What Types of Indirect Extrusion are Supported by HyperXtrude?

HX supports two types of indirect extrusion presses.
  1. Moving container and ram.Here the die is fixed and the container slides over it. The setup is similar to direct extrusion. Before exporting the grf file please assign the ram speed to Z_Velocity on Billet_Container boundary. Next, edit the TCL/HX file and set the ExtrusionType to IndirectExtrusion.
  2. Moving die.Here the die is pushed into the billet, and it slides inside the container. Edit the TCL/HX file and change the ExtrusionType from IndirectExtrusion to IndirectWithMovingDie.

This will be automated in the next release of HX User profile.

The table below shows the input syntax for different processes.
Input file Variable Direct Extrusion Indirect (Moving Container and Ram) Indirect (Moving Die)
C2E support C2E support C2E does not support. Manual Correction needed.
*.tcl or *.hx pset ExtrusionType DirectExtrusion IndirectExtrusion IndirectWithMovingDie
*.grf Dummy Block Inflow BC Z_Velocity = ramspeed Inflow BC Z_Velocity = ramspeed SolidFluid Interface Z_velocity = 0
*.grf Container Wall SolidWall (U=0) SolidWall Z_Velocity = ramspeed SolidWall Z_Velocity = 0
*.grf Die Face SolidWall Z_Velocity = -ramspeed SolidWall Z_Velocity = 0 SolidWall Z_Velocity =-ramspeed