
Block Category: Signal Consumer

Description: The polarPlot block takes theta and r pairs and displays pairs of inputs in either a locus or vector format maintaining an orthogonal aspect ratio. You can customize the plot and control how data is displayed.

Memory Usage: The polarPlot block uses eight bytes per data point of RAM. If you are running a long simulation at a small step size, it is possible to exceed your RAM limit. For example, a simulation with a step size of 0.005 and duration of 32236 would require 6.4 million points of data per plot trace. At eight bytes per point, each plot trace uses 51MB of RAM. If you used all eight traces on a polarPlot block, you would exceed 412MB of RAM.

Zooming and sizing polarPlots:

To resize plots

You can change the size or shape of the polarPlot block by clicking on the Maximize button in the upper right-hand corner of the plot or dragging its edges or corners.

To zoom in

You can zoom in on plots to view the data at a magnified size. You can zoom in several times in a row for greater magnification. If the area you are zooming in on does not contain at least one data point, the magnified area will be blank.

1.    Point to one corner of the area you want to select.

2.    To anchor the corner, CTRL+depress.

3.    Drag the pointer until the box encloses the area you want to magnify. A status box in the lower left corner of the plot displays the pointer position.

4.    Release the button and CTRL key. If the magnified area is too small, no zooming action is performed.

To zoom out

      CTRL+right-click the plot.