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Altair nanoFluidX 2024 Release Notes


  • Significant performance enhancements to the core solver. Most use cases can be solved up to 50% faster with reduced memory consumption.
  • Targeted improvements to the setup of vehicle wading cases.

New Features

The focus for this release was solver performance and enhancement of existing features.


Performance enhancement
With significant performance enhancements of the core solver, a speedup of up to 1.5x can be observed for most use cases. Furthermore, overhead for multi-GPU cases with relatively few particles per GPU has been reduced.
Reduced memory footprint
The memory requirement per boundary particle is slightly reduced. The reduction in memory consumption will be tangible for cases with a significant number of boundary particles.
Reduced write overhead
The default output compression level has been adjusted. This results in less runtime overhead for cases with frequent output with only a negligible increase in output file size.
Time Velocity Series (TVS) option
Time Velocity Series (TVS) option as input in the Vehicle Wading solution is now supported for sliding frame template (moving car).
Ignore custom probe surfaces from solid/liquid particle generation
The custom probe surfaces (flowrate probe) are now ignored during solid/liquid particle generation. The surface used to define custom probe should not be used to generate wall or solid particles for proper function of the probe.

Resolved Issues

  • An issue with impermeable directions of cylindrical porous regions causing permeable behavior.
  • SimLab crashed abruptly in vehicle wading solutions while modifying automatic domain limits.
  • In vehicle wading solution, the All moving bodies option as extractor has been removed from the Extractor dialog box.
  • In SimLab, difficulties were encountered in identifying the arc edge for the circular probe.