Altair HyperLife Crack Growth 2024.1 Release Notes


HyperLife Crack Growth is a specialty module for Crack growth analysis based on the method developed by Dr. Glinka 1 2. The solver can solve a crack growth problem considering:
  • Weight function-based stress intensity factor that uses local stress at the cracks.
  • Variable amplitude load.
  • External residual stress.
  • Crack retardation.
  • Short crack as well as long crack.
  • Load shedding/redistribution due to growing crack.

New Features

HyperLife Crack Growth lists the tools organized in a ribbon located along the top of the application. The ribbon allows you to quickly access tools and standard functions. The following features are supported in v2024.1:

MyMaterial in HyperLife Material context is extended to list the Crack Growth properties along with Strain Life material properties. The properties are also saved and editable via the User defined Material XML file.
All features available in the base profile of HyperLife are extended to HyperLife Crack Growth.
HotSpot dialog allows defining crack properties to manually created nodal hotspots. The dialog provides the following options to define the crack properties to each created hotspot:
  • Crack definition/type selection.
  • Crack direction.
  • Biasing along the crack direction based on the FE mesh.
  • Residual tables.
Evaluate and Results
Evaluate dialog to review the summary of the crack growth setup and job submission. Use the Results Explorer to review the results after job completion.