View Plots

Many materials have multi point data associated with them (For example, stress-strain data or PVT data for molding applications). Such data can be viewed as a plots in AMDC.

You can view plots from the Properties tab. If you wish to view all the plots of a material then view the Plots tab.
  1. Choose one of the following:
    • Double-click the material.
    • Hover over a material, click
    A window opens to the right.
    By default, the Info tab displays general information of the selected material.
    Note: Click to view the material information in a full screen mode.
  2. Click Plots.
    A list of available curves for the selected material is displayed.
  3. Select the required curve from the list.
    The material properties data for the selected curve is displayed as a plot.

    Figure 1. The Material Data as a Plot