  • Import supported Summary metadata from Monarch Classic Models

  • Named Sorts in Analyze (analogous to Monarch Classic)

  • Import named sorts from Monarch models

  • Color change to indicate table changes and count in the table selector

  • Open CSV files via the Excel and Worksheet Design connectors

  • Allow Sort Transforms to be discarded without affecting the table hierarchy

  • Show Tables dialog for Excel, Access and SAS Transport File Format (XPORT) Version 5 exports

  • Append data option for Qlik QVX export

  • Improved IP V6 Support for various Connectors

  • Copy/Paste Trap in Worksheet Design

  • Summary Measure Format configuration

  • All-by-key & all-by-measure Summary views (analogous to Monarch Classic)

  • Various bug fixes

  • Various UX/UI improvements

Monarch 2021.0

Monarch Classic Highlights

  • Improvements in Summary-related behavior

  • Cancellable Report Search

  • Various bug fixes

  • Various UI/UX improvements

Data Prep Studio Highlights



  • If you have a license for Monarch Complete, you will have access to both Classic and Data Prep Studio features.

  • If you have a license for Monarch Classic, you will have access to Classic features only.

Contact Altair Sales if you would like to upgrade your license to gain access to all of the features listed above and more.



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