Coloring Templates

Monarch Classic allows you to customize the background color of templates in the Report View or Report Design windows.

By default, templates are displayed with a gray background as in previous versions of Monarch Classic. If you prefer, you can specify custom colors for each of the template types. This makes differentiating the template types quite easy when viewing the report in the Report window. You can even choose to render the templates "invisible" in the Report window.

  1. Select Report Colors from the Report Design ribbon. The Edit Report Colors dialog box displays.

  2. To specify a custom color for a template or templates, select the Custom background for each template type option.

    By default, Monarch Classic assigns a custom color to each of the template types. These default colors are displayed on the adjacent Edit buttons.

  3. To alter any (or all) of these colors, click a specific template type (e.g., Page header), and use the color palette that displays to select a color. Report this step for other template types.

  4. When you are done modifying the color, click on the Edit Report Colors dialog box to close the color palette, then click OK to close the Edit Report Colors dialog box.

Monarch Classic displays the templates with the new background color(s) you specified.




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