The Trans Stiffness and Rot Stiffness tabs allow you to define the stiffness
properties of a compliant joint or a bushing. Stiffness can be linear or
In the Trans Stiffness tab, complete the following steps:
For the Kx, Ky, Kz Linear field, enter the
translational stiffness coefficient in the local x, y, z
For the Kx, Ky, Kz Curve field, enter the force
transmitted through the bushing, expressed in the form of a force vs.
displacement curve that is a function of a set of independent
For the Kx, Ky, Kz Spline3D field, complete the
steps below:
For the Kx, Ky, Kz Expression field, enter the
force transmitted through the bushing, in the form of a function
Click on the Rot Stiffness tab and complete the following steps:
For the Ktx, Kty, Ktz Linear field, enter the
rotational stiffness coefficient in the local x, y, z direction.
For the Ktx, Kty, Ktz Curve field, enter the
torque transmitted through the bushing, expressed in the form of a
torque vs. displacement curve that is a function of a set of independent
For the Ktx, Kty, Ktz Spline3D field, complete
the steps below:
For the Ktx, Kty, Ktz Expression field, enter
the torque transmitted through the bushing, in the form of a function
The Trans Damping and Rot Damping tabs allows you to define the damping
properties of a compliant joint or bushing. Damping can be linear or non-linear.
In the Trans Damping tab, complete the following steps:
For the Cx, Cy, Cz Linear field, enter the
translational damping coefficient in the local x, y, z direction.
For the Cx, Cy, Cz Curve field, enter the force
transmitted through the bushing, expressed in the form of a force vs.
displacement curve that is a function of a set of independent
For the Cx, Cy, Cz Spline3D field, complete the
steps below:
For the Cx, Cy, Cz Expression field, enter the
force transmitted through the bushing, in the form of a function
Click on the Rot Damping tab and complete the following steps:
For the Ctx, Cty, Ctz Linear field, enter the
rotational damping coefficient in the local x, y, z direction.
For the Ctx, Cty, Ctz Curve field, enter the
torque transmitted through the bushing, expressed in the form of a
torque vs. displacement curve that is a function of a set of independent
For the Ctx, Cty, Ctz Spline3D field, complete
the steps below:
For the Ctx, Cty, Ctz Expression field, enter
the torque transmitted through the bushing, in the form of a function
Click the Preload tab.
For the Fx, Fy, Fz field, enter the initial translational preloads in
the local x, y, z directions.
For the Tx, Ty, Tz field, enter the initial torque preloads in the
local x, y, z directions.