Configure Resources

Accelerator includes a sophisticated subsystem for the management of computing resources, which allows the design team to take into account all sorts of constraints regarding hardware and software resources, as well as site policy constraints. This mechanism is based on:
  • The resources required by jobs
  • The resources offered by taskers
  • The ResourceMap, as described in the file resources.tcl

Next, you will configure the resource map in resources.tcl.

Find and View the resources.tcl File

You can find this file in the server configuration directory. For default vnc queue, it is $VOVDIR/../../vnc/vnc.swd. For the test queue, it is in directory ~/ncadmin/vncdexin.swd/.
% cd ~/ncadmin/vncdexin.swd
% vi resources.tcl ; # Use the editor of your choice
# ... here we only show part of this file ... 
vtk_resourcemap_set PRIORITY_LOW       1
vtk_resourcemap_set PRIORITY_NORMAL    10
vtk_resourcemap_set PRIORITY_HIGH      20
vtk_resourcemap_set PRIORITY_TOP       UNLIMITED

With above default configuration, there will be at most 1 low priority job running at any time, 10 for normal, 20 for high, and any number of top priority jobs could be running.

  1. Run a simple test to verify that the above information is correct:
    % nc run -f $VOVDIR/training/vnc/cmdlist.unix
  2. You can use the Monitors window to monitor the "Running Jobs" and "Resources" to see the running jobs and resources usage. You can also use browser to get similar information from "Running Jobs" page and "Resources" page.

Configuration Examples

Example 1

For example, if you decide that no more than 4 normal priority jobs should be running at any time, you can edit resources.tcl and modify the value for normal priority to 4.
# ... here we only show part of this file ... 
vtk_resourcemap_set PRIORITY_LOW     1

# Now we change this value to 4
vtk_resourcemap_set PRIORITY_NORMAL  4

vtk_resourcemap_set PRIORITY_HIGH    20
vtk_resourcemap_set PRIORITY_TOP     UNLIMITED
Save your change and do a reread and test the new configuration:
% nc cmd vovproject reread
% nc run -f $VOVDIR/training/vnc/cmdlist.unix

Example 2

You can configure your resources similarly. For example, you have 10 calibre license, you can configure this by adding the following line in resources.tcl:
# In resources.tcl
vtk_resourcemap_set calibre_license 10
You can also associate a resource to other resource(s). For example, you have 4 licenses of spice that are only available on Linux. You can configure this by add the following line in resources.tcl:
# In resources.tcl
vtk_resourcemap_set hspice_license 4 linux

Resource Monitor

To monitor resource activity, call a GUI monitor with the command:
nc mon

Figure 1.